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        검색결과 230

        2020.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        일본계 미국 미술가 이사무 노구치의 예술은 조각은 물론, 가구와 도자, 조명기구, 정원과 무대 디자인을 넘나들며 아시아의 전통과 서구의 미학을 통합하여 미술사에 족적을 남겼다. 한편, 노구치는 일본의 전통과 서구의 모더니즘을 결합하여 유명해진 작가라는 틀 속에서 늘 규범적인 미술사에서 주변부를 차지해왔다. 이는 노구치 자신의 가계혈통 같은 태생적인 이유나, 작가 자신이 선 불교 전통이나 고대 일본의 하니와 토우에서 영감을 얻고 참조했다는 점에 기인한다. 본 논문은 이런 기존의 해석에 반하여 노구치와 스승인 콘스탄틴 브랑쿠시와의 관계를 조명함으로써 태생적으로 보이는 노구치의 타자성 형성에 미친 브랑쿠시의 영향을 추적하고, 노구치의 예술 형성과정에 작용하는 다층적인 타자성의 작용을 드러내려 한다.
        2020.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The UNCLOS regulates complex balance of rights and duties among State parties. Its text was deliberately left vague as a result of compromise between the negotiating parties. To develop the legal norms, judges and arbitrators have referred to other rules of international law through systematic integration, rules of reference, and broad applicable law. However, judicial practice has expanded subject-matter jurisdiction beyond the UNCLOS, causing antinomy between Articles 288, on jurisdiction, and 293 of UNCLOS, on applicable law. Part XV of the UNCLOS has created an invisible community that would ideally lead the UNCLOS Tribunals to develop and follow a pragmatic approach as to the limits of their subject-matter jurisdiction in order to provide for judicial coherence. When interpreting the treaty, the establishment of genuine links between disputes and substantive rules under the UNCLOS is necessary, by which other rules of international law are firmly anchored to the interpreted texts under the UNCLOS.
        2020.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        유해 남조류 Microcystis 종에 의한 녹조현상은 매년 빈번하게 일어나며, 이로 인한 수자원의 질적 변화와 먹는 물 확보에 문제가 발생하고 있다. Microcystis 종에 의한 피해를 막고자 개발된 naphthoquinone (NQ) 유도체 물질의 장점 분석을 위해 국내에서 빈번히 사용되는 황토를 이용한 microcosm 실험을 하고자 하였다. 그 결과, NQ 40, NQ 2-0 물질은 선행 연구 결과와 동일하게 유해 남조류 Microcystis 종을 선택적으로 99.9%, 99.6% 제어했으며, 식물플랑크톤 종 다양성을 증진시켰다. 그러나, 황토를 처리한 실험구는 실험 초기 일시적인 조류 제어효과를 보인 후 다시 증가하였으며, 유용 조류를 포함한 모든 식물플랑크톤에게 적용되어 다른 조류의 성장은 이루어지지 않았다. 뿐만 아니라, NQ 물질을 처리한 처리구는 비생물학적, 생물학적요인 모두 영향을 미치지 않았으며, 대조구와 유사한 경향이 관찰되었다. 따라서, 최종적으로 개량된 유해 남조류 제어물질 NQ 2-0은 높은 살조효과, 선택적 제어효과, 저독성, 자연분해에 의한 비잔류성 뿐만 아니라, 편의성 및 경제성까지 갖춘 새로운 살조물질로서 현재까지 개발된 살조물질 보다 현장 생태계 적용에 가장 적합한 친환경 녹조제어 물질이라고 판단된다.
