
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 16

        2015.01 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본고는 효과적인 한자교육을 위하여 한자의 字體 변천과정에서 나타난 한자 字素의 변화 과정을 분석하고 현재 우리가 사용하고 있는 한자 자형인 楷書에서 나타난 자소들의 변이현상과 기본 규율을 정리하고자 한다. 또한 그 연구 결과를 한자교육의 현장에 적용함으로써 變異 字素들의 本義를 파악하지 못하여 발생하는 字形과 字義에 대한 혼란 해결을 그 목적으로 한다. 현재 中國에서 2001년부터 정책적으로 시행하고 있는 漢字 敎育 방법인 構形學은 說文解字의 小篆 構形 체계를 시작으로 전통적인 육서의 주요한 정신을 받아들여 근본적으로 육서의 부족한 점을 보충하였다. 構形學은 구조 기능 분석법을 이용하여 한자의 本義를 설명하고 시대별 字體 변화에 따른 자형 구조상의 규칙을 찾으려는 현대 한자학 이론이다. 한자의 字體를 쉽게 이해할 수 있는 효율적인 한자 자형 분석 방법을 찾으려면 構形學을 적용하여 字素를 정확히 분석하는 것이 기초적인 작업이라고 할 수 있다. 構形學에서 기본으로 삼고 있는 說文解字는 小篆의 字形을 중심으로 한자의 구조와 형태를 분석하여 ‘六書說’을 제시했다. 하지만 그 후로 한자는 隸書와 楷書로의 변천 과정을 거치면서 자형에 많은 변화가 있었고 심지어 楷書 중의 獨體字에서는 字體가 서로 점합하여 더 이상 獨體象形字의 결합으로 볼 수 없는 경우도 나타났다. 이러한 자형 변화의 과정에서 나타난 자소의 변이와 그 규칙성을 찾아내기 위해서는 說文解字의 六書說을 기본적인 이론으로 삼아야 할 것이다. 또한 字形을 정확히 분석하기 위해서는 시대에 따른 한자의 字體 변화를 참고하여 字形을 구성하는 각각의 구성요소를 분석해 낼 수 있어야 한다. 현재 우리가 사용하고 있는 한자는 隸變의 과정을 겪은 뒤의 자형이므로 古文字 계통과의 자형상 괴리가 심하여 한자를 교육하는 현장에서 느끼게 되는 혼란이 적지 않다. 이러한 제반의 문제들을 보완하고 교육현장에서 효율적 字形 교육을 실시함으로써 수많은 변이자소들로 인한 의미 파악의 혼란을 해결하는 것이 시급한 문제라고 생각한다.
        2008.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study examines the examples and changes of wooden member terms in Yeonggeon-euigwe(營建儀軌) in the era of Joseon Dynasty. As a result of examining examples, about 240 wood member terms were found on the basis of phonetic value and examples different from today's term use were also confirmed. Wood member terms were derived in variety and synonym and different style, that is, coexistence or transition of several notations as the term indicating the same member was found. Derivation of detail terms has the characteristic increasing on the basis of morpheme and formation of different notation followed Chinese notation or was caused by complex coinage features like a coined word of Korea by the meaning of a word and borrowed character notation borrowing sound and it is also related to the specificity of that time which had dual language system. The typical examples without different style for long were pillar, rafter, door and window. Examples with active generation and selection of different styles included beam, capital and bracket-system terms. Different styles were caused by the combination of several notations including borrowed character in the process of Chinese character notation borrowing sound, Korean unique character emphasizing and limiting combination of 木 (wood) with side of character and Chinese. Period showing remarkable change of example notation was the compilation of 《the Hwa-Sung-Sung-Euk-Eui-Gue》華城城役儀軌. 《the Hwa-Sung-Sung-Euk-Eui-Gue》is the representative type uigwe made by printed type not by handicraft. Printing by type accompanies unification of the shape of a character necessarily and it was considered that it resulted in the unification of character of different style, the number of strokes and minute difference of strokes, and it was interpreted that common use of intentional notation with the unification of the shape of a character was achieved.
