The study aimed to enhance quality characteristics of prune juice added with Schisandra chinensis and optimize mixing ratios of its components. Prune juice was prepared using varying proportions of prune concentrate and medicinal herbal plant extracts. Results showed that the pH of the medicinal herbal plant complex extract containing Schisandra chinensis decreased significantly, while the content of soluble solids increased with increasing concentration of prune concentrate. Results of analyzing antioxidant activity of individual component revealed that both prune concentrate and Schisandra chinensis extract demonstrated significantly higher antioxidant activities than other extracts, with Cinnamomum cassia extract showing the lowest antioxidant activity. As a result of antioxidant component analysis, total polyphenol contents, total flavonoid contents, and total tannin contents were all the highest in MSS but the lowest in the control. Regarding antioxidant activity, DPPH radial scavenging activity, ABTS DPPH radial scavenging activity, and SOD-like activity were the highest in MSS but the lowest in the control. In conclusion, findings suggest that incorporating higher proportions of both Schisandra chinensis and prune concentrate can synergistically improve the antioxidant activity and overall quality characteristics of prune juice.
Fresh Omija (Schisandra chinensis) has good marketability, but its quality is difficult to maintain during storage and distribution. Freezing and freeze-thawing treatments can be utilized for the quality maintenance and processing of cold press juice. In this study, the color, antioxidant properties, and the major components of soaked liquor from Omija with freeze-thawing treatment were analyzed during the extraction periods. Each of the frozen and freeze-thawed Omija samples was soaked in 35% ethanol, extracted for 15 days, and used for analysis. The frozen and freeze-thawed samples showed a tendency toward better color and higher antioxidant activity and major component levels than the controls, and freeze-thawing was the best. The results of this study showed that freeze-thawing treatment improved the color, antioxidant properties, and level of the major components of Omija soaked liquor, and freeze storage is suitable for making soaked liquor.
Cognitive impairment is considered to be key research topics in the field of neurodegenerative diseases and in understanding of learning and memory. In the present study, we investigated neuroprotective effects of Schisandra chinensis (SC) and Ribes fasciculatum (RF) extracts in hydrogen peroxide-induced neuronal cell death in vitro and scopolamine-induced cognitive impairment in Sprague Dawley® (SD) rat in vivo. Apoptotic cell death in neuroblastic PC12 cell line was induced by hydrogen peroxide for 1 hour at 100 μM. However, mixture of SC and RF treatment prevented peroxide induced PC12 cell death with no neurotoxic effects. For in vivo experiment, the effect of SC and RF extracts on scopolamine-induced cognitive impairment in SD rat was evaluated by spontaneous alternation behavior in Y-Maze test. After 30 min scopolamine injection, the scopolamine-induced rats presented significantly decreased % spontaneous alteration and acetylcholine level, compared to non-induced group. However, treatment of SC+RF extracts rescued the reduced % spontaneous alteration with acetylcholine concentration from hippocampus in scopolamineinduced rats. These results suggested that mixture of SC and RF extract may be a potential natural therapeutic agent for the prevention of cognitive impairment.
국내에서 오래 전부터 오미자와 칠해목은 약용식물로 이용해져 왔다. 오미자의 경우 생리활성 물질인 lignan을 통하여 여러가지 효능들이 연구를 통하여 알려졌으나, 칠해목의 경우 항염증과 관련된 연구가 진행되었을 뿐, 산화 스트레스와 관련된 연구는 미비한 실정이었다. 이에 본 연구에서는 오미자․칠해목의 추출혼합물을 이용하여, 과산화수소로 산화 스트레스가 유도된 SH-SY5Y 신경세포에서의 보호 효과를 알아보고자 하였다. 과산화수소의 처리 농도의 경우, 신경세포 독성 실험을 통하여 100 μM의 농도를 본 연구에 사용하였다. 또한, 오미자와 칠해목 추출물은 SH-SY5Y 신경세포에서 세포 독성이 없음을 실험을 통해 확인하였으며, 과산화수소를 이용한 신경세포 보호효과를 확인한 결과, 30% 에탄올 추출물 50 μg/mL의 농도에서 각각의 추출물에서 가장 높은 보호 효과를 확인할 수 있었다. 이에 오미자․칠해목 추출혼합물의 최적 효능 비율을 알아보기 위해서 각각의 추출물을 다양한 수율로써 6:4, 7:3, 8:2의 비율로 신경세포 보호 활성을 확인한 결과, 오미자와 칠해목 7:3의 비율과 50 μg/mL의 농도에서 가장 높은 신경세포 보호효과가 나왔으며, 이에 본 연구에서 오미자․칠해목 추출혼합물의 최적의 비율과 처리 농도로 사용하였다. Annexin V와 PI를 이용한 SH-SY5Y 신경 세포의 세포사멸을 확인해 본 결과에서도 오지마․칠해목 추출혼합물은 SH-SY5Y 신경세포의 세포사멸를 억제시키는 것을 확인할 수 있었다. 이에 본 연구에서는 오미자․칠해목 추출혼합물이 과산화수소로 유도된 산화적 스트레스에서 SH- SY5Y 신경세포에서 보호 효과가 있다는 것을 확인할 수 있었지만, 그에 대한 메카니즘에 대한 연구는 미비한 실정이다. 이에 차후 연구에서는 오미자․칠해목 추출혼합물의 산화 스트레스에 대한 정확한 기전을 파악하기 위하여 In vitro와 In-vivo에서의 후속적 연구가 필요하다고 사료된다.