        2020.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 국내외 수집 균주를 대상으로 균주의 배양적 특성과 유전적 유연관계 및 균주별 함유된 베타글루칸의 함량을 분석하였다. 곰보버섯은 생장온도 25oC, pH 7.0에서 균사 생장이 가장 왕성하였다. 균사는 초기에 백색에서 생장이 진행될수록 진한 노란색을 띠다 진한 갈색으로 변화하는 공통적인 특징을 가지고 있었으며, 곰보버섯만의 고유한 배양적 특징으로 균사가 종에 따라 주기별로 경화되는 특징과 특유 강한 향이 있다는 것을 확인할 수 있었다. 균사 형태는 관찰을 통하여 총 5종류로 분류되었고 이들 균주의 ITS 분석 결과 Morchella conica, M.sextelata, M. importuna, M. esculenta, M. carssipes 등 5종으로 동정되었다. UFPF primer를 이용하여 PCR 다형성을 분석한 결과 ITS 분석 결과와는 다르게 M. conica로 동정된 KMCC04971 균주와 M. sextelata로 동정된 KMCC04407 균주는 동일한 패턴을 보였으며 그 결과 4개의 그룹으로 분류할 수 있었다. 균주별 균사체 베타글루칸 함량 분석 결과 M. importuna인 KMCC04973 균주가 100 g당 알파글루칸 16.4 g을 포함하는 베타글루칸 함량 33.1 g으로 가장 높았다.
        2019.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        도토리거위벌레는 큰턱을 이용하여 도토리에 구멍을 뚫고 가지를 자르는 독특한 행동을 한다. 이러한 행동을 이해하기 위해 다양한 현미경을 이용하여 구기의 해부학적 특징을 관찰하였다. 실체현미경을 이용한 연구에서는 도토리거위벌레 수컷의 평균 내전건과 외전건의 두께는 각각 32.87 μm, 53.83 μm이었고, 암컷의 평균 내전건과 외 전건의 두께는 각각 40.81 μm, 75.55 μm이었다. 내전건과 외전건의 유의한 두께 차이로 인해 큰턱을 닫는 힘보다 벌리는 힘이 더 강하다는 것을 유추할 수 있다. 광학현미경을 이용한 관찰에서는 주둥이 안쪽에 위치한 내전건과 외 전건의 너비 차이와 큰턱 쪽에서는 원형으로 위치하며 두부로 갈수록 납작해져 두부 외피 안쪽에 근육으로 연결된다는 것을 확인할 수 있었고, 내전건의 위치와 모양의 변화에 대한 관찰을 수행하였다. 전자현미경을 통한 연구에서는 외전건이 내전건보다 더 굵으며 이로 인해 큰턱을 안쪽으로 당기는 힘보다 바깥쪽으로 밀어내는 힘이 더 크다는 것을 확인하였다. 관찰 결과를 바탕으로, 도토리거위벌레, 밤바구미, 왕거위벌레의 큰턱의 형태와 이빨의 위치 그리고 큰턱의 움직임에 대해 비교 분석하였고, 도토리거위 벌레가 보여주는 특징적인 행동은 해부학적/형태적 특징과 연관되어 있음을 확인할 수 있었다.
        2019.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this paper, two Korean textbooks that are most widely used in American colleges are analyzed for representations of gender, race and nationality. Literature review shows that representation in textbooks does matter for learners and that representations of gender, race, nationality, ethnicity, cultural diversities, disabilities, sexualities, non-nativeness, occupations, age, socioeducational backgrounds, etc. have been concerns of the researchers. While there have been a lot of studies on representations in EFL/ESL textbooks, such research on KFL/KSL textbooks is relatively new, even though representation is an important issue to the Korean language education in the era of globalization and multicultralism. The main characters who have names, conversations and illustrations and keep appearing throughout the analyzed textbooks are investigated. The main characters' number of appearances, firstness-the number of times to be presented first in exericses, examples or sentences-occasions, all speaking turns and I (initiation in the IRF sequence, Sinclair & Coulthard (1975))s are tallied, and it is explored if the numbers are relevant to the gender, nationality and race of the characters. Some analyzation of conversations and illustrations are also done for more discussion, which includes how KFL/KSL textbooks could be better in terms of representation.
