
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 367

        2018.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        동북아해역에서는 근대 이전에도 문화적 교류가 빈번하여 중국의 전통학문인 한학이 한반도와 일본에 수용되었다. 도쿠가와 막부시절 일본에 본격적으로 소개된 주자학은 조선과 중국본토를 통해서 들어와 짧은 시간에 큰 성장을 이루었고, 또 난학으로 대표되는 서양학문도 수용되었다. 이후 메이지시대를 맞이한 일본은 국민국가의 이데올로기로서 국학을 필요로 했고, 이 국학의 탄생과정에 서학과 한학이 길항하게 되었다. 근대 학문으로서 국학을 정립하려 했던 일본 지식인들은 근대 이전에 수용한 한학과 어떤 관계를 설정해야하며 또 어떤 내용을 담아야할 것인가에 대한 고민에 놓이게 된다. 이것은 근대 학문으로서 일본에 중국학을 정립 하는 문제와 연결되었고, 이 과정에서 서구의 시놀로지를 참조하게 되었다. 본 논문은 이러한 일본 중국학의 성립과정을 역사적으로 점검하고 현재 일본에서 중국학은 무엇을 지향하고 있는지 살펴보았다. 이는 우리의 향후 중국학에 대한 전망에 시사점을 줄 것으로 기대한다.
        2018.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The new Treaty on Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (“TPNW”) opened for signature on September 20, 2017. It will enter into force in 90 days after getting 50 instruments of ratification. This fact shows that Asia-Pacific is in the forward position to totally eliminate nuclear weapons in the world for the peace, security and human well-being. How to move forward the process of ratifying the TPNW? In order to clarify this question, the author will focus on the following three parts: 1) Asia-Pacific and International Humanitarian Law; 2) Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons - a step towards the nuclear disarmament; and 3) Ratification of TPNW.
        2018.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        저어새(Platalea minor)는 세계자연보전연맹(IUCN)에서 발표한 RedList에 Endangered(EN)로 지정되어 있으며, 2016년 기준으로 3,356개체가 생존하는 것으로 알려지고 있다. 또한 저어새 번식 개체군의 70% 이상은 한국 서해안에서 번식하며, 대만, 중국, 홍콩 등지에서 월동하는 것으로 알려져 있으나 한국을 비롯하여 동아시아 지역에서 저어새의 장거리 이동과 남하 시 서식지에 대한 연구는 현재까지 거의 이루어지지 않은 실정이다. 이 연구에서는 야생동물위치추적기(WT-200, GPS-Mobile phone based telemetry, KoEco)를 이용하여 저어새의 이동 경로와 분포, 중간기착지 및 월동지를 밝히고자 하였다. 위치추적기는 2014년 6월 말 한국의 번식지에서 저어새 유조를 포획하여 부착했다. 추적 결과, 저어새의 남하시기는 10월 말에서 11월 초로 나타났으며, 월동지까지의 이동 거리는 최소 746km, 최대 1,820 km로 평균 1,201 km이었다. 하루 최대 이동 거리는 1,479 km이었으며, 평균 782 km이었다. 월동지까지 이동 소요 기간은 평균 10일이었으며, 가장 짧은 기간은 2일이었고 가장 긴 기간은 34일이었다. 대부분의 개체들은 2~3개의 중간기착지를 이용하였으며, 1~2일을 머물렀으며, 주요 중간기착지는 강, 하천, 저수지, 갯벌과 같은 습지였다. 월동지는 중국 해안 지역(5개체), 중국 내륙 지역(1개체), 대만(3개체), 일본(1개체)등 으로 나타났다. 결론적으로 저어새의 이동경로 상에 있는 국가 간의 협의와 보호정책을 통해 이들이 주로 이용하는 중간기착지 및 월동지역을 보전할 필요가 있으며, 향후 지속적인 모니터링과 추가연구를 통해 체계적인 보전대책 및 활동계획 등이 수립되어야 할 것으로 판단된다.
