
사회언어학 KCI 등재 The Sociolinguistic Journal of Korea

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제25권 제2호 (2017년 6월) 7

2017.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
Hart, William, Suh, Kyunghee, & Oh, Yeonglim. 2017. “OK in Emergency Dispatch Encounters”. The Sociolinguistic Journal of Korea 25(2), 1~28. This paper investigates the discourse marker OK in 911 emergency calls, paying special attention to how its use is embedded in the context of the request-offer sequence through which the caller and the dispatcher display distinctive orientations in terms of goals, rights, and responsibilities. In line with previous research, it was found that the use of this marker displays multifunctionality, which for callers is manifested in the function OK not only as a response token but also as an affiliative signal of cooperation in the acknowledgment and acceptance of directives and updates on the status of the emergency response. For dispatchers, this multifunctionality is found in the activation of a bidirectional looking function of the marker which orients backward in acknowledgment of information elicited and provided in previous turns, while simultaneously orienting forward in anticipation of an impending directive, request for information, or status update in the turn that follows.
2017.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
Kim, Kyu-hyun. 2017. “Topic Marker -Nun as an Exploratory Device: Shifting Domains for Stance Management in Pursuit of Intersubjectivity“. The Sociolinguistic Journal of Korea 25(2), 29~72. From the conversation-analytic perspective, this paper investigates the interactional import of -nun used in assessment activities. The analysis of naturally-occurring interactions suggests that the domain-shifting function of -nun is closely attuned to shifting, or even reversing, the valence of the speaker's evaluative stance in a way that invokes a hitherto unmentioned domain as grounds for soliciting the interlocutor's agreement/affiliation, expressing partial agreement, or marking oblique disagreement. Often formulated as an overstatement to be retracted and/or as a move to solicit the interlocutor's collaborative uptake through claiming knowledge (or lack thereof), the nun-utterance furnishes the speaker with a resource for obliquely implementing face-threatening actions, pursuing common ground, or upgrading affect. Embodying the speaker's ‘exploratory’ stance, the use of -nun conveys the sense that the speaker is going beyond the ‘appearance’ of the matter at hand (e.g., a sub-domain from which a new generic feature may be drawn and attributed to the referent). This practice, which is further supported by the nun-marked adverbials formulated as a ‘logical guidepost expression’, provides for the basis on which the speaker organizes assessment activities in an other-attentive way, e.g., through upgrading affiliation and downgrading disaffiliation vis-à-vis the interlocutor's prior action, while sustaining his/her baseline stance and epistemic independency.
2017.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
Kim, Suyeon. 2017. “L2 Learners' Perception of STAD and its Relationship with Learning Styles”. The Sociolinguistic Journal of Korea 25(2), 73~102. This study aims to examine the relationship among cooperative learning, L2 learning, and learning styles. To that end, I utilized Slavin's Student Teams-Achievement Divisions (STAD) and investigated how learners perceive the effect of STAD on second language (L2) learning and how the effect of STAD is associated with their learning styles. I implemented STAD in two college English conversation classes during a semester, with 44 learners completing two questionnaires and six participating in interviews. Three key findings emerged: 1) L2 learners perceived STAD as being more useful than lecture-centered classes in improving their conversational skills, promoting more active participation and interaction, and developing higher self-confidence and lower anxiety, 2) while avoidant learning styles had a significant negative correlation with students' perception, a significant positive correlation resulted with the majority of learning styles, and 3) collaborative and independent learning styles had a more significant effect on L2 students' perception of STAD than other learning styles. The results show that through cooperative learning, L2 learners are scaffolded to improve conversational skills, and STAD accommodates diverse learning styles by giving learners equal opportunities for success. This study implies that L2 learning can be maximized when teachers employ a strategy that allows learners with different learning styles to participate.
