
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 137

        1999.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Quality and distribution of the TEA(Total Enclosed Area), TSA(Twine Surface Area), solidity ratio and resistance according to the partial nets of the midwater trawl net were examined through experiment at the sea to standardize a design of the midwater trawl net.The results can be summarized as follows;1. The TEA, TSA and resistance of the trawl net were increased definitely according to increasing the scale of the trawl net, and this is the most important factor to design the trawl net.2. As the result of analysis of the distributions of the bag net was smaller than the others. Because TEA for rear end of the wing net is decreased suddenly, we can judge that the trawl net was towed irregularly. 3. The resistance distribution of the partial net was increased suddenly from central part of the bag net and was showed large value in the codend.4. The resistance of the net from the position one of three to gab net and codened charged 75% at all resistance of net.
        1999.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        낙동강 하구 주변 해역에서 1987년 2월부터 1988년 1월까지 1년 동안 매월 소형 기선저인망(otter trawl)을 이용하여 어류의 종조성 및 계절변동을 조사하였다. 조사기간 동안 100개 어종에 속하는 23,008마리의 어류가 채집되었다. 가장 많이 채집된 어종은 실양태(Repomucenus valenciennei), 흰베도라치(Pholis fangi), 주둥치(Leiognathus nuchalis), 전갱이(Trachurus japonicus), 밴댕이 (Sardinella zunasi)였는데, 이들 5어종은 총 개체수의 63.0%와 생체량의 47.8%를 차지하였다. 계절별 우점종을 보면, 봄에는 흰베도라치와 실양태, 여름에는 실양태와 참서대(Cynoglossus joyneri), 가을에는 열동가리돔(Apogon lineatus)과 청멸(Thryssa kammalensis), 그리고 겨울에는 설양태, 주둥치, 밴댕이 등이 우점종으로 나타났다.어종수, 채집 개체수 및 종다양도지수는 뚜렷한 계절 변동을 보였다. 또한 어종 수 및 채집 개체수는 정점에 따라 차이를 보였는데, 낙동강 하구쪽으로 갈수록 어종수 및 채집 개체수가 감소하였다. 수온은 어류 종조성의 계절변동에 가장 큰 영향을 주는 요인이었으며, 염분은 어류의 공간 분포에 영향을 주는 것으로 나타났다.
        1999.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구에서는 실물 어구를 이용한 해상실험을 통하여 예망 중인 어구의 망구 형상을 해석하기 위해서 예망 속도, 어구의 저항, 전개판의 간격, 망고 등을 계측ㆍ분석하였다. 또한 망구 형상을 이론적으로 계산하기 위해서 망구의 형상을 지배하는 뜸줄, 발줄 및 옆줄의 모양을 현수곡선으로 간주하고 수학모텔을 기술하여 수치해석 하였고, 이 결과를 실제 측정된 값과 비교하여 모텔의 타당성을 검토하였다. 본 실험에 대한결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1. 선속의 변화에 따라 크게 변하는 요소로는 장력과 망고였고, 끌줄 길이의 변화에 민감하게 반응한 것은 어구 수심과 전개판의 간격이었다. 2. 계측된 트롤 어구의 상태량을 토대로 뜸줄 및 옆줄의 형상을 수치해석한 결과, 선속이 증가함에 따라 뜸줄 및 발줄의 폭과 옆줄의 높이는 감소하였고, 뜸풀 및 옆줄 중앙부의 처짐 정도는 증가하였다. 3. 예망속도에 따른 망고변화에 대하여 수치해석한 결과와 실제 실험에서 얻은 데이터를 비교한 결과, 비교적 양호한 결과를 얻을 수 있었다. 4. 수치해석한 결과로부터 망구의 형상을 추정한 결과, 선속이 증가함에 따라 횡축으로 긴 직사각형의 형상이 나타났으며, 횡축 및 종축 모두 크기가 감소하였다.
