
수산해양기술연구 KCI 등재 Journal of the Korean Society of Fisheries and Ocean Technology 韓國漁業技術學會誌

이 간행물 논문 검색


28권 4호 (1992년 12월) 11

1992.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
In order to establish one of the forecasting model for the fishing conditions of squid angling fisheries in the Eastern Korea Sea, the catch data for the years of 1955~1991 and the water temperature data for the years of 1979~1990 were analysed, and then some parameters, that is, the water temperature normal year anomaly in the spawning and the rapidly growing season, the adult resource amount and etc were examined statistically correlation with the catch fluctuation of the main fishing seasons. From the result, authors suggested a formula as a forecasting model, Y=25785+1099X sub(1)+1074X sub(2)+6.033X sub(3)+3.95X sub(4)+1.330X sub(5)(M/T)(R super(2)=0.867, P<0.01) in the case that Y is the yearly catch, X sub(1) and X sub(2) are the water temperature normal year anomalies in October and December of the previous year and that in February and April, and X sub(3), X sub(4) and X sub(5) are the catches in October, in September, in November of previous year respectively. Because these parameters could be checked in earlier time of a half year before the main fishing season, this model was assumed to be very useful for the prediction of fishing conditions of squid angling fisheries.
1992.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
어군탐지기를 이용하여 어군의 분포와 그 행동생태를 계측하기 위한 연구의 일환으로 어군의 연직적인 일주회유이동 및 초음파산란강도의 변동특성을 검토하고, 또한 수온의 연직구조와 어군의 연직분포특성과의 관계, 선박의 항주상태에 따른 어군의 행동반응 등을 현장실험을 통하여 검토, 고찰한 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. (1) 어군의 공간분포특성은 수온의 연직구조와 밀접한 관계가 있음을 알 수 있었다. (2) 동중국해 중앙부에서 일출 직전까지 수온약층 바로 아래쪽에 군집하고 있던 칼오징어와 전갱이 어군이 일출과 더불어 해저를 향해 급속히 하강하는 일주회유이동이 관찰되었고, 그 하강속도는 0.24m/min이었다. (3) 수온약층이 탁월했던 제주도 서방해역과 대만 북부해역을 대상으로 어군의 연직분포특성과 수온의 연직구조와를 상호 비교 분석한 결과, 표층과 저층의 수온차가 크고, 또 중층에 뚜렷한 수온약층이 형성되어 있는 경우, 전갱이와 칼오징어군은 야간에 수온약층의 바로 아래쪽에 농밀하게 군집하는 특성을 나타내고, 또 표층과 저층의 수온차가 적은 경우에 있어서는 표층까지 완전히 부상하여 군집하는 경향을 나타내었다. (4) 선박을 정선시킬 때, 선저 직하에 분포하는 어족생물이 급히 연직적으로 하향 이동하는 도피행동을 나타내었다. 그러나, 그 후 시간이 경과함에 따라서 다시 원래의 유영층으로 상향이동하는 행동패턴을 나타내었다. 한편, 수온약층을 경계로 하여 상층과 하층에 분포하는 어족생물의 행동패턴에도 차이가 있었는데, 수온약층 아래쪽에 있어서는 어군이 현저한 도피행동을 나타내었지만, 그 위쪽에 있어서는 그러한 징후가 관찰되지 않았다. 이와 같은 현상은 수온약층 아래쪽에는 유영성이 강한 어족생물이, 그 위쪽에는 유영성이 약한 어족생물이 군집하고 있었기 때문이라고 판단된다. 당시 이 해역에서 행한 저층 트롤의 주요 어획물은 물메기, 살오징어, 삼치 등이었다.
1992.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
The movements of three striped jack (Caranx delicatissimus, 24cm of body length) were tracked by ultrasonic telemetry in the Nunoura Bay in August 1990. A school of the striped jack has been released near by the fish farming rafts by Goto branch of the Fisheries Agency and Japan Sea-Farming Association. To investigate the staying area and the swimming pattern of the fish, small size pinger(Φ8.5×L35mm, 140dB re 1μPa at 1m, 69kHz) was tagged on the dorsal fin without any anesthesia. The movements of three tagged fish are monitored at the same time with four omni-directional hydrophones. The locations of the fish are calculated by the hyperbolic method and tracked by a technique so called time division scheme which uses both the pulse interval and the phase. Three pingers used have the pulse interval of 1.7, 1.8 and 1.9sec, respectively, and the common pulse duration of 15ms. In results it was capable to estimate behavior right after the release, swimming speeds and approximate moving area of the fish. The movements were tracked for a week continuously, and it was found out that the staying area of the fish was around or under the farming rafts. Sometimes they swam together but most of the time they move separately. The average swimming speed of those fish was about two times of the body length.