2017.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
Lee, Jung-yull. 2017. “Pragmatic Functions of Amplifiers as Response Devices in Spoken American English: A Corpus-Based Analysis”. The Sociolinguistic Journal of Korea 25(2), 103~130. The verbal behaviors of amplifiers such as very much, really, pretty, particularly, very, absolutely, totally, quite are frequently represented in descriptions of interactions between speaker and hearer. The input of the main speakers was principally explicated with regard to semantic features, including collocational restrictions, by many linguists in the past. However, this study focuses on the output of hearers in different types of talk, especially elaborating on a wide variety of pragmatic roles of the amplifiers in spoken American English. For example, the amplifiers in hearers' speech play diverse pragmatic functions as bridging devices, by indicating surprise, repair, agreement, reinforcement, enthusiasm, encouragement, satisfaction, and rapport between interlocutors. Throughout the analysis, this study suggests that although these amplifiers do not ostensibly seem to have big meanings, they play significant roles in spoken discourse.
2017.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
Petrushyna, Marianna. 2017. “Enticing Challengeable: Mundane Questions as a Resource for Managing Face in Religious Arguments”. The Sociolinguistic Journal of Korea 25(2), 131~164. From the perspective of conversation analysis this paper investigates mundane interrogation employed in order to entice a challengeable in the conflict talk produced in the context of arguments on religious topic. This research aims at identifying how the ‘face’ management in religious arguments is conducted through the practice of enticing challengeable, which draws upon the use of mundane questions employed in the religious debates. It is proposed that one of the crucial features of conflict discourse/argument, can be grasped in terms of the participants’ face work which is analyzed through the prism of Goffmanian perspective and the study of Bakhtin. Through face work the party representing a religion orients to managing not only his own face but also the face of the invisible third party or the ‘Superaddressee’, whose presence is invoked as basis for formulating an argument or counter-argument. The findings suggest identifying the discursive features of argument construction, such as the formulation of mundane questions and the reversal of the questioner-answer relationship, furnishing the participants with crucial interactional resources for managing the face of the participants (and that of the ‘God’ as the third party).
2017.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
Ryoo, Hye-Kyung. 2017. “Discourse Analysis of Microteaching: Dynamic Identities and Situational Frames”. The Sociolinguistic Journal of Korea 25(2), 165~196. The present paper is based on a discourse analysis of Microteaching speech events of Korean pre-service training students taking a teacher training course in college. The purpose of this study is to look closely into what really is going on in the discourse of microteaching events in terms of the participants' identity enactment and framing of situations. Fifteen pre-service training students' microteaching lessons were video-taped and transcribed to examine detailed discourse features. The results of the qualitative analysis of the discourse revealed frequent dynamic shifting and enactments of identities in momentary situational frames. The participants in the present study were able to act on diverse situational frames by orienting to locally-managed situated identities.
2017.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
Yu, Kyong-Ae. 2017. “Perceptions and Functions of Korean Mianhada: Comparison with American English Sorry”. The Sociolingusitc Journal of Korea 25(2), 197~224. Sociopragmatic and pragmalinguistic conventions for apology vary from culture to culture. While the illocutionary purpose of apologizing in English is “the speaker's sense of social obligation” (Wierzbicka 1987: 215~217) and Japanese sumimasen involves “social-self with a social alter” (Ide 1998: 524), this study argues that Korean mianhada is an apology from the speaker's moral perspective linked with collective-self. Employing Wierzbicka's (1987) Natural Semantic Metalanguage, this study discusses that sorry is a separate concept but mianhada is a nebulous concept mixed with other emotions, e.g., thank and love. In addition, presenting the examples from corpus-based dictionaries, COCA, and the Sejong 21st Century Corpus, this study discusses that sorry is authentically used as indirect and ritualistic apologies while mianhada is used as direct, indirect, ritualistic and substantive apologies. Finally, distinguishing main functions of mianhada into a sincere apology, a pseudo-apology, gratitude, a request initiator, a preclosing signal, and a territory invasion signal to strangers, this study provides cultural and ethnographical explanations.