        2019.06 KCI 등재후보 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는, 서초구 주민들이 2012. 8. 29.경 서초구청이 대한예수교장로회 사랑의 교회에 대하여 한 서울 서초구 소재 참나리길 일부 지하부분에 관한 도로점용허가처분에 대해 무효확인청구(예비적 청구취지: 취소청구)의 소를 제기함으로서 시작되어 8년여에 걸친 소송이 진행된 후, 최근 대법원의 상고기각 판결에 의해 위 도로점용허가처분 취소 판결이 확정된 사건을 다루었으나, 위 도로점용허가처분 취소 판결에 대한 타당성 여부에 대한 검토나 평석이 아니라 처분청인 서초구청이 위 취소 판결의 기속력에 따라 조치를 취해야 하는 이 사건 도로에 대한 원상회복명령 등 그 후속절차에 관한 것이다. 위 취소 판결로 인한 후속절차로는 원상회복명령, 이행강제금 부과, 행정대집행, 부관인 허가조건의 유효성, 건축허가(일부)취소, 손실보상 등이 문제 되는데, 그 중 가장 중요한 것은 원상회복명령과 행정대집행의 가능 여부로서, 전자와 관련해서는 원상회복의 방법, 원상회복 명령 및 그 이행 가능여부, 원상회복의무 면제시 교회의 대상 시설물 사용 가능여부 등이, 후자와 관련해서는 대집행 요건 중 대체적 작위의무인지 여부, 집행대상의 특정 가능여부, 의무 불이행 방치가 심히 공익을 해하는지 여부 등이 각 주요 쟁점 이 된다. 본 연구로 인하여 취소판결로 인한 후속절차로 어떤 것이 문제가 되는지 파악이 되고, 원상회복명령과 행정대집행의 기준이 다소나마 명확해짐으로 인하여 행정처분의 상대방에게 법적안정성이 부여될 수 있기를 바라고, 위 도로점용허가처분 취소판결 확정으로 인한 대상 교회의 후속절차 문제가 원만하게 해결되기를 기대한다.
        2019.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        As the most commonly used Chinese character dictionary in Korea, Korea's the Chinese-Korean Dictionary was originally revised from the Large Chinese-Korean Dictionary(1964) and retained Chinese characters from ancient times to around 1950. Since the initial edition of 1973, the dictionary has been reprinted several times and has not been revised. In view of the deletion of some worthwhile Chinese characters in the Chinese-Korean Dictionary on the basis of the Large Chinese-Korean Dictionary, or the inappropriate deletion of some entries, and the many imperfections in the compilation style, such as the lack of illustrations, Chinese phonetic notes and Chinese annotations, etc., this paper holds that the Chinese-Korean Dictionary should be revised and properly included and deleted. In addition to the valuable Chinese characters, and improve the compilation style, so that it is more detailed, more convenient for readers to use. At the same time, in order to overcome the limitations of paper dictionary, expand its capacity, update entries in time, and make it easy for readers to carry, it is necessary to launch the Internet dictionary of the Chinese-Korean Dictionary.
        2018.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Hangang Artpark construction is an enterprise founded in 2018 that involved installing public artworks created by 37 different people (teams) in Hangang Park located in Yeouido and Ichon Park. An iconic public space in Seoul, Hangang Park is turning into an even better public space due to the efforts to change the park into an eco-friendly, cultural-artistic space in tandem with the change in times. The objective of the Hangang Artpark construction business is to augment the environmental and scenic value of Hangang not only to provide a space for leisurely activities but also to revive it as a cultural-artistic area. This is a study of the concept and the design and installation processes of “Thinking of each other”, a project by the Hangang Artpark construction business. This art piece has been installed in the wetlands and it trails along Ichon Hangang Park, which was created during the environmental recovery project. The piece consists of sculptures molded into animal shapes that are unique to the location and ecology of the area, displayed in harmony with the park’s street furniture. By showing the coexistence of animals that existed in Hangang in the past along with the current inhabitants and the natural enemies of these inhabitants, the piece displays an ecofriendly scene. Moreover, by incorporating this piece into the street facilities of the park, such as gazebos, streetlights, surveillance cameras, and perches, the piece exhibits a different kind of street view compared to the installation style of other conventional environmental artworks. The various sculptures are installed along with the street facilities throughout the trail, rather than in a specific location intended for artworks, thereby achieving harmony with the park scene. In so doing, the piece elicits in the beholder an environment-friendly way of thinking, and at the same time, gives them a sense of calm and pleasure. Further, the paper researches the methods of safely installing art pieces in public spaces and of maintaining these installations.