Schizandra chinensis(Turcz.) Bail is one of the local special crops grown in Mungyeong, more than 70% of Gyeongbuk province in South Korea, and various pests are emerging due to recent climate change and intensive cultivation. Scirtothrips dorsalis(Hood) are the most damaging pests among the insects that occur in the Schizandra chinensis(Turcz.), mainly affecting fruit quality, yield and quality. The survey was conducted from February 2017 to September 2018 in three locations in Mungyeong area. Blue and yellow traps were used to investigate the occurrence patterns and the degree of damage. As a result of the survey, Scirtothrips dorsalis(Hood) occurred first in flowering period in May, and then occurred in fruits.
The occurrence density was highest in July. It was confirmed that the attractiveness of each trap color was blue in the early stage of growth and yellow in the late stage but there was no significant difference in the whole.
오미자를 가해하는 여러 해충 중 과피를 가해하는 볼록총채벌레를 대상으로 황색등에 대한 기피반응과 유인제에 대한 유인반응을 2017년 5월부터 8월까지 경북 문경시 동로면 소재 유기전환, 무농약, GAP 및 유기농 재배지에서 조사하였다. 황색등을 처리한 평지 및 경사지 모두에서 볼록총채벌레의 기피반응을 확인할 수 없었고 꽃노랑총채벌레 의 유인제로 사용하고 있는 p-anisic acid methyl ester에 대한 유인반응 또한 대조구와 비교했을 때 효과가 없는 것으로 조사되었다. 이러한 결과는 Derksen et al. (2016)이 언급한 것처럼 볼록총채벌레가 주행성(diurnal) 해충임을 의미하며 p-anisic acid methyl ester가 아닌 오미자가 발산하는 다른 향기물질(plant violates)을 이용한 유인제나 수컷이 방출하는 집합페로몬을 활용한 트랩 개발이 필요함을 제시하고 있다. 이러한 트랩 개발은 볼록총채벌레의 효과적인 예찰 및 대량포획에 도움이 될 것으로 판단된다.
This study added stevia leaf powder at ratios of 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, and 2.0 percent to Omija-pyun (Schisandra chinensis Jelly) as a natural low-calorie sweetener instead of sugar which is added to Omija-pyun in considerable amounts to evaluate quality characteristics and antioxidant activities compared to the control group with the addition of sugar. Moisture content of Omija-pyun expanded by increasing the measurement of stevia leaf powder (p<0.001), pH (p<0.01) and sugar content (p<0.001) decreased. L-values and b-values revealed a tendency to increase by adding more stevia leaf powder, but a-value revealed a tendency to decrease (p<0.001). Hardness (p<0.001) and chewiness (p<0.05) decreased by adding more stevia leaf powder. Based on the consumer preference evaluation, Omija-pyun with the addition of 0.5 percent stevia leaf powder was the most preferable in terms of color and flavor (p<0.001). The control group and Omija-pyun with the addition of 0.5 percent stevia leaf powder was the most preferable in terms of taste and texture (p<0.001). There were significant differences in the organoleptic properties except hardness between the samples by quantitative descriptive analysis. The control group revealed the highest preference in terms of redness and transparency, and redness and transparency tended to decrease by adding more stevia leaf powder (p<0.001). Organoleptic properties on bitterness and sourness were enhanced by adding more stevia leaf powder in the principal component analysis (PCA). Regarding antioxidant properties, total phenol compounds and flavonoid contents of Omija-pyun increased by adding more stevia leaf powder, and DPPH radical scavenging capacity also increased (p<0.001). Based on results, it is preferable to serve Omija-pyun with the addition of 1.0 percent stevia leaf powder instead of sugar within the context of quality and antioxidant activity.
