
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 9

        2021.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In the past, manufacturing-oriented industries focused on improving labor productivity to achieve economic growth. Korea is changing from a labor-intensive industry to a technology-intensive industry in order to occupy a competitive edge compared to other countries. Recently, a lot of investment has been made not only in technology-intensive industries but also in information industries. Therefore, it is developing in various forms such as special technology, platform industry, and virtual reality as a technology-intensive industry and information industry field. In this social phenomenon, the necessity of starting a business using new ideas and technologies is increasing. Therefore, universities also need entrepreneurship education for their students, and it is necessary to investigate how the contents of the university's start-up education support, individual achievement needs, and the degree of acquisition of start-up knowledge affect the establishment of business strategies necessary for start-ups.
        2013.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to analyze the data generated from the application of Keller's ARCS(Attention, Relevance, Confidence & Satisfaction) Strategy of Mativational Design to elementary school students in th area of physical education. In particula
        2013.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        A government needs the investment expansion for the industrial accident prevention of the disadvantage group workers in order to improve the external phase and reliability. In this study, we analyze the current status of the development for safety and health material which is necessary for education of the disadvantage group workers. Firstly we find the problems that may occur when applying in domestic safety and health management system and then we'll propose a new method for safety and health material development and supply.
        2012.07 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Today, Korea society focuses on multisociety and kid problem of multiculture home. Korea does not accept traditional multisociety, but entered in multiculture society according to economic, political, global trend. Multiculture society has so many problems; such as criminal situation, culture shock, identity destroy in multiculture home's kids. In this situation, how can do Korea church take care their life problems? Korea church should support toward them in multiculture home through missional education. This article mentions meaning of multiculture society and based on biblical foundation about multiculture society, kids of multiculture home, and Korea church mission toward mlticulture society. This study focuses on for survivals of migrants kids and social discrimination of Kosian in Korea society. Korea churches have to support their settlement by their own ways and encourage them to establish not only their own identity in Korean society but also Christian kid identity based on multiculture society. Therefore, how would Korea church' task do to support for children education of multiculture society. Above all, this article deals with knowledge shift of multiculture society about kid problem and education method. This multiculture came from low fertility and super aging society. Korea churches should response problems of multicultural peoples and their kid with multicultural living together in Korea society.
        2009.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        우리나라는 국제사회에서 불과 40여 년 전 최빈국이었던 국가가 경이적인 경제성장과 발전을 통해 성공을 이루어 낸 모범사례로 공인되고 있고, 경제규모 확대와더불어 최근 부상하고 있는 공여국(Emerging donor)으로 평가 받고 있다. 또한 국내에서는 새 정부 출범이후 글로벌 경제위기 극복을 위한 교육서비스 산업의 일자리 창출과 민간 경쟁력 활용을 통한 교육수출이 요구되고 있으며, 공적개발원조를통한 해외진출확대를 위한 창구 또는 하나의 대안으로 받아들여지고 있다.본 연구에서는 우리나라 교육정보화 분야 공적개발원조사업 추진현황을 해외 양자및 다자간 공적개발원조사업과의 비교, 분석을 통해 동 분야의 해외진출 발전전략을 탐색하였다. 그리고 우리 교육정보화 강점분야의 공적개발원조 사업 연계방안및 해외진출 활성화 방안에 대해 연구하였다. 도미니카공화국, 라오스, 스리랑카,몽골 등 6개국에 대해 한국정부가 실시한 교육정보화 분야 공적개발원조성 사업에대한 평가를 통한 시사점을 살펴보면 다음과 같다.첫째, 원조효과의 극대화를 위해서는 사업추진에 필수적인 사업계획 단계(Predesign)에서부터 충분한 검토와 분석, 이에 따른 사업절차의 확립이 필요하다. 둘째, 교육정보화관련 정책 인프라, 법제 정비 등 시스템 구축 분야에 관한 새로운 체제를 구축하는 방향으로 지원 사업의 패러다임 변화가 필요하다. 셋째, 수원국의 현재 기술수준과 미래 전망을 고려한 물자 및 기자재 지원이 필요하다. 넷째, 교육정보화 지원 사업에 대한 표준화된 지원 모델(Standard model) 마련이 필요하다. 다섯째, 체계적인 사후관리시스템 지원이 필요하다. 여섯째, 사업수행 형태의 과학화가 필요하다.무엇보다 교육정보화 분야에서 한국형 개발협력 모델은 국제 원조 규범을 존중하면서 선진국들의 전통 원조 방식과는 차별성을 지니는 비교우위 분야에 집중해야 할 것이다.
