
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 19

        2019.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        도시생태계는 기존 자연생태계와 달리 야생생물 및 인간이 함께 공존하는 상호복합적 환경을 제공한다. 그러나 도시 녹지 및 공원에 출현하는 말벌속(genus Vespa)은 도시생태계에 긍정적인 기능을 수행함과 동시에 도시민에게 물리적·심리적 피해를 초래하는 불균형을 야기하기도 한다. 특히 어린이공원은 접근성이 높아 도시민 및 어린이가 쉽게 이용하는 도시 녹지이며 말벌속이 거점 및 서식지로 활용하는 공간임에도 아직까지 어린이공원에 출현하는 말벌속에 대한 서식환경 및 출현 특성을 공간적으로 분석한 연구가 부족한 상황이다. 본 연구는 말벌속의 생활사 기간을 고려해 2018년 4월부터 11월까지 32주간 천안시 어린이공원 27개소 내 말벌트랩을 설치해 말벌(Vespa crabro flavofasciata), 좀말벌(Vespa analis parallela), 장수말벌(Vespa mandarinina), 꼬마장수말벌(Vespa ducalis), 등검은말벌(Vespa velutina nigrithorax)을 포획하고 출현 종 구성 및 어린이공원의 입지 특성 및 환경공간정보를 고려한 말벌속의 출현 경향을 분석하였다. 연구 기간 말벌속은 총 818개체가 포획되었으며, 종별로는 좀말벌 290개체(35.4%), 말벌 260개체(31.8%), 꼬마장수말벌 100개체 (12.1%), 장수말벌 87개체(10.6%), 등검은말벌 81개체(9.9%) 순으로 포획되었다. 대부분의 말벌속은 계칩(啓蟄) 이후 5~6 월에 여왕벌 위주로 포획이 이루어지다가 분업기인 6월 중순부터 포획 개체 수가 급감한 공통적인 특징이 있으나, 등검은말벌 은 타 말벌속의 쇠퇴기가 이미 시작된 10월 3주차부터 80% 이상 포획되어 계절적 차이를 보여주었다. 어린이공원 입지별 말벌속 포획 개체 수를 분석한 결과 포획량 상위 6개소에서 363개체(44.3%), 하위 6개소에서 35개체(4%)가 포획되어 확연한 차이를 확인할 수 있었다. 특히 상위 6개소의 평균 NDVI(Normalized difference vegetation index)는 0.79로 하위 6개소의 평균 NDVI인 0.38과 유의한 평균간 차이를 보였으며(t=2.67*, *=p<0.05), 주변 토지이용이 초지 혹은 나지일 경우 말벌속 포획 빈도가 높은 것으로 분석되었다. 본 연구는 도시 내 녹지 및 공원에 출현하는 말벌속의 생태적 기본 특성을 확인한 기초 연구로서 의의가 있으며, 향후 효율적인 도시 녹지 관리를 위한 토대가 될 것으로 기대된다.
        2018.07 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Introduction Consumer ethical behaviors regarding social impact, environmental concern, and ethical practices for the buyer/seller dyad has become a vital issue. A large number of consumers have the willingness to be activists to address potentially threatening environmental problems with foresight (Atkinson & Rosenthal, 2014). Consumers with environment awareness have begun to consider the environmental claims of products, such as environmental protection certification (do Paço & Reis, 2012) and production process with environmental protection regulations (Yoon & Kim, 2016). All such information effectively spreads the environmental protection knowledge to help consumers identify the environmental features of the product (Leonidou, Leonidou, Palihawadana, & Hultman, 2011), and then to conduct consumption behaviors with ethical/moral concerns. However, the related research to examine the relationships between consumer ethical behaviors and their attitudes toward environmental information disclosure in advertising in Asian countries is few. This study’s main purpose is thus to understand how environmental information disclosure in advertising influences consumers’ attitudes toward the brand and their ethical behaviors. Literature Review Mitchell, Balabanis, Schlegelmich, and CornWell (2009) argues that all direct or indirect consumer actions that could make businesses or other stakeholders to lose money or reputation are viewed as consumer unethical behaviors. Consumers’ (un)ethical behaviors would be influenced by their moral principles and standards as they obtain, use, and dispose of goods and services (Muncy & Vitell, 1992). First, according to the equity theory, brand equity will increase the relationship intention between sellers and buyers. Those consumers with a high perception about product value or brand equity would tend to build a positive relationship with sellers, and thus their ethical behaviors would be influenced (Chang & Lu, 2017). Consumers’ ethical consumption depends on the equity of the profitability of the seller and this study proposes that brand equity has significant positive effects on consumer ethical behavior (H1). Second, environmental advertising claims refer to the classification of environmental claims in advertising with various environmental protection information about products (do Paço & Reis, 2012). Chan, Leung, and Wong (2006) state the two types of environmental advertising claims. Substantial environmental claims focus on the substantial benefits of products for the environment and the positive impacts of enterprises on the environment in order to substantially maintain or enhance consumers’ understanding of products with environmental awareness (Chan, 2000). Associated environmental claims feature advertising that do not have a direct connection with the products or production of enterprises; instead, they reveal an enterprises’ concern about environmental protection topics through environmental protection activities or topics regarding the conservation of the ecosystem, in order to indirectly trigger the consumers’ positive image and reactions to the enterprises or brands (Chan, 2000). Different environmental advertising claims would have different extents of impact on consumers’ attitude towards advertising and the product (Chan et al., 2006). Chan (2000) states that substantial environmental claims are more persuasive than associated claims, as the advertising of the former could directly publicize the specific environmentally-friendly