        2018.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The mandible character of the Lucanidae is vary by considering of developmental difference in male individual specimen. Especially, species of Genus Cyclommatus Parry, 1862 presents strong mandibular allometry. In this research, The species group which related to Cyclommatus montanellus Möllenkamp, 1904 has been evaluated for the first time in this research with inner teeth composition and positioning to establish clear taxonomic key to each species.
        2018.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        19세기 이래 영미권에서는 근대적인 역사지도집이 다수 제작되었고, 현재까지도 그 전통이 유지되고 있다. 이 결과 영미권에서 발간되는 역사지도집은 한국을 포함한 다수의 국가에서 역사지도집 발간 시 주요한 참고자료로 활용되고 있다. 그러나 이들 역사지도집은 세계적인 명성에도 불구하고 적지 않은 지도학적 및 역사지리학적 문제점을 가지고 있다. 본 연구에서는 대표적인 영미권 내 역사지도집인 「더 타임스 세계 역사지도집」 과 「돌링 킨더슬리 세계 역사지도집」 내에 수록된 동북아시아 지역 관련 역사지도들을 대상으로 지도학적, 역사지리학적 분석을 통해 문제점을 확인 하였다. 분석 결과 지도학적으로는 축척, 방위 등 지도학적 기본 요소의 부재, 해안선 및 하천 등 지형요소의 부적절한 표현, 국경선 표시의 부적절함, 한반도 형태의 부자연스러운 점 등의 문제점이 발견되었다. 아울러 역사지리학적으로는 한군현의 과도한 영역표시, 발해 명칭 표기 문제, 한반도의 중국 영토 표시 문제 등이 확인되었다. 한편 독도는 1993년 남북한 유엔 동시 가입 이후 분쟁지역이라는 표시가 사라지면서 지도상에 표시되지 않고 있음이 파악되었고, 동해표기는 예외적인 경우를 제외하고 병기가 이루어지고 있음이 확인되었다.
        2018.07 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Introduction With the advent of new technology and progress of globalization, the adoption of offshore outsourcing policies, especially in the service sector, becomes a common practice. The motivation to outsource globally arises from a pursuit for agility to cope with changing environment (Gilley & Rasheed, 2000; Mukherjee, Gaur, & Datta, 2013), cost reduction (Ang & Straub, 1998), and eventually competitive advantage (Kang, Wu, Hong, & Park, 2012; Kremic, Tukel, & Rom, 2006). However, recent service research represents outsourcing as a double-edged sword, with both damaging and beneficial consequences (Rasheed & Gilley, 2005), and one of the major concerns of offshore service outsourcing is that customer-based brand equity of the service provider maybe affected negatively. At the moment, few international marketing or business studies empirically test the negative implications of offshore outsourcing on customer loyalty and brand equity. The comparisons between front-end and back-end service outsourcing as well as between BRIC and non-BRIC nations are also missing in the literature. Service providers need strategic information about the possible risks of outsourcing specific types of services to specific countries (Pappu, Quester, & Cooksey, 2005). Therefore, based on the literature of brand equity and country-of- origin (COO) theory, we constructed an integrated framework to explain the outcomes of offshore outsourcing from a service and brand marketing point of view. Theoretical Development COO literature indicates that consumers transfer negative perceptions of a country to perceptions of products (Pappu, Quester, & Cooksey, 2006). This principle should apply to perceptions of outsourced back-end services—an increasingly common tactic by service firms (Blumberg, 1998)—such that outsourcing to an Asian economy has negative effects on brand associations and quality. The better the perception of the country that performs outsourced services, the better perception of brand equity, including both associations, quality perception, and ultimately brand loyalty. Because the front-end service employees have more direct interaction with customers, this influence will be stronger as compared to back-end service outsourcing. Meanwhile, we predicted that consumers should perceive India (and other BRIC economies) more favorably, because of their rapid economic development. Research Design To test the hypotheses, this study probed into New Zealand consumers’ perceptions of outsourcing services in the banking industry to India and the Philippines. We adapted the SERVQUAL scale to measure the perception of outsourcing. Subjects’ COO perception and customer-based brand equity were also collected in the online questionnaire. The survey procedure produced 288 completed and usable questionnaires: 132 with India as the country of origin and 156 for the Philippines. Result and Conclusion An initial analysis confirmed the validity of the research tool. The results from multigroup structural equation modelling showed that outsourcing services, in light of country-of-origin effects, has a long-term negative impact, especially for front-end services, on both brand equity and brand loyalty. Consumers appeared more concerned with the quality of customer service and general administration than information systems and technology. Meanwhile, although subjects’ outsourcing and COO perceptions are negative for both India and the Philippines, the results indicated no significant difference between the two nations regarding the levels of impact of such perceptions on brand equity. Based on the findings from the study, we recommend that organizations should consider outsourcing back-end functions before moving to front-end services, because the back-end services have less impact on brand equity. Managers should also have great discretion about where to send back-end services, because consumers’ COO perceptions do not relate significantly to brand equity for outsourced information systems or technology.