        1998.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Towing performance of a midwater trawl system was examined aboard the training ship KAYA(2900ps) at the East Sea using the midwater trawl gear that had been designed and manufactured in accordance with the vessel. In this experiment, the trawl system data, the towing speed, the length and tension of the warp, net mouth height, and the depth of otter boards and net were measured and analyzed. The results are as follows: 1. In case of heaving in the warp with constant towing speed, the tension was suddenly increased and then again was reduced and after returned to the original steady state tension. At this time, net height was reduced a bit by ascension of ground rope, but returned to it’s original value. In the case where the warp was paid out, the tension was suddenly decreased and after increased and then returned to the tension of the original state, and the net height was greatly increased instantly by the sinking of the ground rope and then returned to the steady state 2. In the case of increased towing speed mm constant warp length, the tension was increased, and reducing the net height, the gear depth was decreased. On the other hand, in the case where towing speed was reduced, the tension was reduced and the gear depth and net height was increased. 3. Otter boards show a swing motion in the scope of 5~ 10m continuously. Otter boards responded to the state change of the trawl system at first, and then the motion of the net appeared. 4. The depth of net center was about 20m deeper than that of the otter boards, it shows about 0.4 times the warp length at the 4knots towing speed.
        1998.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        우리나라 남해안에 대한 어업생물자원의 평가와 관리 및 유효이용방안 등을 모색하기 위한 기초연구로서, 남해안의 전해역에 설정한 생물학적 샘플링 정점을 대상으로 저층트롤에 의한 시험조업을 실시하고, 이들 정점에서 샘플링된 어획물의 생물학적 조성, 計量魚探調査와 관련한 漁獲選擇性의 영향 底棲漁業資源의 분포실태 등을 분석, 고찰한 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1. 1996년 10월과 1997년 1월, 3월, 7월~8월, 9월 ~ 10월에 우리나라 남해안에 설정한 64개의 조사정점을 대상으로 저층트롤에 의한 시험조업을 실시한 결과, 魚類 114종, 軟體類 8종, 甲殼類 7종(총 129종)에 총 9,9910.6 kg이 어획되었는 데, 이 중에서 어류의 점유비율은 전갱이 19.8%, 고등어 15.0%, 달강어 6.2%, 전어 6.1%, 병어 5.1%, 아귀 5.1%, 눈볼대 3.6%, 밴댕이 3.5%, 꼼치 3.4%, 꼬치고기 1.4% 등이었고, 甲殼類로서는 깨다시꽃게 0.34%, 보리새우 0.18% 등이었고, 頭足類로서는 창꼴두기 9.0%, 살오징어 5.8%, 참갑오징어 0.28% 등이 어획되었다.2. 1996년 ~ 1997년 사이에 우리나라 남해안에 설정한 트롤조사정점을 대상으로 실시한 저층트롤조업에 의해 어획된 어획량을 트롤예망층의 공간체적으로 나누어 산출한 단위체적당에 대한 어업생물자원의 분포밀도는 해역, 계절, 어획 어종의 조성, 조업시간 등에 따라 큰 차이를 나타내었으나, 그 값은 17.9 x 10-6 ~ 1,440.9 x 10-8kg/m3의 범위였고, 그 평균적인 분포밀도는 153.8 x 10-6kg/m3이었다. 3.우리나라 남해안에 설정한 64개의 조사정점에서 어구의 파망사고 및 조업장애가 없었던 50개의 트롤정점을 대상으로 끝자루와 커버 네트에 의한 어획비율을 조사한 결과, 커버 네트에 의한 어획비율은 0.7 ~ 91.9%의 범위로서, 그 평균적인 어획비율은 44.4%였다. 이처럼 우리나라 남해안에서는 어족자원의 감소 등에 기인하여 소형어의 어획비율이 매우 높은 실정이기 때문에 향후, TAC제도가 도입되는 경우, 조업어선에서는 상품 가치가 적은 이들 소형어를 바다에 그대로 폐기할 우려가 있으므로 소형어의 어획방지와 서식환경의 보호를 위한 대책의 수립이 절실히 요구된다.