노지 재배 오미자(Schisandra chinensis Baill)포장에서 재배양식(초생재배, 부 직포 멀칭 재배, 혼합 재배)의 차이에 따른 친환경관리구와 관행관리구의 볼록총채 벌레(Scirtothrips dorsalis Hood)의 계절별 발생 정도의 차이를 조사하였다. 초생 재배지의 경우, 친환경 관리 구와 관행 관리 구 모두에서 6월 상순과 7월 상순에 두 번의 발생피크를 보였다. 볼록총채벌레가 월동 후 오미자나무 주위의 식물체에서 서식 하다가, 5월초부터 오미자에 발생하는 것으로 보여진다. 6월초의 경우에는 기 존 관행 관리 구에 비해 친환경 관리 구에서의 볼록총채벌레 발생밀도가 50% 수준 인 30마리 정도로 전체적으로 낮은 것을 확인할 수 있었다. 부직포 멀칭 재배지의 경우, 친환경 관리 구와 관행 관리 구 모두에서 5월부터 볼록총채벌레가 발생하여 증가하기 시작하여 7월 중순부터 급격히 증가하였고, 두 관리구 사이에는 뚜렷한 밀도 차이가 보이지 않았다. 혼합재배지의 경우, 친환경관리구에서의 해충발생밀 도는 관행관리구의 37.5~50% 수준이었다. 이상의 결과를 조합해보면 주변 잡초에 의한 볼록총채벌레의 밀도 분산효과와 천적의 서식처 역할로 사실상 초생재배는 50% 이상의 병해충 방제효과를 갖는다고 볼 수 있다.
본 연구의 목적은 오미자로부터 순수분리한 리그난이 무의 종자발아 및 유묘생장에 미치는 영향을 조사함으로서 생장조절제와 천연물의 생물검증 방법을 개발하기 위해서 수행하였다. 오미자로부터 순수분리한 schisandrin, schisandrin C, gomisin A 및 gomisin N 등 4종의 리그난이 무 종자의 발아 및 유묘생육에 미치는 영향을 조사하였다. 무 종자를 10-5, 10-6 및 10-7 M의 schisandrin, schisandrin C, gomisin A 및 gomisin N 용액에 1시간 침지 후 발아율을 비교한 결과, 4종의 리그난류 처리는 대조구에 비해 발아속도가 빨랐다. 리그난류의 처리 48시간 후 대조구를 기준으로 하여 발아율의 촉진 또는 억제 효과를 비교한 결과, schisandrin과 gomisin A는 10-6 M의 농도에서, schisandrin C와 gomisin N은 농도가 높을수록 발아율이 억제되는 경향이었다. 리그난이 유묘생육에 미치는 영향을 대조구를 기준으로 하여 생육 촉진 또는 억제 효과를 조사한 결과, 하배축은 gomisin A와 gomisin N의 처리시 10-5 M의 고농도에서, gomisin N의 경우에는 10-6 M에서 생육이 촉진되었으며, 뿌리의 길이는 schisandrin 10-4 M의 고농도에서 가장 길었다. 유식물체당 총 생체중 및 건물중은 10-7 M의 저농도 처리시에 촉진되었으며, schisandrin C는 10-5 M의 고농도 처리시에 생체중과 건물중이 감소하였다. 따라서 오미자로부터 순수분리한 리그난은 종자발아 또는 유묘의 생장을 조절할 수 있는 생장조절제로서 이용가능이 있을 것으로 기대된다.
오미자 열매 추출물의 첨가량을 0-50%로 달리하여 식혜를 제조한 후 물리화학적 및 관능적 품질특성을 측정하고 각 특성사이의 상관관계를 살펴보았다. 추출물의 첨가량이 증가함에 따라 식혜의 pH는 유의적으로 감소한 반면 가용성 고형분 함량 및 적색도(a*값)는 증가하였다(p<0.05). 한편, 밝기를 나타내는 L*값과 황색도를 나타내는 b*값은 추출물의 첨가량과 직접적인 관계를 나타나지 않았다. 관능적 품질특성 중 색, 신맛, 단맛은 추출물의 첨가량과 유의적인 관계를 나타내었다(p<0.05). 상관분석 결과 추출물의 첨가량은 L*값과 a*값을 제외한 모든 물리적 및 관능품질 특성과 유의적인 관계를 나타내었다. 소비자 기호도검사에 의하면 10% 오미자 열매 추출물을 첨가한 식혜의 전체적인 기호도가 다른 시료군에 비해 유의적으로 높음을 알 수 있었다(p<0.05).
Background: Various Schisandra chinensis (SC) varieties grow in diverse regions in Korea. However, there is no valid scientific evidence of these varieties. This study aimed to select the excellent resources in terms of the growth characteristics, antioxidant activities, and analysis of the active compounds of the SC collection.
Method and Results: In total, 154 resources of SC were collected from various regions of Korea. The growth characteristics were measured by the number of fruit bunches, fruit number, and weight of 100 fruits. The antioxidant activities were investigated by analyzing the total flavonoid and total polyphenol contents and the radical scavenging activity of DPPH and ABTS. Schizandrin A, schizandrin c, gomisin a, and gomisin N were analyzed by HPLC. Each resource showed different growth characteristics. Among the antioxidative effects, the highest 20 resources showed high antioxidant activities in selected 29 resources. Analysis of the SC lignan index showed that all resources contained more than 1.16% of active compounds.