        2018.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Many are crying foul over the Trump Administration’s use of steel and aluminum tariffs, claiming that imports are not a threat to the US national security. Rather, it has been argued that the tariffs are a pretext to gain strategic advantage in unrelated trade negotiations. Members of the Trump administration have hailed subsequent trade concessions as proof that the tariffs have been successful, which, if proven, could raise a credible question as to whether the President exceeded the scope of his authority. Domestic and international challenges have already begun with the US courts being a more effective forum to the challenge the legality of the tariffs than the WTO.
        2018.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Phthorimaea operculella is a pest causing serious damages in worldwide potato cultivation. As climatic factors are considered to be the most crucial on species’ distribution, we tried to compare climatic conditions between a native area of Phthorimaea operculella with cities in South Korea and other areas in Asia based on climatic similarity provided by 'Match Climates' function of CLIMEX software. Even though there is arguing regarding origin of Phthorimaea operculella, we selected Peru and Bolivia as home climate, and compared its climatic similarity to other areas in Asia with application of SRES A1B 2030 climate change scenario. Result showed that South Korea has favorable climatic condition for Phthorimaea operculella. Also, most of Asia except north China and south Russia showed the similar climate suitable for Phthorimaea operculella.
        2018.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The brown marmorated stinkbug, Halyomorpha halys, is an invasive insect pest in North America and Europe that attacks crop species and causes substantial economic damage. To evaluate the genetic diversities and distributions of different H. halys populations in East Asia, North America, and Europe, COI sequences obtained from 79 new specimens from Korea and 10 from the USA were compared with 725 existing COI sequences. In total, 45 haplotypes were detected in populations from 10 countries. Sixteen haplotypes from Korea (H34–.H49) and 2 from the USA (H50 and H51) were novel. Korean populations exhibited the 2nd highest diversity among the 10 countries, with only Greece exhibiting higher diversity. Haplotype H22 was prominent in Korea, H1 was prominent in China, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Canada, and USA, and H3 was prominent in France and Switzerland. Of the 18 haplotypes found in Korea, 1 was shared with China (H2) and 1 with Greece (H22). Haplotype diversity patterns showed that Korean populations were genetically distinct from populations in China, Europe, and North America. This suggested that populations in Europe and North America arose through multiple invasions from China and that (with the exception of Greece), Korean populations did not spread to other countries. This study represents a comprehensive analysis of H. halys populations in Korea and places these populations in a global context that includes other native populations in East Asia and invasive populations in Europe and North America.
        2018.03 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This article is focused on some scenarios of a third way for Jeju Peace Island for Koreas as one of provincial government. In 2002 and 2006, We suggest United Three States of Korea : South Korea, North Korea and Jeju Island Korea. But in real situation Korean government chooses the Jeju Special Self-Governing Province. After practicing it 11 years, Jeju islanders are complaining it is not enough for them to improve its autonomy to push its policies on its way without empowering main authorities to local province from central government. So, they wants more power through revision of Korean Constitution as same as State government of USA and Switzerland such as guaranteeing special status of Jeju government as Hong Kong of China. In our opinion, in a word, Jeju islanders want to become “ Jeju Peace Self-Governing Province,” for two Koreas.