        1997.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        We make an ultrasonic system as a trial to measure the distance between trawl doors, and carried out a water tank (24× 24m, water depth 1 m) experiment for confirming the practical use of the system in October 1996. This system calculates the distance between the pinger (50 kHz) and the transponder (50 kHz/70 kHz) attached each one on the trawl door by measuring the time-difference of receiving with two channels receiver on the trawler. This paper assums that both the length of the warp from the stern to the trawl door is same. At results the system shows a good relation between the distance and the time-difference of receiving while the location of the pinger is moved in variously in the water tank, and it was found that the method of measuring techniques on the prototype system could be applied to the measurement of the trawl door opening in the field experiment.
        1996.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The combined hydroacoustic and bottom trawl surveys were conducted in the Cheju southeastern area by the training ship "KAYA" belong to Pukyong National University in July 1995 and the traning ship "NAGASAKI MARl]" belong to Nagasaki University in April 1994, respectively. The main purpose of the investigations was to provide the basic data for the management and the biomass estimation of commercially important demersal fish stocks in this area. Fish samples were collected by bottom trawling from 10 trawl stations randomly selected in the survey area, and the species and length compositions of trawl catches were examined. The fish school target strength for demersal fish aggregations was related to the catchability of trawl net with a 90 mm mesh codend. The most abundant species in the 1995 trawl stations were Japanese flying squid, sword tip squid and red horsehead and that of the 1994 trawl stations Japanese flying squid and blackmouth goosefish. The average weight per cubic meter of trawl catches collected by bottom trawling in the Cheju southeastern area were 1.0791×lO-4kg/m3 in the 1994 survey area and 1.3636×lO-4kg/m3 in the 1995 survey area, respectively. The catch data by cover net suggest that the efficiency of trawl net could affect the weight normalized target strength values for demersal fish aggregations. That is, the average target strength per unit of weight dropped from - 33.1 dB/kg using the total catch by codend and cover net to - 30.5 dB/kg using only the catch data by codend, and a change of2.6 dB/kg was observed.ange of2.6 dB/kg was observed.
        1995.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 현재 국내에서 일부 사용되는 쌍끌이 중층망어구어법에서 문제점으로 지적되고 있는 망고를 보다 크게 하는 것, 망목에 뜸이 걸리는 것, 네트드럼에 감기는 어구 부피를 줄이는 것 등의 해결방법으로 카이트(kite)의 적용을 검토한 것이다. 중층망의 모형에 카이트를 부착하여 회류수조에서 모형실험을 통하여 유속에 따른 어구의 저항 및 전개성능을 비교 조사하였다. 그 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1. 유체저항은 지수함수곡선의 모양을 보여 유속이 낮을 때는 저항의 증가폭이 작지만 유속이 클 때는 저항의 증가폭이 커지며, 카이트망의 저항이 중층망의 0.68~0.72배로 작다. 2. 망고는 지수함수곡선의 모양으로 감소하는 양상을 보이며, 유속 1.3m/sec 이하에서는 카이트망의 망고가 중층망보다 작지만 1.5m/sec 이상에서는 크며, 유속이 커질수록 그 차이도 커진다. 망폭은 유속 2.0m/sec 이하에서는 유속이 커짐에 따라서 다소 커지나 그 이상에서는 거의 같으며, 카이트망과 중층망은 거의 같다. 3. 망구모양은 모두 유속이 커짐에 따라서 납작해지는 타원형모양을 이루며, 망구면적은 유속이 커짐에 따라서 지수함수곡선의 형태로 작아진다. 여과량은 로그함수의 곡선 형태를 보이고 있는데, 유속 1.3m/sec 이하에서는 카이트망의 여과량이 중층망보다 적지만, 1.5m/sec에서는 카이트망의 여과량이 중층망보다 약 3%, 2.0m/sec에서는 약 11%, 2.5m/sec에서는 약 16% 더 많다