measures in products or production process. The hypotheses are thus submitted: environmental advertising claims have significant positive effects on brand equity (H2.) and the impact power of substantial environmental claims on brand equity is stronger than those of associated environmental claims (H3). Third, eco-labels provide the information of products toward the environment influence during their life cycles (Atkinson & Rosenthal, 2014; Chekima, Wafa, Igau, Chekima, & Sondoh, 2016) and the claims regarding the eco-features, production, and constituents of the products (Atkinson & Rosenthal, 2014). Maniatis (2016) argues that eco-labels could clearly reveal the economic and ecological benefits of products and help consumers make purchase decisions. Specific claims, such as marks, pictures, or signs, could clearly convey information about the products, which make it easy for consumers to understand. Therefore, hypothesis 4 is submitted: environmental advertising with eco-labels has a significant positive effect on brand equity (H4). Method This study used the 2x2 factor experiment to create four situations through two types of environmental advertising claims (substantial and associated environmental advertising claims) and two types of eco-labels (available/unavailable). The manipulation checks with regards to the constructs of environmental advertising claims and eco-label were shown to be successful through a pilot test. On the other hand, this study selected 14-items of Muncy and Vitell’s (1992) scale to measure consumer ethical behaviors. The measuring items of brand equity were taken by Yoo and Donth’s (2001) three-dimensional scale, containing brand awareness/associations, perceived quality, and brand loyalty. Moreover, 294 valid questionnaires were retained in the formal survey via electronic questionnaire survey. Females accounted for 50.7%. Those aged less than 25 occupied a larger proportion (50%), followed by those aged from 26 to 35 (21.8%). The samples with a college education or above accounted for 92.5%. Additionally, the component reliability, convergent and discriminant validity were also confirmed (Bagozzi & Yi, 1988; Fornell & Larcker, 1981) due to the results of confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) by Lisrel 8.7. Results and Conclusion Based on the ANOVA results, first, environmental advertising claims had significant effects on awareness/association, perceived value, and loyalty. The effects of substantial orientation on brand equity were significantly stronger than that of associated orientation claims. H2 and H3 were fully supported. That is to say, substantial environmental advertising claims could reveal enterprise efforts to protect the environment and inform consumers that the substantial benefits for the ecosystem are embodied in their products. If enterprises want to disclose information about their social responsibility or to convey the contribution of their products toward environmental protection, direct environmental advertising claims related to product features and production processes should be considered. Second, eco-labels significantly affected on awareness/association, perceived value, and loyalty; hence, H4 were supported. Eco-labels verified by a third-party public notary office could enhance brand equity. As eco-label information regarding environmental protection enterprises and products want to convey, consumers can comprehend and evaluate such environmental advertising through the mark of eco-labels in triggering their positive attitude and value toward the brand. Third, this study also found that the interactive effect of environmental advertising claims and eco-label on the awareness/association dimension of brand equity was significant. Consumers are more likely to receive information from the environmental advertising with a substantial claim and eco-label than other sets, and then their perceptions toward that brand awareness and brand association could be improved. Forth, each dimension of awareness/association, perceived value, and brand loyalty had a significant positive effect on consumer’s ethical behaviors by using structural equation modeling (SEM) via Lisrel 8.7; H1 therefore were supported. That is, consumers’ perceived enterprise efforts related to protecting the environment would improve consumers’ ethical behaviors. If advertising could fully and effectively convey the environmental protection information embodied in products, consumers would know that the products are beneficial for society and ecosystems, and thus they would enact ethical activities in the marketplace. Finally, future studies can use random sampling to improve the sample representative. Product type can also be included into the research model in future studies to consider the different product features how to influence the effects of environmental advertising claims and eco-labels on the consumers’ attitudes and behavior decision.