        2018.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        해양법협약 제97조에 따라 공해상에서 발생한 충돌 또는 기타 항행사고에 대한 형사관할권은 가해 선박의 기국 혹은 가해 선원 국적국에서 행사한다. 그러나 이 해양법협약 규정은 고의범까지 포함하는 지의 여부, 편의치적 기국의 관할권 불행사 및 충돌로 인한 해양오염사고의 경우 기타 항행사고에 포함되는 지에 대하여 명확하게 규정하고 있지 않다. 우리나라는 영해이원에서 발생한 충돌사고와 관련하여 외국선박이 가해 선박인 경우 충돌 후 피해 선박에 대한 구조를 이행하지 않고 도주한 경우에도 해양법협약 제97조에 따라 공소권 없음 처분과 판결을 해 왔다. 그러나 이와 같은 형사관할권 관련 처분과 판례가 관행으로 굳어지게 되면 우리 연해를 통항하는 외국운항자들의 경각심 약화, 수사기관의 사기저하, 더 나아가 국민의 생명과 재산에 대한 국가의 보호기능 약화를 초래할 수 있다. 이 논문에서는 해양법협약 제97조와 관련한 법적 문제와 국내외 유사사례의 집행사례를 비교 검토하고, 법리상 충돌 가능성과 해상교통질서 확립과 국민보호를 위한 보충적 형사관할권의 필요성에 대하여 고찰하였다.
        2018.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        We investigated densities of the bean bug, R. pedestris (Alydidae) and three Pentatomidae stinkbug species, Dolycoris baccarum, Nezera antennata and Halyomorpha halys in an experimental field in Suwon, 2018. Three pheromone traps for R. pedestris adults were installed at distances of more than 50 meters from soybean fields. The adults began to be caught from late March. Its mean number increased from early August, and reached a maximum at early September. The fluctuation aspects of adult number caught, however, were different among trapping sites. Soybean and mungbean were sowed at June 21, and all stages of stinkbugs were scouted from July 18 to late September through direct observation. Adults and eggs of R. pedestris were not observed during the vegetative stage of soybean, but observed first at the flowering stage, mainly early August, of reproductive stage. The results indicated that R. pedestris adults invaded into soybean fields at the flowering stage, despite of inhabitation in the surrounding area during the pre-reproductive stage of soybean. Adults of only D. baccarum in Pentatomid stinkbugs were found at the vegetative stage of soybean. Densities of R. pedestris were compared between two mungbean cultivars, which those seeds have been known to be resistant and susceptible to feeding of the bean bug, respectively. The densities of the third and fifth instar nymphs were higher on the susceptible cultivar than on the resistant cultivar, but densities of egg, adult, and the first and second instar nymphs were not significantly different between the two cultivars.
        2018.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Recently composite materials have dominated most engineering fields, owing to their better performance, increased durability and flexibility to be customized and designed for a specific required property. This has given them unprecedented superiority over conventional materials. With the help of the ever increasing computational capabilities of computers, researchers have been trying to develop accurate material models for the complex and integrated properties of these composites. This has led to advances in virtual testing of composite materials as a supplement or a possible replacement of laboratory experiments to predict the properties and responses of composite materials and structures. This paper presents a review on the complex multi-scale modelling framework of the virtual testing machines, which involve computational mechanics at various length-scales starting with nano-mechanics and ending in structure level computational mechanics, with a homogenization technique used to link the different length scales. In addition, the paper presents the features of some of the biggest integrated virtual testing machines developed for study of concrete, including a multiscale modeling scheme for the simulation of the constitutive properties of nanocomposites. Finally, the current challenges and future development potentials for virtual test machines are discussed.