        1995.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        우리나라 800 ps급 쌍끌이 저인망어선에서 사용할 수 있도록 덴마크에서 이미 보편적으로 사용하고 있는 사용하고 있는 쌍끌이 중층 트롤 어구를 Tauti의 어구비교법칙과 예인수조의 크기 등을 고려하여 1/30의 크기로 축소 제작하여, 이 모형어구에 대한 기본 성능을 알아보기 위해 예인속도 0.46~1.15m/sec(실물환산 2~5k't), weight 142g(실물환산 640kg)에 Front weight 15.5~62.0g(실물환산 70~280kg) 및 양선간격 5~8m(실물환산 150~240m)의 변화에 따른 모형어구의 망고, 망폭, 예인장력, 예망수축 등을 측정 분석하여 실물로 환산한 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1. 망고는 예인속도 2k't, Front weight 280kg, 양선간격 150m 일 때 32m로 가장 높게 나타났으며, 예인속도 5k't, Front weight 70kg, 양선간격 240m 일 때 6m로 낮게 나타났다. 2. 망폭은 예인속도 5k't, Front weight 70kg, 양선간격 240m 일 때 45m로 가장 넓게 나타났으며, 예인속도 2k't, Front weight 280kg, 양선간격 150m 일 때 33m로 가장 좁게 나타났다. 3. 예인장력은 예인속도 5k't, Front weight 280kg, 양선간격 240m일 때 10,000kg로 가장 크게 나타났으며, 예인속도 2k't, Front weight 70kg, 양선간격 150m 일 때 1,600kg로 가장 작게 나타났다. 4. 어구의 예망수층은 예인속도 2k't, Front weight 280kg, 양선간격 150m 일 때 38m로 가장 깊게 나타났으며, 예인속도 5k't, Front weight 70kg, 양선간격 240m 일 때 6m로 가장 얕게 나타났다. 5. 어구의 망구면적은 예인속도 2k't, Front weight 280kg, 양선간격 180m 일 때 1,100m 상(2)로 가장 크게 나타났으며, 예인속도 5k't, Front weight 70kg, 양선간격 240m 일 때 250m 상(2)로 가장 작게 나타났다
        1994.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The mesh selectivity of diamond and suare mesh cod-ends at the Southern Korean Sea and the East China Sea were compared for Pampus argenteus, Trachurus japonicus, Trichiurus lepturus. Selection trials were carried out using diamond and square mesh cod-end by trouser type cod-end with cover net. of which the mesh cod-end has four types : A(51.2mm), B(70.2mm), C(77.6mm), D(88.0mm). Selection curves and selection parameters were calculated using a logistic model. The results obained are summarized as follows : 1. Harvest fish : In B. C and D type selection range and fifty percent selection length of the square mesh were about 21mm, 11mm : 12mm, 18mm and 34mm, 5mm higher than those of the diamond mesh, respectively. Selection factor of master curve for the diamond mesh was 1.54 and for the square mesh was 1.68. The optimum mesh size for the diamond mesh was 97.4mm and for the square mesh was 89.3mm, the difference was 8.1mm. 2. Horse mackerel : In A type, selection range was nearly the same for the diamond and the square mesh, but fifty percent selection length of the square mesh was 43mm higher than the diamond mesh. In B. C and D type, selection range and fifty percent selection length of the square mesh were about 6mm, 3mm : 24mm, 21mm and 11mm, 42mm higher than those of the diamond mesh, respectively. Selection factor of master curve for the diamond mesh was 2.37, for the square mesh was 2.77. The optimum mesh size for the diamond mesh was 78.1mm and for the square mesh was 66.8mm, the difference was 11.3mm. 3. Hair tail : In A, B and C type, selection range of the square mesh was about 34mm, 8mm, 60mm higher than those of the diamond mesh. Fifty percent selection length for the diamond mesh was about 5mm, 7mm, 8mm higher than that of the square mesh. Selection factor of master curve for the diamond mesh was 3.11, for the square mesh was 3.48. The optimum mesh size for the diamond mesh was 64.3mm and for the square mesh was 57.5mm, the difference was 6.8mm.