1992.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
In order to analyse the mesh selectivity for the trawl net, the fishing experiment was carried out by the training ship Saebada belonging to the National Fisheries University, in the Southern Korea Sea and the East China Sea from June 1991 to August 1992. The trawl net used in the experiment has the trouser type of cod-end with cover net and the mesh selectivity in the cod-end part. In this report, the species of fishes caught and the catch rate for them in accordance with different mesh sizes were analysed, and the result obtained are summarized as follows: 1) 145 species of aquatic animals were caught in totally 138 times of trawl operations. 2) The number of species mostly not to escape are 28, 22, 19, 16 and 11 respectively, in each opening mesh size, 51.2mm, 70.2mm, 77.6mm, 88.0mm and 111.3mm of cod-end. 3) In view that the use of the opening mesh size above 54mm in cod-end of trawl net in Korea, it is necessary to device a counterplan against the overfishing, for the 22 species of aquatic animals mostly not to escape in the cod-end of the large mesh sizes more than 70.2mm.
1992.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
In order to analyse the mesh selectivity for the trawl net, the fishing experiment was carried out by the training ship Saebada in the southern Korea Sea and the East China Sea from June 1991 to August 1992. The trawl net used in experiment has the trouser type of cod-end with cover net, and the mesh selectivity was examined for the five kinds of the opening mesh size in its cod-end part. The selection curves and the selection parameters were calculated by using a logistic function, S=1/(1+exp super(-(aL+b))), and in this case, a and b are the selection parameters and L is the body length of the target species of fishes. In this report, the four species of aquatic animals were analysed because the catch data were enough to calculate normally the selection curves and the selection parameters, and the results obtained are summarized as follows: 1. Trachurus japonicus; Selection parameters a and b in each cases of the opening mesh size of 51.2mm, 70.2mm, 77.6mm, 88.0mm and 111.3mm were respectively 0.5050 and -5.4283, 0.3018 and -4.9590, 0.3816 and -7.3659, 0.2695 and -5.7958, 0.2170 and -5.1226. 2. Photololigo edulis ; Selection Parameters a and b in each cases of the former mesh sizes were respectively 0.7394 and -6.1433, 0.3389 and -4.2366, 0.3286 and -5.1002, 0.2543 and -5.0049, 0.1795 and -4.8040. 3. Trichirus lepturus; Selection curves in the opening mesh size of 111.3mm was calculated unnormally. The selection parameters in the other opening mesh sizes were respectively 0.3790 and -5.2891, 0.2071 and -4.9164, 0.1292 and -3.1733, 0.1153 and -3.8497 in the order of former mesh sizes except 111.3mm. 4. Todarodes pacificus ; Selection curve in case of the opening mesh sizes, 70.2mm and 111.3mm were calculated unnormally. In the order cases of the opening mesh sizes, the selection parameters were respectively were 0.5766 and -6.0169, 0.3735 and -5.4633, 0.2771 and -5.7718 in the order of former mesh sizes except 70.2mm and 111.3mm.
1992.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
통발 구멍의 직경을 4단계로 만들어 1988년 10월중에 남부해역에서 부산수산대학 실습선 402호와 403호로 조업을 하여 어획한 붕장어 Astroconger Myriaster의 전장을 측정하여 붕장어에 대한 장(1987)의 어체제원간 관계식의 타당성과 플라스틱 통발 구멍의 적정직경을 알아본 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1. 어체제원간의 관계식 D=0.07L-0.59은, 통발구멍의 직경 D값에 대한 전장 L 값 이상으로의 어획율이 P1, P2, P3와 P4 각각 97.4, 94.9, 100.0, 96.0%로 매우 타당성이 있다. 2. 붕장어 플라스틱 통발 구멍의 적정직경은 적어도 1.5cm 이상은 되어야 한다.