        2018.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Reports indicate that in 2017, social commerce had become a 20 billion dollar industry. Given the developing world’s fatigue with social media, social commerce growth will likely be fueled by consumers from developing economies. While literature has investigated social commerce in the context of established brands in developed economies (e.g. Kim and Ko, 2012), it cannot yet explain consumers’ engagement with the uniqueness of social media commerce in developing economies. Social commerce in Southeast Asian economies are largely conducted amongst individuals or micro businesses. Since social media platforms largely do not provide commerce security nor support, consumers are more vulnerable to fraudulent practices. What factors motivate these purchases despite such risks? This study offers insights into how consumers’ motivated reasoning influences their willingness to purchase over social media. We focus on the social media store’s ease of use and perceived security as antecedents of trust. Specifically, we argue that perceiving a lack of ability to purchase from other channels would induce higher trust towards a social media store, despite low perceptions of ease and security of transaction. Data was collected from 224 Indonesian social media users who have been exposed to social media stores on Instagram. The findings suggest that when consumers perceive high control of how they could obtain desired goods, trust becomes a logical function of the perceived safety and ease of use of the shops. However, under low perceived control, consumers display high trust in social media shops despite not being convinced that they are safe nor easy to use. The findings extend our understanding about the antecedents of value creation in social commerce (Stephen and Toubia, 2010). Our results enrich prior literature by showing how motivated reasoning leads to biases in judgment to be in favor of desired goals (Blanton and Gerrard, 1997), and extends it in the novel context of social media commerce. Furthermore, by incorporating the literature on perceived behavioral control and motivated reasoning, the current study provides important empirical evidence for the presence of perceived control over alternate channels as a significant driver for trust towards social media shops. The current research also has a number of implications for social commerce providers in developing economies. This study shows that it is advantageous for managers to cultivate trust using interactivity and reliability to elicit a sense of security and ease of use. However, our findings also offers a caution for firms to not be lulled into a false sense of comfort by taking consumers’ trust at face value.
        2018.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Due to the common business practice emphasizing that “customer is our priority”, many companies are having a potential risk of dealing with lying customer and as a consequence, service recovery can be open to misuse by customers. Although opportunistic complaint is the major issue in hospitality industry which have negative impact on firms (Baker et al., 2012), most of the service failure and recovery literature focused on examining victim customers and their reaction to the service recovery, yet very little is known about how customers react to observing service failure made up by customers. To fill this gap in the literature, the purpose of this study is to examine the effects of observing service recovery aimed at opportunistic customers on customer behavioral reaction, namely, tipping behavior, revisit intention and intention to complain. A 2 (Service recovery aimed at other customer; good vs. bad) x 2 (Complaining behavior of other customers: legitimate vs. illegitimate) x 2 (Emotional expression: outrageous vs. calm) scenario-based between-subjects factorial experiment is utilized. This research provides evidence that observing opportunistic complaining behavior of other customers and the following service recovery aimed at other customers impact behavioral reaction of customers who witness that situation. This study broadens the service recovery literature by incorporating third party justice theory into dealing with illegitimate customer, which is not a case that the firm is responsible for the service recovery. In addition, the findings from this study addresses the benefit to the service industry by understanding the impact of observing other customers service recovery treatment on observers’ emotional reactions to the situation as well as subsequent behavioral intention.
        2018.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Customer engagement has become a prominent issue in hospitality and tourism industry. However, customer engagement, is not easily defined or uniformly measured because a number of diverse factors must be considered. While meeting planners are important customers to CVBs, their engagement with CVBs has rarely been studied. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to develop and test a model of meeting planners’ engagement in CVBs empirically. Survey data were collected from a variety of meeting planners, which resulted in 305 usable responses for data analysis. Two step analyses (measurement model and structural model) were implemented. In addition, the moderating effect of reputation and familiarity were examined among the paths of the constructs. The results showed that the hypotheses were supported while familiarity has less salient impact than reputation on customer engagement in the event industry.