        1994.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Mesh selection analysis for the trawl net were carried out at the Southern Korean Sea and the East China Sea during the 1992-1994 years by the training ship Seabada of the National Fisheries University of Pusan, using A type (51.2mm), B type (70.2mm), C type (77.6mm), D type (88.0mm) square mesh cod-ends. The fishing trials were made using bottom trawl of the trouser type cod-end with cover net. Selection curves and selection parameters were calculated by a logistic model for Sphyraena pinguis, Pampus argenteus, Trachurus japonicus, Pagrus major, Callanthias japonicus, Trichiurus lepturus. The results obtained are summarized as follows: 1. Red barracuda : Selection range and fifty percent selection length in the A type was 115.8mm, 292.8mm, respectively. 2. Harvest fish : Each selection range and fifty percent selection length in the B. C. and D type was 37.7mm, 113.8mm : 40.1mm, 131.7mm and 64.8mm, 148.6mm, respectively. Selection parameters of master curve were : slope, 3.81 : intercept, -6.4. Optimum mesh size was 89.3mm. 3. Horse mackerel : Each selection range and fifty percent selection length in the A, B, C and D type was 43.0mm, 148.3mm : 60.7mm, 183.2mm, 214.5mm and 91.4mm, 254.9mm, respectively. Selection parameters of master curve were : slope 2.30 : intercept, -6.4. Optimum mesh size was 66.8mm. 4. Red seabrem : Selection range and fifty percent selection length in the D type was 42.7mm, 203.4mm, respectively. 5. Yellowsail red bass : Selection range and fifty percent selection length in the A type was 84.0mm, 110.6mm, respectively. 6. Hair tail : Each selection range and fifty percent selection length in the A, B and C type was 59.7mm, 176.0mm : 100.9mm, 250.7mm and 178.6mm, 307.0mm, respectively. Selection parameters of master curve were : slope, 1.54 : intercept, -5.4. Optimum mesh size was 57.5mm
        1994.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This paper describes the model of a simplified trawl system and a control method by using fuzzy algorithm in controlling the depth of trawl gear. Fuzzy logic control rules are sets of linguistic expression that are used by an experienced performer in real operation. For real time processing of the control rules, the look-up tables are used. Computer simulation results indicate that the proposed fuzzy controller shows fast response with minimum steady-state error and robustness properties to the simulated disturbance.
        1994.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        선택어획의 궁극적인 목적은 미성숙어의 남획과 혼획을 방지하여 일정크기의 체장이 되었을 때 계속적으로 생산을 유지하기 위한 것이다. 그러나 일찍부터 Huxley의 Doctrin 같은 논리에서부터 시작하여 수산자원의 특성과 관련한 제문제와 어로기술의 급진적 발전으로 인한 어획량의 증가에 따라 어족자원의 감소는 심각한 수산현안의 문제로 되고 있지만, 우리나라는 아직 자원관리를 위한 어업기술의 방향이 모색되고 있지 못하는 것 같다. 이러한 점에서 균형적인 어업분야의 발전을 위해서는 하드에 적합한 소프트의 개발과 선택은 물론이고 소프트를 현실에 맞게 적용할 수 있는 하드의 개발이 필요한 것 같다. 어업기술면만 보더라도 생역화를 위한 어로기기의 개발, 자원관리형 어구, 어법의 개발 등의 소프트와 어업학이라는 하드의 조화가 최근 수산분야의 중요한 일면임에 틀림이 없을 것이다.(이 논문의 결론부분임)
        1993.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Due to depletion of fish resources as time goes on, the trawl fishing industries which have caught the demersal fish is confronting with financial difficulties. For the purpose of breaking these difficulties, trawlers are expanding the fishing targets to the midwater from bottom stock. The trawlers become to be able to detect the fish schools not only vertical but also horizontal direction by equipping the sonar system on board. Even though the operator locates the fish school by sonar, it is not easy to make a desirable catch of the fish school which is detected, for the reason of the maneuverring characteristics of trawler. For the purpose of enhancing the efficiency of a fish catch, the auther performed a series of on board experiments to investigate the maneuverablilites of midwater trawaler. The obtained results are summerized as follows: 1. The higher the RPM of main engine, the smaller the magnitude of turning circle. And it is smaller in the right than in the left turning 2. Towing speed varies irregularly under turning novenment. When the RPM of main engine being 560, 680 the angular velocities are 11.3deg/min, 22.5deg/min respectively. 3. The difference of new course distance between calculated by maneuverring indices and measured by experimental ship is high when altering course being large and towing speed low. 4. The faster the towing speed is, the shorter the new course distance becomes. When towing speed is same in right and left turning movement, the now course distance is shorter in case of right turning movement than in left. 5. It is considered to be convenient for a navigator to utilize the curves for altering course in order to steer the ship rapidly and accurately.
