잔디에 있어서 낮은 형질전환 효율의 직접적인 원인 중 에 하나인 낮은 캘러스 유도율과 식물체 재분화율을 개선 시키기 위하여 잔디 완숙종자의 전처리의 효과를 비교해 보았다. 살균한 잔디종자에 swelling 처리를 10분간 실시한 후, sea sand를 이용 하여 sea sand와 종자의 비율을 1:1로 한 다음, shaking 처리는 vortex speed 6 (1,000 rpm)에서 처 리시간은 10분간 전처리를 실시하였을 때 무처리구에 비해 2배 이상의 배양 효율을 나타내었다. 또한 sea sand로 전처 리한 잔디종자로부터 형성된 캘러스를 식물체 재분화 유도 배지에 치상했을 그 효율이 훨씬 더 증가하는 것을 확인할 수 있었다. 이러한 결과는 연중 아무 때나 이용할 수 있는 장점을 지닌 잔디 완숙종자로부터 유도시킨 캘러스 세포를 이용하여 Agrobacterium으로 형질전환하는데 있어서 그 효 율을 향상 시키는데 큰 기여를 할 것으로 추측된다.
버뮤다그라스는 현재 난지형 목초자원으로 많이 이용되고 있을 뿐만 아니라, 잔디용으로도 많이 이용되고 있는 품종 중의 하나이다. 그러나 난지형 목초인 버뮤다그라스는 동절기의 동해를 받아 일부 고사하거나 생육이 불량하며, 여름철 병해충 등의 발생으로 유지 관리가 어려운 단점이 있다. 따라서 버뮤다그라스의 이러한 문제점을 개선하기 위해서는 동해와 같은 각종 환경 스트레스에 잘 견디는 신품종개발이 시급한 실정이다. 본 연구에서는 버뮤다그라스의 성숙종자로부터 생
Siberian wildrye grass는 몽골지역 방목 초지에 넓게 분포하는 대표적인 초종으로 사료가치가 높고 장기간 이용 할 수 있는 장점 등으로 그 중요성이 증대되고 있다. 그러나 최근 기후 변화로 인한 사막화로 초지의 면적이 점점 줄어들고 있는 추세이다. 따라서 환경에 대한 적응성이 우수한 신품종을 개발할 목적으로 우선 효율적인 기내배양 조건을 확립하고자 하였다. Siberian wildrye grass의 최적의 기내배양 조건을 확립하기 위하여
억새의 최적 조직배양조건을 확립하기 위하여 성숙종자로부터 배발생 캘러스 유도 및 캘러스로부터 식물체 재분화에 미치는 식물생장 조절물질의 영향을 조사하였다. 배발생 캘러스 유도시 첨가되는 auxin으로는 2,4-D가 가장 효율적이었으며, 3 mg/L 2,4-D가 첨가된 배지에서 배발생 캘러스가 가장 높은 빈도로 유도되었다. 식물체 재분화는 배발생 캘러스를 1 mg/L 2,4-D와 2 mg/L BA가 첨가된 재분화 배지에서 배양했을 때 가장 높은 재분화효율
페레니얼 라이그라스의 5가지 품종을 이용하여 성숙종자로부터 배발생 캘러스 유도 및 캘러스로부터의 식물체 재분화 효율을 조사하였다. 성숙종자로부터 4주 동안 배양한 캘러스 유도율은 'Accent', 'Topgun', 'Renenge GLX', 'Bison', 'Tetrellite' 순으로 높은 캘러스 유도율을 보였고 암상태에서 배양한 캘러스가 광상태에서 배양한 것보다 7~9% 정도 높은 효율을 나타내었다. 식물체로의 재분화에 적합한 배지는 MS 배지보다
In the present study, we have developed a high-frequency plant regeneration system for Italian ryegrass via callus culture using mature seeds as explants. Optimal embryogenic callus induction was found to occur in MS medium containing 5 ㎎ 1?¹ 2,4-D, 0.5 ㎎ 1?¹ BA, 500 ㎎ 1?¹ L-proline, 1 g 1?¹ casein hydrolysate, 30 g 1?¹ sucrose, 7 ㎎ 1?¹ AgNO₃, 2 ㎎ 1?¹ CuSO₄ and solidified with 3 g 1?¹ Gelrite. The highest regeneration rate was obtained in MS medium containing 1 ㎎ 1?¹ 2,4-D, 5 ㎎ 1?¹ BA, 500 ㎎ 1?¹ L-proline, 1 g 1?¹ casein hydrolysate, 1 ㎎ 1?¹ thiamine-HCl, 30 g 1?¹ sucrose, 7 ㎎ 1?¹ AgNO₃, 2 ㎎ 1?¹ CuSO₄ and solidified with 3 g 1?¹ Gelrite. By using the most effective treatment determined for each parameter, the highest rates of embryogenic callus formation (48.9%) and regeneration (47.6%) were obtained with the Hwasan 101 cultivar. The overall plant regeneration rates of the examined cultivars ranged from 7.5% to 23.2%. Thus, optimization of regeneration frequency using mature seeds as explant material may offer a simple and efficient protocol for Italian ryegrass that may improve molecular breeding of this species.