        2018.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Introduction Despite the rise of digital media, TV remains the number one place children spend their media time (Moses, 2014). Past research has shown that less healthy food and beverages such as those containing high fat, sugar, and salt (HFSS) are prominent in TV commercials (e.g., Carter, Patterson, Donovan, Ewing, & Roberts, 2011). In these commercials, various persuasive techniques (e.g., taste/smell, convenience), which promote the purchase of the products, have been used (Hebden, King, & Kelly, 2011). Extensive studies have found that exposure to advertising for HFSS products, including confectionery, soft drinks, crisps or savory snacks, fast food, pre-sugared breakfast cereals, is associated with children‟s cognition, food consumption, and obesity (e.g., Harris, Bargh, & Brownell, 2009; Macklin, 1994; see also Moore, Wilkie, & Desrochers, 2017). Since younger children, especially those in the “perceptual stage” of development, may not understand the persuasive or selling intent of commercials (e.g., John, 1999), they may be vulnerable to this advertising. As a result, several countries such as UK and Ireland (Hawkes, Lobstein, & For the Polmark Consortium, 2011) have introduced restrictions or regulations for broadcasting food and beverage commercials for children. The commercials of HFSS food and beverage have sometimes introduced these products with healthier images and words / phrases like health and nutrition claims. Health claims refer to any representation that states, suggests, or implies that a relationship exists between a food (/beverage) or a constituent of that food (/beverage) and health. Nutrition claims mean any representation which states, suggests or implies that a food (/beverage) has particular nutritional properties including but not limited to the energy value and to the content of protein, fat and carbohydrates, as well as the content of vitamins and minerals (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United States & World Health Organization, 2013). Using health messages for HFSS food presents the risk of a biased image of the products (i.e., they are „healthy‟), which may result in unhealthy life styles and conditions. In recent years, there has been regulatory pressure on food advertisers to market their products responsibly (e.g., WHO regulations; Kraak et al., 2016). At the same time, the Children‟s Food and Beverage Advertising Initiative (CFBAI) emerged, in which several leading companies pledged to market their products to children responsibly (see editorial by Boyland & Harris, 2017). Therefore, we were interested in seeing if food and beverage advertising had changed in 2017. Specifically, the purpose of this study was to examine the relative frequency of food and beverage commercials targeting children with a focus on healthy aspects of the products, their health and nutrition claims, as well as other persuasive techniques. Method A total of twenty hours of programming targeting children was recorded on Nickelodeon and Cartoon Networks in the United States during the hours of 5 p.m. to 10 p.m. on two weekdays in September 2017. The advertisements were coded for product type (“food”, “beverage”, fast-food restaurant (“Restaurant: Quick-service/fast food restaurant”), and sit-down restaurant (“Restaurant: Sit-down restaurant”), food type (e.g., “confectionary”, “savory snacks”, “pre-prepared convenience foods”, “bread”, “fruits”, and “vegetables”) (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations & World Health Organization, 2016; Suzuki, 2018), and persuasive techniques (e.g., “health claims”, “nutrition claims”, “taste/smell/flavor”, “convenience”, “scientific information”, “celebrities/a well-known person”, and “eating /drinking behavior”) (e.g., Hebden et. al., 2011; Jenkin, Madhvani, Signal & Bowers, 2014; Kraak & Story, 2015; Warren, Wicks, Wicks, Fosu, & Chung, 2008). Food type can be classified into two categories; Less healthy (“confectionary”, “savory snacks”, “sweet bakery wares”, “other sweets/desserts”, “Sugared breakfast cereals”, “pre-prepared convenience foods”) or healthier categories related to other food categories (Ofcom, 2004; Nutrition Australia, 2013; Suzuki, 2018). Seven coders independently evaluated the advertisements, with two coders assigned to every programming block. They were trained for about three weeks to read the coding manual, practice coding and discuss the coding scheme, and revise their coding after receiving feedback of the trial coding. To check coding reliability, two independent coders evaluated the same programs. 94.3% agreement was achieved for product type. Results and discussion A total of 856 commercials appeared. Food and beverage advertisements represented 29.0% (N=248). On average, children were exposed to 12.4 food and beverage advertisements per hour. Of all the food, beverage and restaurant advertisements, “food” and fast-food commercials were frequently broadcasted; 40.7% (N=101) were for “food” commercials, and fast-food restaurant commercials accounted for 43.5% (N=108). 