        1993.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The fishing experiment was carried out by the training ship Saebada in order to analyse the mesh selectivity for trawl cod-end, in the Southern Korea Sea and the East China Sea from June. 1991 through August, 1992. The trawl cod-end used in this experiment has the trouser type of cod-end with cover net. and the mesh selectivity was examined for the five kinds of the opening of mesh in its cod-end part. A total of 163 hauls, of which having mesh size 51.2mm ; A 89, 70.2mm ; B 54, 77.6mm ; C 55, 88.0mm ; D 52 and 111.3mm ; E 20 were used respectively. Selection curves and selection parameters were calculated by using a logistic function, S=1/(1+exp super(-(aL+b)) ). The mesh election master curves were estimated by S=1/(1+exp super(-[a(L/M)+β]) ). and the optimum mesh size were calculated with (L/M) sub(50) of master curve. In these cases 'a' and 'α' are slope, 'b' and 'β' are intercept. 'L' is body length of the target species of fishes, 'M' is the mesh size, and 'S' denotes mesh selectivity. In this report, the four species of compressed form fishes were taken analized according to fish shape, and 'S' denotes mesh selectivity. In this report, the four species of compressed form fishes were taken analized according to fish shape, and the results obtained are summarized as follows: 1. Red seabream Pagrus major(Temminct et Schlegel) and yellow porgy Dentex tumifrons(Temminct et Schlegel) ; Selection rate in each mesh size of A, B, C, D and E were 99.7%, 97.5%, 91.4%, 76.7% and 57.8% respectively. Selection parameters 'a' and 'b' of mesh sizes C, D and E were 2.65 and -28.62, 4.40 and -77.73, 2.31 and -46.99, and their selection factors were 1.39, 2.10, 1.83 respectively. Selection parameters of master curve 'α' and 'β' were 3.05 and -5.65 respectively, and (L/M) sub(50) was 1.85. The optimum mesh size of Red seabream was 141mm. 2. Filefish Thamnaconus modestus (Gunther) ; Selection rate in each mesh size of A, B, C, D and E were 99.6%, 98.3%, 91.2%, 80.0% and 48.6% respectively. Selection parameters 'a' and 'b' of mesh sizes C, D and E were 5.82 and -55.10, 2.92 and -36.90, 3.91 and -63.09, and their selection factors were 1.35, 1.44, 1.45 respectively. Selection parameters of master curve 'α' and 'β' were 3.02 and -4.32 respectively, and (L/M) sub(50) was 1.43. The optimum mesh size was 129mm. 3. Target dory Zeus faber Valenciennes ; Selection rate in each mesh size of A, B, C, D and E were 99.7%, 100%, 83.2%, 91.6% and 65.0% respectively. Selection parameters 'a' and 'b' of mesh sizes C, D and E were 3.85 and -32.46, 4.19 and -57.38, 2.45 and -40.03, and their selection factors were 1.09, 1.56, 1.47 respectively. Selection parameters of master curve 'α' and 'β' were 2.64 and -3.53 respectively, and (L/M) sub(50) was 1.34. The optimum mesh size was 127mm. 4. Butterfish Psenopsis anomala (Temminct et Schlegel) ; Selection rate in each mesh size of A, B, C, D and E were 99.2%, 34.1%, 46.5%, 14.3% and 2.4% respectively. Selection parameters 'a' and 'b' of mesh sizes B, C and D were 5.35 and -71.70, 5.07 and -69.25, 3.31 and -62.06 and their selection factors were 1.91, 1.75, 2.13 respectively. Selection parameters of master curve 'α' and 'β' were 3.16 and -6.24 respectively, and (L/M) sub(50) was 1.98. The optimum mesh size was 71mm.
