
사회언어학 KCI 등재 The Sociolinguistic Journal of Korea

이 간행물 논문 검색


제27권 제2호 (2019년 6월) 6

2019.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
In spite of the benefits of English oral presentations on EFL learners' proficiency and competence, English presentations have not obtained much attention as instructional medium in the field of English education. With the belief that EFL learners' experience of English presentation performance can provide valuable insights for educators and researchers, this study intended to describe how EFL learners perceive their presentation performance through their reflective self-assessment. In particular, adopting Otoshi and Heffernen's (2008) rubric of evaluation, this study examined what a group of Korean EFL learners were concerned in regard to their presentation performances and how they evaluated them. The data collected were 41 reflective self-assessment papers written by 41 Korean college students. The papers were coded, categorized and interpreted. Findings showed that voice quality is the area the students in this paper were most concerned about. Negative evaluations of their presentation performance outweighed the positive evaluations except in the area of Power Point use. Lastly, rehearsal and visual aids education sessions as well as differentiating spoken and written English were suggested as instruction implications for educators.
2019.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
This study examines multiple language-identities embedded within the emerging professional teacher identity of international graduate students teaching Korean as a foreign language (KFL). Situated in the context of Korean classrooms at an American university, this study draws data from two rounds of interviews with three instructors (one nonnative and two native Korean speakers). The qualitative analysis reveals that their professional teacher identity revolves around multiple language identities grounded in their L1 cultural norms and perceived English language proficiencies. Their views and undertakings of local cultural norms indicate the varying ways in which these instructors projected their L1 and L2 identities onto their emergent teacher identity. Given the vexed relationship between notions of teacher authority in her L1 Japanese culture and the local norms of interaction, the nonnative teacher maintained authority by establishing a certain distance from her students. By contrast, the native teachers accommodated the local understandings of teacher authority and (re)shaped their view of a teacher to the locally-defined professionalism, a teacher like ‘a friend’. The negotiated identity of the KFL teachers improved classroom interaction and engendered positive view about teaching. The findings are discussed to highlight foreign language teacher identity in a teacher education program.
2019.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
In this paper, two Korean textbooks that are most widely used in American colleges are analyzed for representations of gender, race and nationality. Literature review shows that representation in textbooks does matter for learners and that representations of gender, race, nationality, ethnicity, cultural diversities, disabilities, sexualities, non-nativeness, occupations, age, socioeducational backgrounds, etc. have been concerns of the researchers. While there have been a lot of studies on representations in EFL/ESL textbooks, such research on KFL/KSL textbooks is relatively new, even though representation is an important issue to the Korean language education in the era of globalization and multicultralism. The main characters who have names, conversations and illustrations and keep appearing throughout the analyzed textbooks are investigated. The main characters' number of appearances, firstness-the number of times to be presented first in exericses, examples or sentences-occasions, all speaking turns and I (initiation in the IRF sequence, Sinclair & Coulthard (1975))s are tallied, and it is explored if the numbers are relevant to the gender, nationality and race of the characters. Some analyzation of conversations and illustrations are also done for more discussion, which includes how KFL/KSL textbooks could be better in terms of representation.
2019.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
The present study examines the usage patterns of stance that constructions in Korean EFL learners' written corpora by two different proficiency groups (KEFL 1, KEFL 2) to figure out some developmental features of marking stance in L2 academic prose. Focusing on three main categories (stance verbs, adjectives, and nouns) controlling stance that clauses, the study compares the frequency of each feature by the categories and their subcategories across the corpora. Employing both quantitative and qualitative analyses, the study found a marked developmental path across the corpora as a cross-sectional study. Indeed, less proficient L2 learners tended to use spoken involvement features as ‘a subjective transmitter’, emphasizing the writer's view only with a private authorial voice. However, more advanced learners showed remarkable features as ‘an objective interpreter’ with more implicitly detached stances. Despite a few chunk expressions considered as being memorized, more complex grammatical resources appropriate for academic discourse were observed. Finally, as the final stage, this study suggests ‘a refined stance-taker’ referring to an expert writer in the academic discourse community, which may be devoid in untrained native speakers' writing. In accordance with the need for university students to transition into more advanced academic discourse sooner, this study provides some practical insights into teaching and learning of stance patterns in using that complement clauses in English academic discourse.
2019.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
The present study suggests that science fiction is a beneficial teaching resource to encourage students to develop ethical creativity. Liberal arts education is to cultivate a free and/or flexible thinker and introspect humanity and reading literary texts can help enhance ethicality as well as empathic understanding under the contexts of social acts of human relationships and interactions. Including these two features, science fiction suggests how to cope with two-faced future technology with both benefits and harm for humankind. This quality of science fiction helps students think critically but flexibly so as to make thoughtful choices considering humanity. Lowry's The Giver throws a question on the balance between technology and humanity, showing that memory and emotion are the most fundamental and essential value to be true humans. This study presents the reason why literature is beneficial to construct ethical reasoning by identifying the two key factors – memory and emotion – to understand humans and humanity. Also, the study attempts to share some ideas of how to adopt the text to help students enhance ethical/moral thinking skills, discussing the idea of humanity.
2019.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
This research critically analyzes terms of address and reference used between boyfriends and girlfriends to reveal hidden ideologies embedded in the everyday language. The analysis is base d on the Discourse-Historical Approach, focusing on the lexical choice of language users. The terms of address and reference used in romantic relationships is collected through web cartoon data and categorized according to the social distance and social status they signal. The analysis reveals that couples use asymmetric type of terms of address and reference to each other and all of the asymmetric sets put men in a more dominant position; While ”o-ppa” is a common choice to refer to a boyfriend, “nu-na” is never used to a girlfriend. In addition, men tend to use “o-ppa” to show powerful and tough personalities while women tend to use their own name to infantilize themselves. Through the critical analysis of this everyday language this study reveals that the gender inequality can be established at the stage of romantic relationships.