        2007.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        이 논문은 現行고등학교 한문교과서의 史的變遷을 살펴본 논문이다.주로 제1차 敎育課程期부터 제7차 교육과정기까지 한문교과서의 體制,單元配列,한자 한자어의 主題別단원 構成등에 대한 比較分析檢討,바람직한 한문교과서의 방향 등을 연구한 논문이다.현행 한문교과서의 史的변천에 대한 內容을 要約整理하면 다음과 같다.1.漢文敎科書의 體制1)內的體制의 變遷:한문교과서의 編次는 單純편차 방식에서 多段階편차 방식으로 增大擴大되어 왔다.2)外的體制의 變遷:한문교과서의 외적체제(版型,活字및 활자 크기,用紙,色度등)도 많은 변천 과정을 가져 왔다.(1)版型:제1차 교육과정기〜제6차 교육과정기까지 菊版이 사용되다가,제7차 교육과정기부터는 4․6배판이 사용되고 있다.(2)活字:교육과정기가 거듭될수록 활자는 輕便字母活字에서 원도활자로,전산식자체에서 CAP시스템으로 발전을 거듭하였으며,色度도 單色에서 7차 교육시기에는 2도로 발전을 하였다.(3)用紙(紙質):본문에 사용된 용지는 갱지→미색 갱지→중질지(서적지)→서적지로 발전을 가져 왔으며,표지에 사용된 용지는 갱지→모조지→백상지→엠보싱으로 발전을 가져 왔다. 2.單元配列1)全體單元體系:제1차 시기에는 교과서에 한자․한자어 영역의 小單元구성을 하고 있지 않았고,제2차〜제4차 시기에는 전체 교과서 중에 몇 종만이 大單元과 소단원을 구성하는 체계를 가지고 있었고,나머지 교과서들은 소단원 구성을 하고 있었다.제5차〜제7차시기까지 거의 모든 교과서가 대단원을 구성하고 있었다.2)漢字․漢字語領域單元體系:제1차 시기에는 교과서에 한자․한자어 영역의 소단원을 구성한 교과서는 한 군데도 없었으며,제2차 시기에서 제4차시기까지에는 생활 ‘한자어’가 주를 이루었다.제5차 이후에는 현대에서 만들어진 成語및 故事成語가 ‘한자․한자어’영역에 점점 내용이 증가 되었으며,7차 교육과정 시기에는 ‘성어,고사성어에 관한 내용이 증가되었다.3)敎育課程單位時間配當:한문과 교육과정 단위 시간에 알맞은 대단원과 소단원의 수는 <한문>이 4단위일 경우에는 68시간 내에 가능한 소단원 수는 29개 미만이어야 하고,바람직한 대단원 수는 6~8개이며,1개의 대단원 속에 소단원수는 3~4개 정도가 알맞다.<한문>이 8단위일 경우에는 136시간 내에 가능한 소단원 수는 57개 미만이어야 하고,바람직한 대단원 수는 10~14개이며,1개의 대단원 속에 소단원수는 4~5개 정도가 알맞다.3.漢字․漢字語의 主題別單元構成제1차시기부터 제7차시기까지 한자․한자어 영역의 내용을 이루는 主題는 入學式,祖國,文化,敎育,國土,民族,科學,經濟,民主社會,環境등을 포함하여 모두 38개의 주제로 다양하게 구성되고 있다.
        2007.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Jeoksimto which was build up as the reinforcement establishment made with the soil under the cornerstone in the site of tile-capped building is the representative construction technique which become popular in the Sabi capital era after the Wungjin capital era. Especially from the fact that no site of tile-capped building with this Jeoksimto has been found in the Silla area, we can see the originality Baekje technique. We can analogize the specialization of Josagong (造寺工) (craftsman building the temple) and the diversity of technique, on the basis of the technique raising the ground level which is different with the middle gate site of Neung-sa and the Hall enshrining Buddha site in Buyeo. Moreover, we can have the confidence the dispatch of craftsman and the transmission of building technique from the Buyeo area to the Iksan area through the fact that the construction techniques of Jeoksimto in both area are almost the same. However the concerns in the construction archaeology are necessary because almost no study for Jeoksimto has been conducted and the term of Jeoksimto also is unfamiliar even if excavation of Baekje Jeoksimto in the several remains.
        2005.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study is to find out the characteristics of the changes of the site layout in Beopjusa which was built on Maitreya faith in the Shilla.. According to the analysis of it in this study, we make conclusions as follows; 1) The reconstruction of Beopjusa means a start in Dhamalsama(法相宗) and then it was supposed to be Buddhist temple which was formed by intersecting axis of centering around a wooden pagoda(捌相殿) with a main Buddhist hall and a lecture hall. 2) After the middle of Koryo dynasty, Beopjusa was changed to building layout of intersecting with Yongwabojeon(龍華寶殿) and Daeungbojeon(大雄寶殿) because of harmony with Avatamsaka(華嚴宗) and Dhamalsama centering around Avatamsaka. 3) The buildings of Zen Buddhism was built in the early Chosun dynasty owing to a prevalence of Zen Buddhism in the late Koryo dynasty. And since 17th century, Buddhist halls were each built in their a faith system according to interpenetrated Buddhism(通佛敎). 4) The courtyard type of mountainous district was made on interpenetrated Buddhism. On the other hand, the site layout of Beopjusa is being maintained by centripetal spatial organization through the wooden pagoda as object.