        1993.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        A model experiment on a midwater rope trawl net which is used in the North Pacific to catch alaska pollack is carried out in the circulating tank to examine the basic efficiency of the net. The prototype is the net used by M/S Hanil(1, 179GT, 2, 700PS), a Korean trawler. The model net was made according to the Tauti's Similarity Law of Fishing Gear in 1/100 scale by considering the condition of the tank. To measure the basic efficiency of the standard model net, the vertical opening and width between some points marked on the net were measured, and the hydrodynamic resistance were determined. Then the constructive conditions of the net were varied as follows and the factors were measured again to compare the efficiency of those nets with that of the standard net(A-1 type) front weight multiplied 1.5 times: A-2 type. buoyancy and depressing force multiplied 1.7 times: A-3 type. front weight multiplied 1.5 times on A-3 type: A-4 type. depressors rigged at ground rope: B type. cod-end stuffed with cashmylon wad: C type. The results obtained can be summarized as follows: 1. The vertical opening at the center of head rope was steeply decreased with the flow velocity increasing and the vertical opening H(m) can be expressed in H=1.2v super(-1.2)(v : flow velocity in m/sec). The width of the net varied a little when the flow velocity was over 0.4m/sec, and the width of net mouth showed about 37% of the distance between the fore tips of net pendant. The shape of net mouth was almost a circle at 0.2m/sec and then steeply flatted elliptically with the flow velocity increasing and the area of mouth S(m super(2)) can be expressed in S=(1.65-2.3v)×10 super(-2). The hydrodynamic resistance of the net increased almost linearly with the flow velocity increasing and the resistance R(kg) can be expressed in R=3.2×d/l×abv. where d/l denotes the mean of d(diameter of netting twine) and l(length of a leg in a mesh) from wing tip to the end of bag-net except cod-end on the side pannel, and a denotes the strectched circumference of the net at the fore end of a meshed part and b the stretched length of the whole net from wing tip to the end of cod-end. 2. In the condition-varied nets, the vertical opening of head rope showed some increase in every type net except the C type, and the increase showed the greatest in the B type by 30~54%, whereas it showed decrease in the C type by 5~10%. Variation of the area of net mouth showed almost the same tendency as the vertical opening and the increase showed the greatest in the B type by 20%, whereas it showed decrease in the C type by 12%. Hydrodynamic resistance showed some increase in every type compared with the standard net, and the rate of increase indicated 5~10% in the A-2, A-3 and A-4 type, 22% in the B type and 3% in the C type.
        1993.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        A cooperative Korea-Japan investigation for the demersal fisheries resources of the East China Sea carried out by using the training ship Oshoro Maru belong to Hok-kaido University, Japan, during 1-8 November, 1991. The research vessel sampled 15 stations with demersal trawls on the East China Sea, and 1,364 nautical miles of track line were surveyed hydroacoustically. The hydroacoustic observations were taken with a scientific echo sounder operating at two frequencies of 25 kHz and 100 kHz, and a microcomputer-based echo integrator. Fish samples were collected by demersal trawling, and temperature, salinity and dissolved oxygen were measured with a CTD system. The target strength of fish school was estimated from the relationship between mean scattering strength and catches caught by demersal trawling. The results obtained can be summarized as follows: 1. The mean backscattering strength for 15 layers occupied by demersal trawls at 25 kHz ranged from -70.4 dB to -59.1 dB. Then the catch per one hour ranged from 8.2 to 587.5 kg/hour. 2. The mean backscattering strength for the entire layer between transducer and seabed in the survey area of the East China Sea at 25 kHz and 100 kHz were -68.0 dB and -73.1 dB, respectively. 3. The mean fish-school target strength per one kilogram at 25 kHz and 100 kHz were -28.3 dB/kg, and -30.4 dB/kg, respectively.