        2018.07 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Introduction Consumer ethical behaviors regarding social impact, environmental concern, and ethical practices for the buyer/seller dyad has become a vital issue. A large number of consumers have the willingness to be activists to address potentially threatening environmental problems with foresight (Atkinson & Rosenthal, 2014). Consumers with environment awareness have begun to consider the environmental claims of products, such as environmental protection certification (do Paço & Reis, 2012) and production process with environmental protection regulations (Yoon & Kim, 2016). All such information effectively spreads the environmental protection knowledge to help consumers identify the environmental features of the product (Leonidou, Leonidou, Palihawadana, & Hultman, 2011), and then to conduct consumption behaviors with ethical/moral concerns. However, the related research to examine the relationships between consumer ethical behaviors and their attitudes toward environmental information disclosure in advertising in Asian countries is few. This study’s main purpose is thus to understand how environmental information disclosure in advertising influences consumers’ attitudes toward the brand and their ethical behaviors. Literature Review Mitchell, Balabanis, Schlegelmich, and CornWell (2009) argues that all direct or indirect consumer actions that could make businesses or other stakeholders to lose money or reputation are viewed as consumer unethical behaviors. Consumers’ (un)ethical behaviors would be influenced by their moral principles and standards as they obtain, use, and dispose of goods and services (Muncy & Vitell, 1992). First, according to the equity theory, brand equity will increase the relationship intention between sellers and buyers. Those consumers with a high perception about product value or brand equity would tend to build a positive relationship with sellers, and thus their ethical behaviors would be influenced (Chang & Lu, 2017). Consumers’ ethical consumption depends on the equity of the profitability of the seller and this study proposes that brand equity has significant positive effects on consumer ethical behavior (H1). Second, environmental advertising claims refer to the classification of environmental claims in advertising with various environmental protection information about products (do Paço & Reis, 2012). Chan, Leung, and Wong (2006) state the two types of environmental advertising claims. Substantial environmental claims focus on the substantial benefits of products for the environment and the positive impacts of enterprises on the environment in order to substantially maintain or enhance consumers’ understanding of products with environmental awareness (Chan, 2000). Associated environmental claims feature advertising that do not have a direct connection with the products or production of enterprises; instead, they reveal an enterprises’ concern about environmental protection topics through environmental protection activities or topics regarding the conservation of the ecosystem, in order to indirectly trigger the consumers’ positive image and reactions to the enterprises or brands (Chan, 2000). Different environmental advertising claims would have different extents of impact on consumers’ attitude towards advertising and the product (Chan et al., 2006). Chan (2000) states that substantial environmental claims are more persuasive than associated claims, as the advertising of the former could directly publicize the specific environmentally-friendly measures in products or production process. The hypotheses are thus submitted: environmental advertising claims have significant positive effects on brand equity (H2.) and the impact power of substantial environmental claims on brand equity is stronger than those of associated environmental claims (H3). Third, eco-labels provide the information of products toward the environment influence during their life cycles (Atkinson & Rosenthal, 2014; Chekima, Wafa, Igau, Chekima, & Sondoh, 2016) and the claims regarding the eco-features, production, and constituents of the products (Atkinson & Rosenthal, 2014). Maniatis (2016) argues that eco-labels could clearly reveal the economic and ecological benefits of products and help consumers make purchase decisions. Specific claims, such as marks, pictures, or signs, could clearly convey information about the products, which make it easy for consumers to understand. Therefore, hypothesis 4 is submitted: environmental advertising with eco-labels has a significant positive effect on brand equity (H4). Method This study used the 2x2 factor experiment to create four situations through two types of environmental advertising claims (substantial and associated environmental advertising claims) and two types of eco-labels (available/unavailable). The manipulation checks with regards to the constructs of environmental advertising claims and eco-label were shown to be successful through a pilot test. On the other hand, this study selected 14-items of Muncy and Vitell’s (1992) scale to measure consumer ethical behaviors. The measuring items of brand equity were taken by Yoo and Donth’s (2001) three-dimensional scale, containing brand awareness/associations, perceived quality, and brand loyalty. Moreover, 294 valid questionnaires were retained in the formal survey via electronic questionnaire survey. Females accounted for 50.7%. Those