
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 19

        2020.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        PURPOSES : The purpose of this research was to select sites that are appropriate for the storage of individual protective gear that can be used by traffic-controlling police when chemical terrorism occurs. METHODS : A storage facility, which is classified as Class A in the Act on Safety Action at Facilities Vulnerable to Terrorism, is defined for use in the event of soft-target chemical terrorism. Considering the number of controlled intersections and the police stations/substations within a radius of 750 m, the jurisdiction of traffic police and grade of protective gear were identified using ammonia, which has the widest protection boundary among known chemical terrorism substances. RESULTS : The results indicate that mobilization should only occur after the police have put on protective gear at the nearby station, regardless of the police district. Additionally, Class B protective gear should be furnished if there is a police station/substation within the jurisdiction, whereas Class C protective gear should be furnished if there is police station/substation outside of the jurisdiction. CONCLUSIONS : Because it is inefficient to keep protective gear at all police stations/substations, appropriate sites should be selected in accordance with chemical terrorism action strategy.
        2014.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Experiment was set up to analyze bycatch and discards situation including snow crap Chionoecetes opilio of whelk trap. Four types of trap were used: drum type trap with PE net; drum type trap with PBS net; cylinder type trap with PE net; and cylinder type net with PBS net. Three funnels were attached in drum type trap and two funnels were used in cylinder type trap. A fleet of traps was consisted with one hundred traps. 25 traps of each type were set on a line in repeated sequence. Field experiments were conducted with 6 fishing operations in the Uljin waters, East Sea in July 2014. Catch of target whelks were 173,261 g and catch rate was 48.7% of total catch, while bycatch were 182,571 g, 51.3% of tatal catch. The catch rate of bycatch was 2.6% higher than that of target catch. Bycatch weight of snow crap was the highest as 142,987 g and formed about 40.2% of total catch, followed giant octopus, Enteroctopus dofleini, 31,762 g (8.9%). Bycatch rate of cylinder type trap was 2.3 times higher than that of drum type trap. Discard rate (discard/(discard+landing)) was 43.6%. Discard rate was the highest at cylinder type trap with PBS net as 63.1%, followed cylinder type trap with PE net as 47.9%, drum type trap with PE net as 33.4%, the lowest at drum type trap with PBS net as 22.1%.
        2012.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Antibiotic resistance in animal isolates of enterococci is a public health concern, because of the risk of transmission of antibiotic-resistant strains or resistance genes to humans through the food chain. This study investigated phenotypic and genotypic resistances profile of tetracycline in 245 Enterococcus isolates from bovine milk. A total of 245 enterococci were isolated from 950 milk samples. The predominant strain was E. faecalis (n = 199, 81.2%) and E. faecium (n = 25, 10.2%). E. avium (n = 7, 2.9%), E. durans (n = 6, 2.5%), E. gallinarum (n = 4, 1.6%), and E. raffinosus (n = 4, 1.6%) were also isolated. Of the 245 enterococcal isolates 76.3% (n = 187) displayed tetracycline resistance (≥ 16 μg/ml). Of the 187 tetracycline-resistant isolates, 83.4% (n = 156), 16.1% (n = 30), and 26.7% (n = 50) possessed the genes tet(M), tet(L), tet(S) respectively. While 3.2% (n = 6) of the tetracycline- resistant isolates possessed all three genes tet(M) + tet(L) + tet(S), 8.6% (n = 16), 16.0% (n = 30), and 2.7% (n = 5) of them possessed two genes tet(M) + tet(L), tet(M) + tet(S), and tet(L) + tet(S) respectively. The tetracycline resistance pattern investigated in this study was attributable mainly to the presence of tet(M).