        1993.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In order to estimate the mesh selectivity master curves and the optimum mesh size, experiments were made by the cover net method with the cod-ends of the five different the opening mesh sizes(51.2mm, 70.2mm, 77.6mm, 88.0mm and 111.3mm). After that 163 hauling were performed and there by investigated, on the training vessel Saebada in the Southern Korean Sea and East China Sea from June 1991 to August 1992. In this report, the mesh selectivity master curves were fitted by using logistic function(S=1/(1+exp super(-(aR+b))), R=(L-L sub(0))/(M-M sub(0)) and the optimum mesh sizes were estimated from each master curve. In this case, a and b are the selection parameters, M is the mesh size of each experimental cod-end. L is body length, L sub(0) and M sub(0) is the distance from the coordinate origine to intersection of linear regression between 25% and 50% selection length. The results obtained are summarized as follows; 1. Trachurus japonicus: Mesh selectivity master curve parameters: a and b were 2. 25, -4.73 respectively and optimum mesh size was estimated to be 79.3mm. 2. Trichiurus lepturus: Mesh selectivity master curve parameters: a and b were 0.81, -3.17 respectively and optimum mesh size was estimated to be 64.5mm. 3. Photololigo edulis: Mesh selectivity master curve parameters: a and b were 1.30m, -4.10 respectively and optimum mesh size was estimated to be 89.9mm. 4. Todarodes pacificus: Mesh selectivity master curve parameters: a and b were 1. 35, -3.45 respectively and optimum mesh size was estimated to be 89.4mm.
        1992.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In order to analyse the mesh selectivity for the trawl net, the fishing experiment was carried out by the training ship Saebada in the southern Korea Sea and the East China Sea from June 1991 to August 1992. The trawl net used in experiment has the trouser type of cod-end with cover net, and the mesh selectivity was examined for the five kinds of the opening mesh size in its cod-end part. The selection curves and the selection parameters were calculated by using a logistic function, S=1/(1+exp super(-(aL+b))), and in this case, a and b are the selection parameters and L is the body length of the target species of fishes. In this report, the four species of aquatic animals were analysed because the catch data were enough to calculate normally the selection curves and the selection parameters, and the results obtained are summarized as follows: 1. Trachurus japonicus; Selection parameters a and b in each cases of the opening mesh size of 51.2mm, 70.2mm, 77.6mm, 88.0mm and 111.3mm were respectively 0.5050 and -5.4283, 0.3018 and -4.9590, 0.3816 and -7.3659, 0.2695 and -5.7958, 0.2170 and -5.1226. 2. Photololigo edulis ; Selection Parameters a and b in each cases of the former mesh sizes were respectively 0.7394 and -6.1433, 0.3389 and -4.2366, 0.3286 and -5.1002, 0.2543 and -5.0049, 0.1795 and -4.8040. 3. Trichirus lepturus; Selection curves in the opening mesh size of 111.3mm was calculated unnormally. The selection parameters in the other opening mesh sizes were respectively 0.3790 and -5.2891, 0.2071 and -4.9164, 0.1292 and -3.1733, 0.1153 and -3.8497 in the order of former mesh sizes except 111.3mm. 4. Todarodes pacificus ; Selection curve in case of the opening mesh sizes, 70.2mm and 111.3mm were calculated unnormally. In the order cases of the opening mesh sizes, the selection parameters were respectively were 0.5766 and -6.0169, 0.3735 and -5.4633, 0.2771 and -5.7718 in the order of former mesh sizes except 70.2mm and 111.3mm.
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