aged less than 25 occupied a larger proportion (50%), followed by those aged from 26 to 35 (21.8%). The samples with a college education or above accounted for 92.5%. Additionally, the component reliability, convergent and discriminant validity were also confirmed (Bagozzi & Yi, 1988; Fornell & Larcker, 1981) due to the results of confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) by Lisrel 8.7. Results and Conclusion Based on the ANOVA results, first, environmental advertising claims had significant effects on awareness/association, perceived value, and loyalty. The effects of substantial orientation on brand equity were significantly stronger than that of associated orientation claims. H2 and H3 were fully supported. That is to say, substantial environmental advertising claims could reveal enterprise efforts to protect the environment and inform consumers that the substantial benefits for the ecosystem are embodied in their products. If enterprises want to disclose information about their social responsibility or to convey the contribution of their products toward environmental protection, direct environmental advertising claims related to product features and production processes should be considered. Second, eco-labels significantly affected on awareness/association, perceived value, and loyalty; hence, H4 were supported. Eco-labels verified by a third-party public notary office could enhance brand equity. As eco-label information regarding environmental protection enterprises and products want to convey, consumers can comprehend and evaluate such environmental advertising through the mark of eco-labels in triggering their positive attitude and value toward the brand. Third, this study also found that the interactive effect of environmental advertising claims and eco-label on the awareness/association dimension of brand equity was significant. Consumers are more likely to receive information from the environmental advertising with a substantial claim and eco-label than other sets, and then their perceptions toward that brand awareness and brand association could be improved. Forth, each dimension of awareness/association, perceived value, and brand loyalty had a significant positive effect on consumer’s ethical behaviors by using structural equation modeling (SEM) via Lisrel 8.7; H1 therefore were supported. That is, consumers’ perceived enterprise efforts related to protecting the environment would improve consumers’ ethical behaviors. If advertising could fully and effectively convey the environmental protection information embodied in products, consumers would know that the products are beneficial for society and ecosystems, and thus they would enact ethical activities in the marketplace. Finally, future studies can use random sampling to improve the sample representative. Product type can also be included into the research model in future studies to consider the different product features how to influence the effects of environmental advertising claims and eco-labels on the consumers’ attitudes and behavior decision.
        2008.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The studies on the logistics has been mainly centered on the logistics information system and logistics performance on the supply chain for the enterprise's profit making. For sustainable development, it's being required the construction of recycling-oriented system, and it's also necessary to construct the efficient system not only in forward but in reverse channel. In addition, it's required to construct information system for supporting reverse logistics smoothly. In this study of manufacturing enterprises, recognition on the environmental problems is set as the adaptation degree to the national environmental regulations and enterprise's concern to the environmental logistics, and it presents the direction through analyzing the effects of such environmental logistics recognition on reverse logistics information system and performance. In order to achieve these aims, it was performed through combining philological and positive studies.
        2004.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Recently, shifting channel power is forcing supply chain to take back products As you can Imagine returned product has always been a problem for all parties in the supply chain due to the disruption in operations and a headache In proc-essing returned pro
        2002.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study examined the consumers' awareness and information need toward the irradiated foods and environmental hormones. The data were collected from 350 adults living in Daegu and Busan by the self-administered questionnaire. Frequencies and chi-square tests were conducted by SPSS. The results of the survey were as follows: (1) consumers' awareness regarding the irradiated foods and environmental hormones were low, while consumers' concerns for them were high, (2) the orders of the information needs for the irradiated foods are safety of irradiated foods, dose permitted for food irradiation, benefits of irradiated foods, kinds of permitted irradiated foods, and legislations of food irradiation, and (3) the orders of the information needs for the environmental hormones are harmfulness of environmental hormones, standards for contamination by environmental hormones, materials releasing environmental hormones, methods to prevent environmental hormones, and kinds of environmental hormones.