들잔디(Zoysia japonica Steud.)의 최적 조직 배양 조건을 확립하기 위하여 성숙종자로부터 최적 캘러스 유도 및 효율적인 식물체 재분화에 미치는 몇 가지 요인의 영향을 조사하였다. 성숙종자로부터 배발생 캘러스 유도율은 3mg/L 2,4-D가 첨가된 MS 배지에서 85%로 가장 높았으며 NAA 또는 IAA를 첨가한 처리구보다 높게 나타났다. 배발생 캘러스로부터 식물체 재분화는 0.1 mg/L 2,4-D와 5 mg/L BA가 첨가된 N6 배지
Soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] seed is one of the major food sources for protein, oil, carbohydrates, isoflavones, and many other nutrients to humans and animals. Trans-resveratrol produced by plants is a polyphenol phytoalexin and displays a wide range of biological effects like as anti-cancer activities, cardio- protective properties, anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidation, neuroprotective, antidiabetic and phytoestrogenic properties. Content of trans-resveratrol in soybean seed may depend on genotype and environment. Genotype with high trans-resveratrol content is valuable in breeding project. One hundred eighty three soybean genotypes were cultivated in the field. After harvesting, trans-resveratrol content was analyzed. Content (ug/g) of trans-resveratrol was from 0.199 to 5.447. Thirty genotypes with high trans-resveratrol content were selected.
Soybean proteins are widely used for human and animal feeds worldwide. The use of soybean protein has been expanded in the food industry due to their excellent nutritional benefits. But, antinutritional and allergenic factors are present in the raw mature soybean. P34 protein, referred as Gly m Bd 30K, has been identified as a predominant immunodominant allergen. The objective of this research is to identify the genetic mode of P34 protein for the improvement of soybean cultivar with a very low level of P34 protein. Two F2 populations were developed from the cross of "Pungsannamulkong" x PI567476 and "Gaechuck2ho" x PI567476 (very low level of P34 protein). Relative amount of P34 protein was observed by Western blot analysis. The observed data for the progeny of "Pungsannamulkong" and PI567476 were 133 seeds with normal content of P34 protein and 35 seeds with very low level of P34 protein (X2=1.157, P=0.20-0.30). For the progeny of "Gaechuck#1" and PI567476, the observed data were 177 seeds with normal content of P34 protein and 73 seeds with very low level of P34 protein (X2=2.353, P=0.10-0.20). From pooled data, observed data were 310 seeds with normal content of P34 protein and 108 seeds with very low level of P34 protein (X2=0.156, P=0.50-0.70). The segregation ratio (3:1) and the Chi-square value obtained from the two populations suggested that P34 protein in mature soybean seed is controlled by a single major gene. Single gene inheritance of P34 protein was confirmed in 32 F2 derived lines in F3 seeds, which were germinated from the low level of P34 protein obtained from the cross of "Pungsannamulkong" and PI567476. These results may provide valuable information to breed for new soybean line with low level of P34 protein and identification of molecular markers linked to P34 locus.
Brachypodium distachyon is rapidly emerged in biological study and has been currently used as a model system for genetics and functional studies for crop improvement and biofuel production. Phosphinothricin (PPT) has been widely used as a selectable agent, which raises ammonium content and induces toxicity in non-transformed plant cells. However PPT selection is not much effective on Brachypodium callus consequently reducing transformation efficiency. In order to identify the efficient conditions of PPT selection, calli obtained from mature seeds of Brachypodium (PI 254867) were cultured on the callus inducing medium (CIM) or regeneration medium (ReM) containing serial dilutions of the PPT (0, 2, 5, 10, and 15 mg/l) in dark or light condition. Callus growth and ammonium content of each treatment were measured 2 weeks after the treatment. Although callus growth and ammonium content did not show much difference in CIM, slow callus growth and increased ammonium accumulation were found in ReM. No significant difference of ammonium accumulation in response to PPT was found between dark and light conditions. In order to identify major factors affecting increased ammonium accumulation, callus was cultured on the media in combined with phytohormones (2,4-D or kinetin) and carbon sources (sucrose or maltose) containing with PPT (5 mg/l). The highest ammonium content in callus was found in the kinetin and maltose media.
Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam.) is one of important forage crop grass widely cultivated in Korea. Progress in breeding using conventional selection procedure is very slow, since Italian ryegrass is highly self-infertile. Biotechnological approaches, therefore, may contribute to the development of improved cultivars for forage crops. In an effort to optimize tissue culture responses of Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam.) for future genetic manipulations to improve forage characteristics, the effects of culture medium supplements on tissue culture responses were investigated with mature seeds of Korean Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam.) seven cultivars as explant tissues.