        2017.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This article’s aim is to review the jurisprudence which has emerged pursuant to the international dispute settlement provisions and to provide a provisional expectation as to the future of international dispute settlement under“UNCLOS”. Globally, marine fisheries play an important role in ocean biodiversity and the food security of millions of people, providing a vital source of high-quality dietary protein and supporting individuals’livelihoods and income. In the 1982 Convention, the establishment of co-operative mechanisms for effective monitoring, control, surveillance and enforcement, decision-making procedures facilitating the adoption of such measures of conservation and management, and the promotion of the peaceful settlement of disputes are called for. In this study,‘Northeast Asian Sea’means that the Yellow/ East China Sea, the East Sea, the Ohotsk Sea, the Kamchaka Sea, the Alaska Sea, and the Bering Sea surrounded by Korea, China, Japan, Russia, U.S.A. and Canada including their EEZs. There are several bilateral fisheries agreements existing in Northeast Asian area, the Fisheries Agreement between Republic Korea and Japan, between Republic of Korea and China, between China and Japan, between Republic Korea and U.S.A., between Republic Korea and Russia, between Russia and Japan, And there are several regional fisheries organizations existing in Northeast Asian area, for example NPAFC(Convention for the Conservation of Anadromous Stocks in the North Pacific Ocean), CBSPC (Convention on the Central Bering Sea Pollack Conservation), PICES(North Pacific Marine Science Organization), NPFC(North Pacific Fishery Commi-ssion) etc. It analyzed the proliferation of bilateral treaties and multilateral treaties due to the adoption of the EEZ in Northeast Asia reviewed the strengthening of management rights on the high seas marine living resources and marine environment preservation of regional fisheries organizations. In view of the changes in the international fisheries mechanism this paper suggested the future direction of the country in overseas fisheries. We concluded as follows. We shall apply bilateral treaties first, regional fisheries organizations’treaties secondly, and provisions under“UNCLOS”for dispute settlement last.
        2017.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        PURPOSES : One of the main components of road projects funded by the Economic Development Cooperation Fund (EDCF) is the improvement or rehabilitation of existing pavements. The result is that pavement structures are critical to the success of a project. There is, however, no design standard available at present that reflects a region's specific features including climate conditions and quality of pavement materials. For this reason, a comparative study of the major EDCF borrowers' flexible pavement design standards was conducted. This study led to the proposal of a new method for applying flexible pavement designs which can be used for EDCF-funded projects in Asia. METHODS : The method has been produced by adjusting some input data of the "AASHTO Interim Guide for Design of Pavement Structures" in accordance with certain Asian countries' geometrical features, tropical and subtropical weather, and strength of pavement materials. The Philippine regional factors, having five different grades, have been selected after taking into consideration the amount of rainfall, strength of pavement materials, and characteristics of the Asia and Pacific regions. Structural layer coefficients have been prepared for two different regions according to the geometric difference between Southeast and Southwest Asia. The Philippine and Sri Lankan coefficients have been used for Southeast Asia and Southwest Asia, respectively. CONCLUSIONS : Owing to applying this new method, it was verified that the thickness of the pavement was underestimated by between 11 cm and 16 cm compared with the originally designed thickness. Having discovered that the use of the Korean and Americanoriented factors and coefficients is not appropriate for other Asian countries, the new method is expected to enhance the quality of pavement in future projects.