        2005.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study is focused on a space for man in upper classes house that is one of appeared characteristics as Korea, China and Japan imported Confucianism become common cultural base in these countries. Because a space for man in these countries has the same nature represented as a typical space in a upper classes house, and this space is differentiated by regional features, a way of thinking, a way of life and social structure as well, these characteristics are compared one another. Import of Confucianism influenced formation of a upper classes house and the spaces of the house are divided by generation, sexuality and classes. A space for man become a center of the house as well as a space for reception in accordance with patriarchism because this space stands for hierarchy of the house. A space for man of each country, Korea, China and Japan, has differences; that is, Chinese Jeongbang is used as a space for family as well as for guests; Korean Sarangchae is for only men and used as a reception space; Japanese Zasiki is used just for reception. These differences among countries are caused by owner's class, a civil officer or a military officer, and this class differentiated the characteristics of reception for guest. Even though the these countries take the space for man for meeting, Chinese is for family, Korean is for ancestors and Japanese is for guests.
        2004.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Through 16-17th century, Neo-Confucianism was accepted and extended to Chosun Dynasty. The architecture of the Taegae school made buildings of Yongnam area rich by adding the regional characteristics based on Taegae's thought of architecture. The following is the architectural characteristics of the academic clique around Sangju. Transformation such as separation and combination of the Jeongsa space by function, lifted floor type reflecting local feature or high platform was appeared, and the architectural characteristics of the Taegae school, that is, a small scale, a moderate figure, a type of side-attached floor, landscape, were still maintained at the same time. The characteristics of the Taegae school and regional figure of Sangju were well joined. The upper class houses, Seodang, Jeongsa and Seowon, built by Confucianist had shared common Confucian characteristics in spite of their different purposes. The world view of the Confucianism such as sacrifice for sages, cultivation, devoting for study, teaching disciples, and education for villagers was revealed through the Confucian architecture including dwelling houses during the 16-17th century. Buildings of Confucianist were focused on the space for men. Seoae and Kyumam built two different Jeongsa's inside and outside of the boundary of the nakdong river. While Seodang and Jeongsa located outside of the boundary of the river were built excluding spaces for living, the function of the Jeongsa located inside of the boundary of the river was assimilated by Sarangcahe. However, both buildings kept the function for cultivation, devoting for study and teaching.
        2004.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study is to bring light on the characteristics of the transition in the Ddeulzip. The subject of this study is clan village of Pungsan Kim's family in Andong Cultural Area. Architectural transition of Ddeulzip is analyzed into three part. The first part is settlement of family. In this process, there is a background and many types of settlement. The second part is the extension of family. The extensional types are 'near-by branch' and 'far-away branch'. The last part is variation of housing. Spacial requests of residence are changed endlessly. Thus the spacial types of Ddeulzip are changed by the construction time of building. In many case, we couldn't decide the building period. The genealogy of Chosun Dynasty is the base of family history. In this study, the construction activity of Ddeulzip is based on the genealogy. The phylogenetic tree of Ddeulzip in clan village is constructed by the genealogy. The figures of the type of bunch of grapes is made by phylogenetic tree based on the genealogy. Omi Village in Andong was settled at first in the 15C. The cause of settlement is the aim of escape from political oppression. For long time, Omi Village is developed gradually. There area is divided in some small family boundary. There spacial types are contained the characteristics of many times. Orock Village in Bonghwa is settled for search of best environment in the last of 17C. At that time, a lot of families of same clan are gathered in that village. For short time, Orock Village is enlarged quickly. Thus there spacial type is similar each other. But boundary of entire space of outdoor is constructed clearly by pavilion area, housing area and sanctuary area.