        2005.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Patient education is one of the most important roles of a physical therapist. Physical therapists have to teach and provide information about illness, instruct for home exercise, and give advice relating to correct posture and daily activities et al. For an efficient education some strategies are required. The purpose of this article is to review general learning methods, to introduce elements that influence the procedure of patient education and learning, and to plan an education strategy.
        2016.10 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        It was conducted to provide a basis for the development of healing programs utilizing the existing infrastructure of the rural education farm in the process of looking for early application plan of ‘Agro-healing’. The purpose of operating the farm was in order production・ process・sales and education, and then, healing. The production・process・sales was the highest (p=0.000). All farms have had signs or bulletin board, parking. Gender-separated toilets, and basin was held 90% or more. The farm which was held cultivation facilities for disabled in wheelchair was found to be 9.6%. Regular employee was minimum 1 people including owner up to 10 people, an average of 3.7 people were working, a welfare horticultural therapist is the highest as a retain qualification. The purpose of operating program in the farm was education, it was the highest. The most utilizing resources were agricultural work for operation the programs (p=0.000). The program was developed by owner themselves in the most of farms. Regular employment was found to be 6.7%. The age of participant was in order elementary schoolchild and then toddlers. Group form of visiting was school unit or work unit mostly. Target who needed help appeared to alcohol drug addicts and then handicapped, the number of people of participating at the same time was minimum 10 to 100 people. 79% of respondents had the intend of introducing healing program and transition to healing farm. Subject who respondents wanted to access for the next healing program was elementary schoolchild. Number of participants which respondents wanted as a group was 15. Most general people wanted the emotional experience which stimulated the emotion and mood such as positive emotions, joy, and pride. If we introduce the program for healing utilizing the infrastructure of the rural education farm, it might contribute to explore new spaces for creative agriculture and the early settlement of ‘Agro-healing’.
        2007.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The objective of this is to develop strategy for plants-related education on elementary, middle and high school. To accomplish the purpose of the study, I analyzed plants-related contents of the Practical Arts Subject in Elementary School and TechnologyHome Economics Subject in Secondary School. And held the expert-conference on the status of plants-related education, strategy of systematization. The major results of the study were as follows: First, 3 basic directions were established(⑴ systematization of contents of plants-related education in school-level, ⑵ contain of part of plants-related education on all the Grade, ⑶ practical application of plants-related education in discretionary activity and Extra Curricular Activities) Second, strategy for research and development on subjects(the Practical Arts Subject, TechnologyHome Economics Subject) were established(⑴ It is necessary to research on system of plants-related education by the Grade, ⑵ It is necessary to research on level of plants-related education by school-level, ⑶ It is necessary to participate expert in process of writing on subject(the Practical Arts Subject, TechnologyHome Economics Subject) Third, Teaching-Learning and Teaching Activity in subjects(the Practical Arts Subject, TechnologyHome Economics Subject)were established(⑴ magnifying contents and Teaching-time of plants-related education, ⑵ magnifying Experience and Practice, ⑶ presenting plentiful material and easily) Fourth, strategy for connection of extra-subjects and Teaching-time were established(⑴ consideration for connection and integration of related-subject, ⑵ development on program of plants-related education in discretion activity and Extra Curricular Activities)