1992.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
Current measurements at 3 sections and numerical experiments were carried out in Masan Bay to understand the effect of the wind on the residual currents and pollutant transport. The vertical distribution of horizontal velocities were directly affected by the wind at the depths of 1m and 2m beneath the sea surface. Analysis of the velocity data suggested that changes in the vertical gravitational circulation contributed to the net circulation. The net transport of water through the northern part of the bay was observed to be landward, with wind-induced transport of about 100m super(3)/s. Hence, wind is concluded to be the dominant mechanism driving the net circulation in the northern area of Masan Bay. Numerical experiments are shown that when S wind with 5m/s blew, northern area of the bay was generated the horizontal circulation of clockwise and local gyre. On the contrary of those, N wind made her to the anti-clockwise. In the case of no wind, the tidal residual current(constant flow) is very small or neglected except the bay-mouth. The inflow or outflow pattern of the mouth is considered as the flows generated by tidal residual current only. The distance of wind-induced transport of pollutant was as long as 2 times of no wind during the one tidal period.
1992.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
The characteristics of local climate in the vicinity of Duckyang Bay have been investigated with the analysis of the surface observation data of Gohug District and the aerological data of Kwangju. In principal features of local climate, the annual range in temperature appeared identical with the mean value(24~25℃) of the south coastal area, and evaporation from April to September was likely less than precipitation. The average speed of surface wind in Summer seemed higher than in other seasons on account of wea breeze. Relative humidity was 74%, annual average. In the mean cloud cover Summer(6.4) showed greater deal of amount than Winter(4.2). Duration of sunshine was the longest in May(268.4hrs), while the shortest in February(188.4hrs). The amount of the precipitable water was the greatest in July, whereas the least in January, and in Summer the greatest, in Autumn the second greatest, and in Spring the third greatest, and in Winter the least in consideration of seasonal orders. The Summer deviation was most remarkable around all sides. The direction of vector wind appeared the most changeable on the earth surface. At an altitude of 300mb all the winds blew west around all months. Moreover, water vapor transport was measured to be the greatest in Summer; while the least in Winter. So was the deviation of water vapor transport. And lastly frequency of occurrence of days in which a little cloud appeared(less than 5/10) was high except for Summer, when northerly winds blew; while frequency of occurrence of day plenty of clouds floated was outstandingly high at the time of strong southerly winds.
1992.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
In full-speed cruising, the airborne sound pressure levels are measured from 11 small fishing boats operated around Cheju Island. In these measurement, 9 measuring positions are selected in each fishing boats. The results of measurements and analyses are as follows: 1. The sound pressure levels in FRP boats are higher than those in wooden boats. 2. The highest sound pressure level is 112dB(A) at the engine room in C boat, while the lowest one is 72dB(A) at the front deck in K boat. 3. The highest sound pressure level is shown to be in the frequency band less than 500Hz. 4. The highest sound pressure level is shown to be in the frequency band less than 500Hz. 5. Through all 9 positions, the sound pressure levels are higher in B and C boat and lower in E and K boats.
1992.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
Recently, many researchers make a great effort to develop high efficient marine diesel engines using low grade heavy oil, and also study substitution fuel oil for engines and boilers. In case of Fisheries Vessels, we need to know that fish oil can be substituted for fuel oil. Therefore, it is studied that evaporation, ignition and combustion phenomena of the single droplet of fish oils (i.e., Sardine fish oil, File fish oil and Alaska pollac oil) on heated plane surface to evaluate appropriateness as substitution oil. Methanol and light oil are tested simultaneously to help the evaluation on these Fish oils. The results are summarized as follows: 1. The type of evaporation and combustion is spherical evaporation in case of methanol and light oil. And fish oil blended with light oil was finished after spherical evaporation happen when high temperature. 2. Ignition of Pure fish oil was shorter than that of fish oil blended with light oil. 3. Heat transferred to droplet could make qualitative comparison by contact diameter of droplet with hot surface as time changes. Life time of droplet according to the change of heated surface temperature was greatly influenced by droplet contact condition on the heated surface. 4. As far as combustion phenomena was concerned, apparent diameter of the fish oil droplet increased after ignition and decreased suddenly by internal boiling of droplet. 5. Three fish oils had similar phenomena on the evaporation, ignition and combustion. 6. Evaporation and combustion feature of fish oil could not be shown by coefficient of evaporation velocity of droplet and coefficient of combustion velocity of droplet.