        2011.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        本稿是谈及真言与悉曇文字的方式的望月寺本《眞言集》中的大悲呪为对象,对真言记号的声母特征进行了了解。 总体而言,英文表記音与中古音、近代音和訓民正音音的对应关系相当整齐。但是分别来看,音變规则就有时候会出现不一致。 唇音大体上的音变规则是非常符合逻辑的,像明母的‘冒’与‘沒’一样具有唐代长安方言的特征。唐代长安方言中的鼻声母出现了一个同部位关闭动作使鼻音部分地非鼻音化(m->mb-)。 另外,舌上音与舌頭音的泥母与娘母中的一些文字也有唐代长安方言的鼻声母的非鼻音化特征(n->nd-)。 齿头音心母[s]在细音前转换为舌面后塞音[ɕ]再与书母结合,舌面后塞擦音[ɕ]再变为舌葉音与生母[ʃ]结合的齒頭音, 正齒音, 舌齒音这三种音所结合的历史音变过程的看点。 牙音与喉音及半舌音是英文标记音和中古音,近代音及训民正音音的对应关系相当整齐,且音变规则也相当吻合。 只是半舌音来母的英文标记音/l/和/r/应该要和那个母音相结合的差异上出现的问题。英文标记音中/l/是可以与‘a, e, i, o’结合,但是/r/只能是与声母(子音)或者‘a, u’结合。 最后汉译佛经的咒文中的音译字下方,存在以“引, 二合, 三合”等小字体所标注的字母,望月诗本也存在“引, 二合, 三合”的标注。‘引’在梵语悉昙文字拼音里,是发长音的音。‘二合’是用兩個漢字连在一起,来音译一个梵语悉昙文字。虽然有两个汉字,但前一个汉字的对应悉昙文字只有上部接续半体,而为第二个汉字对应悉昙文字为下部接续半体,再加上摩多点划(即母音符号)。‘三合’是用‘三个’汉字去音译‘一个’悉昙文字。‘三合’代表取第一及第二汉字的声母(子音),再与第三汉字的‘声母加韵母’合起来致一起发音。 口边字的发音在‘以本音而转呼之。也就是说,口边字与无口边字发音的差异在于有口边字发音时须五类音中的反舌音(所谓的卷舌音)。
        2010.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        From April to December in 2009, microbial investigation is accomplished for 100 frozen foods asked to microbial control team that corresponds with total aerobic viable bacteria, coliform group, Escherichia coli,Enterococcus spp. and antibiotic resistance patterns of Enterococcus spp. isolates are investigated. Average of total aerobic viable bacteria numbers is 4.3 × 10⁴CFU/g. Average of coliform group numbers is 4.3 × 10³ CFU/g. Average of Enterococcus spp. numbers is 1.8 × 10³ CFU/g. Escherichia coli from 100 frozen foods is not detected and detection rate is 0.0%. 22 Enterococcus spp. are isolated from 100 frozen foods. 12 of 22 Enterococcus spp. strains are identified as E. faecium. 7 of 22 Enterococcus spp. strains are identified as E. faecalis. 2 of 22 Enterococcus spp. strains are identified as E. gallinarum. 1 of 22 Enterococcus spp. strains is identified as E. hirae. Enterococcus spp. isolates show a high resistance to erythromycin, rifampin, tetracycline, ciprofloxacin, chlorampenicol, penicillin and a susceptibility to vancomycin, ampicillin, gentamicin, strepomycin, linezolid. 15 of 22 Enterococcus spp. strains are multi-resistant and the most frequent multi-resistant pattern is erythromycin-rifampin for 6 Enterococcus spp. strains.
        2009.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        From April 2008 to January 2009, a total 458 raw milk samples were randomly collected from 15 stock raising farms located in northern area of Kyunggi province and cultured for the presence of Enterococci spp. A total 170 enterococcal isolates were recovered from the raw milk samples. Enterococcus faecalis was predominant species recovered (64.7%), followed by E. faecium (18.8%), E. avium (5.9%), E. gallinarum (5.9%) and E. durans (4.7%). Antimicrobial resistance patterns of 170 Enterococci spp. against ampicillin, erythromycin, tetracyclin, chloramphenicol, vancomycin, ciprofloxacin and streptomycin were tested. According to the result, they showed high level resistance to erythromycin and streptomycin (82,9% and 93,5% respectively), moderately resistance to ampicillin, chloramphenicol and tetracyclin (50%, 45.9% and 32%, respectively) but fortunately, vancomycin and ciprofloxacin are still effective against this species.
        2009.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 논문은 민속예술 중 장구춤과 북춤을 모션캡쳐 장비를 활용하여 섬세하면서도 고풍스러운 멋을 표현하여 문화바이처사업 및 학교 방과 후 시간에 활용할 수 있도록 의상, 헤어 등 고품격 영상을 지향하여 장구 및 북춤의 동작과정을 상세하게 설명함으로써 우리나라의 문화를 세계에 널리 알릴 수 있도록 디지털 콘텐츠 제작, e-러닝 콘텐츠개발을 통한 문화상품 개발에 관한 것이다.
        2005.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The mesh selectivity of drum net traps for Buccinum opisoplectum Dall caught in the eastern sea of Korea was described. Several experiments were conducted between July 2003 and March 2004 and the data obtained from the experiment was fitted by SELECT (Share Each Length class's Catch Total) model with unequal fishing and sampling efforts. The selection curve was determined to be 'estimated fishing efficiency' by model deviance rather than AIC. However the fishing efficiency between 20mm and 35mm mesh size did not seem to be different. The L50 lengths of the selectivity for the 55mm and 75mm mesh size were 65.4mm and 96.0mm, respectively.