        2001.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        병해충을 막기 위해 농업용 살충제가 광범위하게 사용되고 있다. 농약사용에 따른 생물학적 위해가 우려되며 농약이 또 다른 환경유해요인과 인체에 상승적으로 작용할 경우 농업재해로 이어질 가능성이 있다. 다양한 인자에 의한 DNA손상을 감지하는데 유용한 단세포 겔 전기영동법을 이용하여 살충제와 방사선에 의한 사람 림프구 DNA손상을 평가하였다. 각기 다른 농도로 살충제를 10분간 전처리한 림프구와 정상 림프구에 0-2.0 Gy의 방사선으로 조사한 다음 DNA
        2020.12 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises in Denpasar City still face low mastery of technology and financial management, one of which is the application of technology-based accounting information systems (e-commerce) for small and medium enterprises. The research objective was to determine the relationship between environmental uncertainty, trust and ease of information technology moderating behavior in accounting information systems. Research with a quantitative approach, the method used is multiple linear regression with moderated regression analysis. The study population was 816 small and medium enterprises. The sampling method technique was the incidental sampling approach and the Slovin formula so that a sampling of 100 small and medium enterprises that had used e-commerce was determined in the city of Denpasar. The results of research that have been conducted determine the relationship between user behavior in accounting information systems that affect individual performance, the relationship between environmental uncertainty affects accounting information systems mediated by individual performance, while the ease of information technology and its ability to be mediated by individual performance has an effect on the behavior of using accounting information systems. The application of accounting information systems in small and medium enterprises is expected to improve individual performance so as to increase income.
        2020.11 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The purpose of the article is to evaluate the factors that affect the degree of environmental accounting information disclosure. Data are collected from 87 industry companies listed on the Vietnamese stock market from 2009 to 2019. I focus on the effect of factors such as the Firm size, Profitability, Leverage, Firm age, and Independent auditors. To explain the causal relationship between factors, I construct the regression model and then test it by using different statistical method approaches, including the pooled OLS, the fixed effects model, and the random effects model. Then I conduct testing of model defects: White Test, Wooldridge Test, Hausman Test, and Wald Test. The Feasible Generalized Least Squares (FGLS) method is used to analyze the image factors that affect environmental accounting information disclosure. The results show that the extent of environmental accounting information disclosure is influenced by factors: firm size, uptime and independent audit. These factors positively affect the level of environmental accounting information disclosure; independent audit has the greatest influence. Based on the research results, the author gives recommendations to improve the disclosure of environmental accounting information for industrial enterprises listed on the Vietnamese stock market, increasing the competitiveness of the public company in terms of global integration.
        2020.02 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Environmental pollution and climate change in Vietnam are now becoming a major concern. This situation is increasing the pressure on the companies to improve their social responsibility in production and business activities and disclose the environmental information to meet the requirements of stakeholders. This study investigates the internal and external factors of the company that affects the environmental information disclosure of listed companies on the Vietnam stock market as business sector, firm size, corporate manager perceptions, profitability, financial leverage, community pressure, pressures from stakeholders, government pressure influencing environmental information disclosure. Analytical data collected through the survey of 120 listed companies on the Ho Chi Minh City Stock Exchange (HOSE). By testing Cronbach's Alpha, exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and logistic regression analysis, the results of the study show that the level of environmental information disclosure of listed companies on the stock market in Vietnam depends heavily on government regulations, followed by the pressure from stakeholders, community pressure, views of business managers, companies size, business sector, and particularly profitability and financial leverage factors that have a negative relationship with environmental information disclosure.
        2019.11 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        To address the increase of weather hazards and the emergence of new types of such hazards, an optimization technique for three-dimensional (3D) representation of meteorological facts and atmospheric information was examined in this study as a novel method for weather analysis. The proposed system is termed as “meteorological and air quality information visualization engine” (MAIVE), and it can support several file formats and can implement high-resolution 3D terrain by employing a 30 m resolution digital elevation model. In this study, latest 3D representation techniques such as wind vector fields, contour maps, stream vector, stream line flow along the wind field and 3D volume rendering were applied. Implementation of the examples demonstrates that the results of numerical modeling are well reflected, and new representation techniques can facilitate the observation of meteorological factors and atmospheric information from different perspectives.