Conclusions: All of the selected 29 SC resources were shown to have excellent growth characteristics, antioxidant activities, and bioactive compound richness. Especially, SC-004, SC-007, and SC-154 showed the best growth characteristics, and SC-22, SC-40, and SC-45 showed the best antioxidant activities and bioactive compound richness.
Backgoound : Various varieties of Schisandra chinensis (Omija) are grown in various regions of Korea. However, there is no study on varieties with excellent efficacy for each variety. Therefore, in this study, it is aimed to select the excellent lineage by analyzing the active compounds of Omija collection species
Methods and Results : 154 lineage of Omija was collected from Muju of Jeollabuk-do, Jangsu of Jeollabuk-do and Hoengseong of Gangwon-do. They were cultivated in test-research farm in Rural Development Administration at Eumseong of Chungcheongbuk-do and used as materials. In order to analyze the active compounds (Shizandrin A, Shizandrin C, Gomisin A, Gomisin N) in Omija, the HPLC method described in the Korean Pharmacopoeia (compounds of Omija indicator) was used. As a result of analysis of functional compounds, SC-003, SC-005, SC-013, SC-015, SC-019, SC-020, SC-022, SC-023, SC-040, SC-042, SC-045, SC-066, SC-069 and SC-072 were collected from Jangsu, Jeollabuk-do, SC-082 was collected from Hoengseong, Gangwon-do and SC-139 was collected from Muju, Jeollabuk-do showed higher contents of functional compounds than other collected species.
Conclusion : As demand for high income crop has increased, new cultivar breeding is required to produce high quality Schisandra chinensis (Omija). In this study, Shisandra A, Shizandrin C, Gomisin A and Gomisin N were analyzed as functional compounds of Omija. They can be used for new Omija breeding. Especially SC-003, SC-019, SC-022, SC-040, SC-045, SC-069 and SC-082 can be superior lineags with high functional compound contents.
Background : Korea ginseng root has been traditionally used as a tonic as it is stated to have the capacity to normalize body functions and strengthen systems that are caused by various stresses. But, white ginseng (WG) has lower antioxidant activity than other medicinal crops. Omija (Schisandra chinensis Baillon) has various physiological functionalities such as anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant activities, which have the effective components of Omija are lignans (schizandrins and gomisins), and this components were contented mostly in seed part on Omija. Physiological characteristics of WG extracts were investigated by adding Omija to enhance functionality.
Methods and Results : WG extract were prepared by adding 0, 20, 40, 60, 80 and 100% of Omija to the weight of WG. Physiological characteristics of WG extracts were investigated DPPH radical scavenging activity, FRAP, and nitrite scavenging activity. As the amount of Omija added increased, DPPH radical scavenging activity of WG extract increased proportionally. IC50 of 10 times water extracts were 0.455, 0.028 and 0.041 ml/ml on WG (100WG), WG added 50% Omija (50OM50WG), and Omija (100OM0WG), respectively. On the other hand, FRAP of extracts decreased slightly with increasing amount of Omija. Nitrite scavenging activity of Omija extract were significantly more active than WG extract, exhibited to 88.89% and 72.65% on WG extract added with 40% Omija (40OM60WG) and non added (100WG), respectively, pH 1.2. and then, to 33.45% and 1.38% with 40OM60WG and 100WG extract, respectively.
Conclusion : From the above results, we may suggest that WG extracts by adding Omija increased the DPPH radical scavenging activity, nitrite scavenging activity and the preference degree on taste.
Backgoound : This study was conducted to serve as a basis for the selection of superior lines by analyzing the content of antioxidant component and antioxidant activity in Schisandra chinensis Collections Methods and Results : In order to examine antioxidant component and antioxidant activity, 154 species of Schisandra chinensis from whole country were used. Antioxidant component was investigated by total flavonoid content and total phenolic content and antioxidant activity was evaluated by DPPH radical scavenging activity and ABTS radical scavenging activity. As a result, the total amounts of flavonoids was highest in SC-20 with 5.03 ㎎/g. However the content of polyphenols showed highest in SC-22 with 2.76 ㎎/g. In addition antioxidant activity results were also relatively high in SC-22. The IC50 value was 548 ㎍/㎖ in DPPH radical scavenging and 640 ㎍/㎖. in ABTS+ radical scavenging. Conclusion : As demand for high income crop has increased, new cultivar breeding is required to produce high quality Schisandra chinensis From this study, analyses of antioxidant component and antioxidant activity in collection can be used for new Schisandra chinensis breeding. Especially SC-22 can be superior lines with high antioxidant component and antioxidant activity.