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        검색결과 7

        2023.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this research, we examined the shifts in determinants influencing the frequency of eco-friendly food purchases pre- and post-COVID-19. Our analysis utilized filtered 2019-2021 Consumption Behavior Survey data from the Korea Rural Economic Institute Food, excluding any irrational responses. Given the nature of the dependent variable, a multinomial logistic regression model was employed with demographic factors, variables pertaining to food consumption behavior, and variables concerning food consumption awareness as predictors. Following the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, an individual's level of education was observed to positively influence the frequency of eco-friendly food purchases. In contrast, income level and fluctuations in food consumption expenditure did not appear to have a discernible impact on the purchasing frequency of such eco-friendly products. Irrespective of the advent of COVID-19, variables such as the frequency of online food purchases, the utilization of early morning delivery services, dining out frequency, and the intake of health-functional foods consistently demonstrated a positive correlation with the propensity to purchase eco-friendly foods. Overall, consumers prioritizing safety, quality, and nutrition over price, taste, and convenience in their procurement decisions for rice, vegetables, meat, and processed foods exhibit an increased inclination toward the acquisition of eco-friendly food products.
        2023.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Healthy and environmentally friendly food is a subject of increasing prominence all around the world, and especially so in developing countries such as India, where consumption of agricultural goods produced in a sustainable environment with a low reliance on pesticides, antibiotics, hormones, and genetic manipulation is a real challenge. Consumer interest in green food items is increasing as safety and health concerns grow, and researchers are calling for further investigation of green food consumer behavior. Although a large number of research was done on environmental performance in industrialized countries, very little research has been conducted among Indian consumers. Furthermore, the gap between intention to consume green food products and actual behavior remains under-investigated. This gap can be investigated through the prism of theory of planned behavior (TPB). This theory has been widely used in green consumer studies: it seeks to explain how individuals make decisions and take actions based on their attitudes, beliefs, and perceived behavioral control. However, the TPB has not been extended to account for cultural values (i.e., Hofstede’s cultural framework), which can play an important role in shaping consumer attitudes and behaviors. Therefore, this research investigates the application of the extended TPB model in the context of green food products with a quantitative survey among Indian consumers (N=387). The results show that long-term (health) orientation and collectivism influence both green purchase intention and behavior. This effect is explained by subjective norms, perceived value, and environmental attitudes of the consumers.
        2013.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The objective of this study was to investigate the perceptions and purchase behaviors on foreign matters in food. For that, we conducted a survey of 348 adults living in a metropolitan area. Concern over the presence of foreign matters in food was a lower than that for other harmful factors such as heavy metals, BSE, harmful microbes and so on. 70% of respondents would not take the snack which was detected a rat’s head, including the manufacturer’s product and similar products with it after the foreign matter incident. In contrast, about of 54% respondents were willing to buy canned tuna after the incident. It is necessary to prepare more detail management and policy on foreign matters in food.
        2010.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The aim of this study was to examine how customers perceive storytelling at a real local restaurant and to understand how consumption reflects their evaluation by understanding their values. Participants received information from a real local restaurant in the Gangneung area to examine the effects of storytelling and to evaluate their affective attitudes towards local restaurant stories, word-of-mouth intentions, and purchasing intentions using a seven-point Likert scale. A total of 310 consumers were used. A factor analysis was performed to identify consumption value characteristics and factor structure, which consisted economic value, emotional value, and epistemic value. To test whether local restaurant consumers could be classified into homogenous groups based on their consumption values, a three cluster solution was selected, and a Kmeans cluster analysis was performed. As a result, three groups were identified and labeled appropriate for their scores based on each of the consumption values; emotional value-oriented consumers to cluster 1, epistemic value-oriented consumers to cluster 2, and economic value-oriented consumers to cluster 3. An analysis of variance was used to examine the differences in the affective attitudes towards storytelling at the local restaurant, purchasing intentions, and word-of-mouth intentions across the three clusters. The epistemic value-oriented consumers had the highest score for all three variables. In contrast, economic value-oriented consumers had the lowest scores for the three variables. A regression analysis revealed that affective attitudes towards storytelling were significantly affected by these three consumption values. It also showed that positive affective attitudes towards storytelling were associated with higher purchasing intention and word-of-mouth. The significance of this study was to show how customers perceive storytelling at a real restaurant and reflect on their evaluation by understanding their consumption values. As a result, this study examined the potential power of storytelling as an effective marketing communication tool for local restaurants.
        2002.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study is to provide basic materials for food service consumption culture by proving the problem with food service purchase and its improvements. For this purpose, it was attempted to grasp university students' food service purchase behavior and level of satisfaction with it and to investigate the factors influencing their level of satisfaction with food service purchase. The questionnaire research was conducted for university students living in Seoul and Chungcheong provinces. 453 questionnaires obtained from them were used for final analysis. As a results, the following finding were obtained: 1. In case of university students, their level of consumer satisfaction with food service purchase was shown to be the score of 37.99(63.06/on the basis of 100 points). They showed the highest level of satisfaction with quality, followed by facility and atmosphere, service, price and the like. 2. The factor having the greatest influence on university students' level of satisfaction with food service purchase was shown to be gender(female), followed by food service place(Korean food restaurant, Chinese food restaurant, Western food restaurant, flour-based meals restaurant), consumer attitude, average monthly food service cost.
        2001.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        A survey was conducted to assess the food-purchase behavior of 197 Taejon full time housewives 30 to 49 years of age. Food purchase was assessed using a questionnaire and the resulting data were analyzed using SPSS programs. Demographic data revealed that most of the households have three to five family members and that the Engel Indices of the participating households were mostly between 10 and 30%. Noticeable results of the food purchase assessment are as follows. In the grain and grain products items, the low-education group purchased more rice and barley than the high-education group, whereas the high-education group purchased more glutinous rice, brown rice, bread, macaronis and spaghetti than the low-education group. In the vegetable items, the low-education group purchased more Chinese cabbage and radish than the high-education group, while the high-education group purchased more head lettuce, broccoli and sweet pepper than the low-education group. In the meat items, the beef purchase was higher in the high-education than in the low-education group, while the pork purchase was higher in the low-education than in the high-education group . In the processed meat items, ham was the most favorite purchase item regardless of the education level. In the fish and shellfish items, Pacific cod and Alaska pollack were purchased more in the low-education than in the high-education group, and salmon and dried icefish strip were purchased more in the high-education than in the low-education group. No items in fruit group showed significant differences in the purchase amount between the low-education and the high-education group although the latter purchased more imported-fruits such as melons, kiwis, grapefruits, and oranges. Dairy products such as milk, cheese and butter were purchased more in the high-education than in the low-education group. It was also found that both the number of food items and the consumption of foods coming from animals were higher in the high-education than in the low-education group.