        1998.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In the meantime, the study of traditional and contemporary house had been produced so many achievements in korea, but modern house is yet to be solved, Accordingly, It is necessary to develop and present the basic research data in order to build up an objective study for urban house in the modern age(1910-1945), Following to a study on the foreigner's house in grid-type settlement of Open Ports, in this research is to investigate and analyze modern houses of urban areas in korean inland, and then clarify types and changes of them. In the first year(1995~96), the modern houses of Central Inland Districts(arrounding river Kumgang)-Kunsan kanggyong Puyo Kongju Pugang Chongju were investigated by the layout of room, the construction and materials, the design and style, etc. In the second year(1996~97), the modern houses of Open Market(開市場)-Seoul Taegu Kwangju Taejon Chonju were conducted to investigate as above. The traditional house transformed by differentiation and addition of room(kan), the various types were respectively adopted for the korean reforming and western cultural house. In the layout of room, the types of plan were gradually concentrated from the single wings of korean traditional house. The korean traditional house was later improved through the introduction of entrance, corridor, and internal toilet/bathroom. But the korean under-floor heating system(andal) and a series of three rooms had been entirely maintained, composed of master bedroom/living room(daechung)/room. And the traditional town house with shop and storage, being built closely to each other and walled up both sides, it had taken gradually the extensive characteristics in itself. By the displacement of shop/dwelling/ storage. the various types were respectively adopted for the separated, multi-storied, and complex type. The type of them was gradually changed to the narrow and linear form. And so with the stockpile of fundamental datas about modern houses in korean urban areas, we expect these results contribute to the knowledge of the spatial characteristics of urban house at present which are required to the understanding of transition as well as types.
        1998.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Seowon(書院) was an institute for education and sacrificial rite, established privately in rural villages throughout the middle period of the Chosun dynasty(1392-1910), where scholars researched classic studies, cultivated personal characters in accordance with the Neo-Confucianism, nurtured young disciples, and performed rites at a secluded shrine where spiritual tablets of honorees were housed. This study examines the architectural characteristics of Pilamseowon(筆巖書院) in Chans'seong, Chollanamdo Province, Korea. Through the study, the architectural characteristics of Pilamseowon were found as follows: First, Pilamseowon moved twice since it had been established. Second, through the moving, the area of Pilamseowon was expanded and buildings were added. Third, some buildings of Pilamseowon reflect the previous condition of the seowon site. Take Hwakyeonroo(廓然樓) as an example, which is the main entrance pavilion of Pilamseowon. Pavilion is an appropriate type of building in sloped site. Before Hwakyeonroo was moved to the present site, it was located on sloped site, where Hwakyeonroo accordingly took the pavilion type of building. Present site condition of Pilamseowon is plane, nonetheless, Hwakyeonroo has the pavilion type of building, which reflects the previous condition of the building site. Forth, Pilamseowon consists of six spatial domains and each domain has its own entrance gate to outer area.
        1997.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The results of analyzing opening types in the rear elevations of ninety-six buddhist temples which would be existence can be summarized as follows ; 1) Opening types in the rear elevations of buddhist temples in the Koryo Dynasty were various as the type of doors and windows, and the type of combining with walls. but the fact had something in common that whole door was the swinging pannel one, and the type of the whole window was the lattice and the mullioned casement one. 2) The type of the lattice windows were disappered and the only type of the mullioned casement windows were put in an apperance in the early period of Cho-sun Dynasty. 3) The type of doors + walls and the type of doors + windows in the rear elevations of buddhist temples of the seventeenth century were absolute. Especially the mullioned casement windows were used mainly in buddhist temple of the type of doors + windows. 4) The type of doors + windows in the rear elevations of buddhist temples of the eighteenth century did not be seen, but types of doors + walls and walls + walls which were much enclosed, were mainly put to use in those.
        1994.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        1988.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Age, sex and the amount of activity determine recommended dietary allowances. So the method of developing RDA and their levels have been revised according as the physical condition of a nation improves and the amount of activity changes along with the variety of social situations. It can be seen from records that in Korea the absolute nutrient requirements for the people in Chosun Dynasty were first published in 1922. After that, in 1941 Gui Dong Han expressed his view that the standard health diets for the Japanese would be suitable for the people in Chosun Dynasty. In 1960, the temporary nutrition standards for the Koreans were established by the Ministry of the Health and Social Affairs. For these standards, males and females were respectively divided into three groups by age and nine nutrients were recommended for each group. In 1962, The Korean Association to FAO published the RDA for the Koreans. Since then, regular researches have been done. For these allowances, there were 16 age groups of men and women and ten nutrients recommended for each group. On the first revision in 1967, the fat allowance was presented at the ratio (12%) of fat calorie to total calories with no change in the number of age catagories and in the kinds of nutrients. And the basis of the riboflavin allowance was changed from the level of protein intake to that of energy intake. On the socond revision in 1975, there was brought 19 are catagories and ten nutrients recommended. On the third revision in 1980, age catagories increased to 22, and ten nutrients were recommended. On the fourth revision in 1985, there remained 21 groups by uniting the early and later periods of pregency. On the first revision in 1967, the recommended energy allowance was 3000 kcal, the highest level. Since then it has gradually been reduced. And it can be noticed that the protein allowance was high when food was difficult to obtain.