        2018.08 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Few prior studies investigated the correlation between corporate ownership structure and environmental information disclosure. Using environmental index disclosure in GRI (Global Reporting Initiative) reports of the Korean companies, the study examines the effects of ownership structure on the magnitude of environmental information disclosure. A total of 220 firm-years during 2013-2016 period are analyzed. The empirical results of the study indicate that the institutional and foreign investors’ ownership have positive correlations with environmental information disclosure, while the executives' within board of directors has a negative correlation. The ownership by largest shareholders including those with special interests shows no significant relationship with the environmental information disclosure.
        2012.05 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        In this paper, augmented reality (AR)-based sensor awareness and data visualization for environmental information monitoring of structures without the limitations of time and space is proposed. The proposed technique will improves the work efficiency and help to maintain good health for modern people by providing a comfortable indoor environment.
        2009.11 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The purpose of this research was develop tailored landslide hazard assessment table (LHAT) in Gyeongsangbuk-do Province and propose building strategies on environmental information system to estimate landslide hazard area according to LHAT. To accomplish this purpose, this research investigated factors occurring landslide at 172 landslide occurred sites in 23 city and county of Gyeongsangbuk-do Province and analyzed what factors effected landslide occurrence quantity using the multiple statistics of quantification method(Ⅰ). The results of analysis, factors affecting landslide occurrence quantity were shown in order of slope position, slope length, bedrock, aspect, forest age, slope form and slope. And results of the development of LHAT for predict mapping of landslide-susceptible area in Gyeongsangbuk-do Province, total score range was divided that 107 under is stable area(Ⅳ class), 107~176 is area with little susceptibility to landslide(Ⅲ class), 177~246 is area with moderate susceptibility to landslide(Ⅱ class), above 247 area with severe susceptibility to landslide(Ⅰ class). According to LHAT, this research built landslide attribute database and made 7 digital theme maps at mountainous area located in Goryeong Gun, Seongju-Gun, and Kimcheon-City. The results of prediction on degree of landslide hazard using environmental information system, area with little susceptibility to landslide(Ⅲ class) occupied 65.56% and severe susceptibility to landslide(Ⅰ class) occupied 0.51%.
        2007.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The first theme of this study is to preserve and manage rural multi-functionality resource Information. This study is to suggest the method that can irradiate rural multi-functionality resource Information efficiently and constructively. GIS uses PDA and Tablet PC as an investigation tool and verifies the outcome of the development in the investigation system. This study enhanced the mobility function of PDA by installing recording system and camera to the PDA. Also, Using GPS has been ensured scientific precision and realism to the investigation. Direct input on spot can save time, cost and minimize human error by simplifying the investigation process. Database is composed of characters like scale, form, location, distance, resident's opinion and image of 37 resources. The survey system was applied in 170 villages and got a total of 12,270 resources data. Management system should be easy to input and output the surveyed information and to get reports in any kind of form ( i.e. final result can be produced as a map). By utilizing of the Rural Resource information system, the study made a simulation to compare the target areas before and after. Also, digitalized investigation system, minimized re-input and reprocessing of data and enabled to simplify and standardize the process than memorandum investigation. Data collected through digital system could offer people useful information by Web-GIS. It was need to specify practical way in decision-making and a way to measure the value of resources to align with the regional plan. Also, need to keep on developing statistical data and application program that can connect us to present the best solution to support regional planning. Therefore, quality of data is very important. Finally, it is very important to develop various programs to analyze space md rural resource by monitoring rural environment.
        1996.04 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Observational date is integral in our understanding of present climate, its natural variability and any change due to anthropogenic effects. This study incorporates a brief overview of sampling requirements using data from the first ISLSCP Field Experiment (FIFE) in 1987 which was a multidisciplinary field experiment over a 15 km grid in Konza Prairie, USA. Sampling strategies were designed for precipitation and soil moisture measurements and also detecting land cover type. It was concludes that up to 8 raingages would be needed for valuable precipitation measurements covering the whole FIFE catchment, but only one soil moisture station. Results show that as new gages or station are added to the catchment then the sampling error is reduced, but the improvement in error performance is less as the number of gages or stations increases. Sampling from remotely sensed instruments shows different results. It can be seen that the sampling error at larger resolution sizes are small due to competing error contribution from both commission and omission error.