        2017.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The oriental fruit fly, Bactrocera dorsalis (Hendel), has potential of serious damage to various vegetables or fruits,especially genus of Citrus, such as mandarin orange and tangerine in Korea, where its larvae do damages. Animal andPlant Quarantine Agency of Korea and Animal Systematics Laboratory of Kunsan National University have collected thesamples of oriental fruit fly in East Asian countries, Vietnam, Philippines, Myanmar, China, Cambodia, India, Nepal andLaos. To confirm genetic differences and structure of B. dorsalis population samples collected from those countries, weanalyzed 192 individuals from 28 locations over 7 countries using 15 microsatellite loci. In total samples, number ofdifferent alleles, number of effective alleles and Shannon's Information Index were 6.421±0.364 (standard error, SE), 3.664±0.137(SE) and 0.902±0.030 (SE), respectively. Grand means (±SE) of observed and expected heterozygosity over all loci andpopulations were 0.534 (±0.018) and 0.597 (±0.017), respectively. Among all populations, Fst values ranged from 0.016to 0.705 with averaging 0.194 (±0.026).
        2017.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        It is important to understand the variability of tropospheric ozone since it is both a major pollutant affecting human health and a greenhouse gas influencing global climate. We analyze the characteristics of East Asia tropospheric ozone simulated in a chemistry-climate model. We use a global chemical transport model, driven by the prescribed meteorological fields from an air-sea coupled climate model simulation. Compared with observed data, the ozone simulation shows differences in distribution and concentration levels; in the vicinity of the Korean Peninsula, a large error occurred in summer. Our analysis reveals that this bias is mainly due to the difference in atmospheric circulation, as the anomalous southerly winds lead to the decrease in tropospheric ozone in this region. In addition, observational data have shown that the western North Pacific subtropical high (WNPSH) reduces tropospheric ozone across the southern China/ Korean Peninsula/Japan region. In the model, the ozone changes associated with WNPSH are shifted westward relative to the observations. Our findings suggest that the variations in WNPSH should be considered in predicting tropospheric ozone concentrations.
        2017.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 논문에서는 동아시아 삼국의 전통지화의 기원을 고찰하고, 대표적인 사례를 통해 문화적 전승과 변용의 현상을 비교하여 그 유사성과 차이를 살 펴본다. 불교의식에서 지화를 공양하게 된 기원은 불설우란분경(佛説盂蘭盆經) 에 근거하여 돌아가신 선조의 구제를 위한 의식에서 조화(造花)를 공양했던 것에서 비롯되었을 것으로 생각된다. 현재는 지화가 장식용이나 무속의식을 위한 용도로도 제작되지만 원래는 불교의식에서 기원한 사례들이 많이 확인된다. 또한 추운 겨울이 있는 동아 시아 기후의 특성상 사시사철 꽃을 공양하기 위해서 지화가 활발하게 만들 어졌으리라는 점을 짐작해볼 수 있다. 중국의 경우에는 불교의식에서 비롯된 지화의 쓰임이 점차 민간신앙의 영 역까지 확대되면서 주술적인 의미를 담지하게 되는 것을 볼 수 있다. 또한 착지화와 전지화의 사례를 통해 기능의 확대가 종류와 형태의 다양화를 불 러오는 것을 확인할 수 있다. 방암지화의 경우에는 한국의 전통지화와 제작 기법과 형태면에서 가장 유사한 것으로 보인다. 일본의 시카바나의 경우에는 현지 민속학자들도 아직 명확한 결론을 내지 못한 상태이긴 하지만 불교의 고사를 재해석하여 장례민속에 적용하거나, 일본 특유의 ‘결계(結界)’관념을 도입한 것으로 짐작해 볼 수 있다. 한국의 전통지화는 기본적으로 굿당이나, 불당, 혹은 잔칫상을 장식하는 기능을 하고 있으며, 의식에 쓰일 때는 신앙적 의미를 갖고 있지만, 의식이 끝난 후에는 주술성을 담지하는 장식물로 사용되었다. 또한 윤회매(輪回梅) 의 경우에는 고담한 장식성이 강조된다. 이러한 장식적 기능과 신앙적 상징 성이 지화의 본질적 성격으로 생각된다.
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