12.1% (N=30) “beverage” commercials and 3.6% (N=9) sit-down restaurant commercials were included. Food, beverage and restaurant commercials were more likely to appear on Nickelodeon (36.2%, N=129) than on the Cartoon network (28.4%, N=419) (χ2=5.43, df=1, p<.05). As for the appearances of product type, “food” advertisements frequently appeared on Nickelodeon (54.6%, N=65), whereas the programs of Cartoon network included a lot of fast food commercials (61.2%, N=79). In examining the appearances of “beverage”, “food”, “fast food”, and “others (except food, beverage, and restaurant)” between the channels, the results showed that the programs of Cartoon network were more likely to broadcast “fast food” commercials than those of Nickelodeon, whereas the programs of Nickelodeon were more likely to broadcast “food” commercials (χ2=38.23, df=3, p<.01)1. The majority of food types were “confectionary” (25.7%, N=26), “savory snacks” (16.8%, N=17), “breakfast cereals” (14.9%, N=15), and “pre-prepared convenience foods” (13.9%, N=14). In classifying various kinds of foods into two big categories related to health (healthier or less healthy) as above-mentioned, less healthy food accounted for 88.1% (N=89). No commercials were categorized into three of the healthier categories (bread, fruits, and vegetables). As persuasive techniques for consumers, “health claims”, and “nutrition claims” were low (8.9%). For example, grape juice produced by Welch‟s used the appeal “sugar free”. In the commercials with nutrition claims, there was no significant difference in the appearance between the “beverage” and “food” commercials (χ2=1.70, df=1, n.s.). The other persuasive techniques like “convenience” (75.8%, N=188), “taste/smell/flavor” (51.2%, N=127), and “eating/drinking behavior” (49.2%, N=122) were frequently used. In contrast, the rates of some techniques (e.g., “celebrities/a well-known person”, “scientific information”) were very low. As for the persuasive technique of “celebrities/a well-known person”, the category of product type was classified in only the “beverage” category. Thus, this study indicated that there were not many less-healthy food commercials that appealed to health and nutrition aspects of the products by using health and nutrition claims, or scientific information. In previous studies, the rate of health and nutrition claims varied between less than 10% to more than 30% (Jenkin et al., 2014). This may be due to the differences in the definitions of health and nutrition claims. Our study referred to the international standard definitions. Therefore, the findings regarding the rate of health and nutrition claims in this study can contribute to overall knowledge about the current spread of health and nutrition claims in “less healthy” food commercials of children‟s television programs. It may also be the case that food companies are acting more responsibly by limiting their persuasion techniques to those that relate to taste or convenience and not by misrepresenting the products as healthy. However, overall, the proportion of less healthy food commercials was high, and various persuasive techniques were used. At the same time, there were no commercials for fruits or vegetables presented during this time frame despite governmental regulations for eating these healthier foods. These findings suggest that more attention should be paid to the ways that certain foods are promoted (or are not promoted) among parents and policy-makers. As the sample used in this study was recorded only on weekdays and through the two kids' channels. It would be expected that the future study develop the analysis for the recorded commercials on weekends and on the other local channels. The sample used in this study was analyzed only on weekdays and through two children‟s channels. Future research might examine food and beverage advertising across different time frames and channels.
        2018.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Korean Oak Wilt (KOW), was first recorded in Gyeonggi Province in 2004, and since then has increased steadily in its occurrence and ecological and economic impacts. Platypus koryoensis vectors the symbiotic fungus Raffaelea quercus-mongolicae, which is the causative agent of KOW. KOW may be closely related to recent climate changes, which have allowed P. koryoensis to extend its distribution range in Korea. And it results in greater overlap with the susceptible host tree, Quercus mongolica throughout Korea. In this regard, changes in the climate suitability of P. koryoensis and Q. mongolica were predicted using CLIMEX model and the influences of other environmental factors such as elevation and the number of days with heat wave were also identified in this study.
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