        2005.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to find the effects of using aid in enhancing walking ability inpatients with spinal cord injury who have received rehabilitative care. The study population consisted of 24 spinal cord injury patients referred to the Department of Rehabilitation Medicine in the National Rehabilitation Center (NRC). All subjects were ambulatory with or without an assistive devices. All of the participants were assessed on SCIM II, WISCI II, FIM, MBI, gait speed (m/s), and walking endurance (120 min/m). The data were analyzed using a paired t-test, a one-way ANOVA, and a Duncan test. The results revealed that TSCIM II and all of the items of SCIM II of the cervical ASIA D group patients were higher than those of the Thoracic ASIA A and C group patients (p<.05). The FIM, MBI, and WISCI II of the cervical ASIA D group patients were higher than those of the Thoracic ASIA C group patients (p>.05). The walking velocities of the lumbar ASIA C group patients were higher than those of Thoracic ASIA A group patients (p<.05). The walking endurance of the lumbar ASIA C group patients was higher than that of the thoracic ASIA C group patients (p<.05). The ASIA D group patients used bilateral standard canes or crutches, but none used AFO. The ASIA A and C group patients used bilateral standard walkers with KAFO for standing and walking. The findings suggest that injury level as well as the functionality of walking aids should be considered when formulating a rehabilitative plan for patients with spinal cord injury.
        2004.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        동해안의 연안성 어족인 빨간횟대에 대해 망목크기 등을 달리한 8종류의 장구형 통발을 사용하여, 2003년 6월부터 12월까지 총 6차례에 걸쳐 어선 2척을 용선하여 조업한 어획실험으로부터 망목선택성 곡선을 구하여 합리적인 자원관리에 대한 기초 자료를 구하고자 하였다. 망목 크기가 20mm와 35mm인 두 통발의 빨간횟대 어획물로부터 체장에 따른 어획비율의 차이에 대해 특별한 경향을 발견할 수 없었다. 망목 크기가 20mm와 55mm인 두 통발의 경우에 대해 SELECT방법을 이용하여 equal split model 과 estimated split model을 적용한 결과, AIC 값이 적은 전자가 더 적절한 모델이므로, 빨간횟대의 경우는 이들 두 통발에 대한 입망률의 차이는 없는 것으로 나타났다. 망목 55mm의 통발에서 SELECT 모델로 구한 50% 어획될 빨간횟대의 전장은 22.0cm였다. 망목 크기가 20mm, 35mm, 55mm인 통발의 어획 자료에 Kitahara의 방법으로 logistic식을 적용하여 추정된 선택성 곡선식은 와 같았고, 현재 규정 망목 크기인 35mm 장구형 통발에 대해 50% 어획될 빨간횟대의 전장은 21.4cm이었다.
        2002.02 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        It is said to be that most part of Seo-in(西人) scholars (e.g. Song, Si-yeol(宋時烈) and his pupils) regarded Neo-Confucianism(朱子學) as the absolute one, and only admitted it for their orthodoxy. In contrast, however, there was a bunch of scholars who tried to accept Neo-Confucianism critically participating in Seo-in party such as Jo, ik(趙翼), Choi, Yu-hae(崔有海), Choi, Yu-Ji In terms of this viewpoint, I focused on the fact that Gan-ho(艮湖) Choi, Yu-Ji(崔攸之) had revised the book of "Dae-hak-jang-gu"(『大學章句』), and studied his revised contents and its significance to this paper. Gan-ho's revision on " Dae-hak-jang-gu" proofread by Chu-tzu(朱熹:1130-1200) are summarized as follows; (1) Gan-ho regarded next two chapters of 'mul-yu-bon-mal(物有本末)……' and 'gi-bon-ran-yi-mi-chi-ja(基本亂而末治者)……' included in the major text(經) as the explanation of 'Gyeok-mul(格物)', so remade it into the 4th chapter of the minor text(傳) combining with the chapter of 'Cheong-song(聽訟章)' (2) Gan-ho regarded next two chapters of 'ji-ji-yi-hy-yu-jeong(知止而后有定)……' included in the major text and 'gi-bon-ran-yi-mi-chi-ja(基本亂而末治者)……' included in the 5th chapter of the minor text as the explanation of 'Chi-ji(致知)', so remade it into the 5th chapter of the minor text combining the two chapters. The significance of revision on the book of "Dae-hak-jang-gu" by Gan-ho can be valued as follows; (1) Several Seo-in scholars had succeeded progressively traditional scholarship without falling in the trap of adhesion under highly 'Neo-Confucianism dominated circumstance'. (2) Gan-ho had revised some part of "Dae-hak-jang-gu" with his trailblazing viewpoint based on the peculiar studying method mentioned above. (3) Gan-ho had succeeded and developed the former theories digestion well enough advocated by Dong, Goi(董槐) and Gueon, Geun(權近) (4) The separation of the two chapter of 'Gyeok-mul' and 'Chi-ji' from Chu-tzu's "Dae-hak-jang-gu" by Gan-go is outstanding opinion never found on former theories. In interpretation history of "Dae-hak", therefore, it must be valued to quite a new theory that no one had ever mentioned before.