
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 14

        2023.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 ‘국가 경제에 큰 영향을 미치는 중소기업들의 경쟁우위 강화와 성과 창출을 위해 어떠한 무형자원이 중요할까? 특히, 시장 환경 변화가 크고, 위기·재난 상황일 경우에는 어떤 역량이 필요할까? 시장 환경 변화가 클 때, 중소기업 중 플랫폼기업과 일반 기업의 기업성과에 미치는 역량은 다를 수 있지 않을까?’라는 질문에서 시작되었다. 이를 위해 중소기업의 경쟁우위와 성과에 영향을 미치는 주요 역량으로 기업가지향성, 흡수역량, 조직회복탄력성을 제시하였고, 특히, 최근 기업의 핵심역량으로 부상하고 있는 조직회복탄력 성이 기업성과에 어떠한 조절효과를 갖는지 실증하였다. 또한, 플랫폼기업과 일반기업을 비교하여 기업성과에 미치는 조직회복탄력성의 조절효과를 분석하였으며, 조직회복탄력성의 어떤 하위요소에 따라 조절효과가 달라지는지 실증하였다. 연구 결과, 기업가지향성, 흡수 역량은 모두 기업성과에 유의한 정(+)의 영향을 미치며, 조직회복탄력성도 기업성과에 유의한 정(+)의 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 또한, 조직회복탄력성의 하위 구성요소인 위기준비 역량, 위기대응 역량, 변화주도 역량은 기업가지향성과 기업성과 간 관계를 유의하게 조절하고, 위기준비 역량과 변화주도 역량은 흡수역량과 기업성과 간 관계를 유의하게 조절하였다. 그리고, 기업가지향성과 기업성과 간 관계에서 위기준비 역량의 조절효과, 기업가지향성과 기업성과 간 관계에서 위기대응 역량의 조절효과는 플랫폼기업에서만 유의한 결과를 보였다. 연구 결과는 조직회복탄력성이 기업성과에 직접 영향을 줄 뿐 아니라, 기업가지향성, 흡수 역량과 상호작용하여 기업성과를 더욱 높여줄 수 있으며, 플랫폼기업과 일반기업 간 조직회복 탄력성의 조절효과가 다를 수 있음을 시사하였다. 이러한 결과는 중소기업의 경영에 실질적인 도움이 될 것으로 기대된다.
        2022.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        기업의 혁신적이고 적극적인 성향 또는 활동인 기업가 지향성은 최근 국제경영 분야에서 중요하 게 연구되고 있다. 특히, 기업가 지향성은 기업의 학습 및 역량 개발을 촉진하고, 새로운 시장의 기 회를 인지하고 포착하며, 경쟁 기업들과의 차별화를 가능하게 한다는 점에서 성과에 긍정적인 영향 을 미친다는 주장이 있다. 일부 연구에서는 기업가 지향성이 오히려 성과에 유의미한 영향을 미치 지 않는다는 연구결과도 나타났다. 하지만, 기업가 지향성과 성과 간의 관계는 기업의 자원 및 역 량 등 내부적 환경에 따라 상의할 가능성이 크다. 본 연구에서는 기업의 내부적 요인으로서 흡수 역량이 기업가 지향성의 실행에 영향을 미치는 주요 요인으로 작용할 수 있다는 점을 고려해서 흡 수 역량의 두 가지 차원(잠재적 흡수 역량, 실현적 흡수 역량)이 기업가 지향성-수출 성과에 미치 는 영향을 실증적으로 분석하고자 한다. 한국 수출 기업들을 대상으로 기업가 지향성, 흡수 역량, 수출 성과에 대한 설문 조사를 실시하였다. 분석 결과, 기업가 지향성은 수출 성과에 긍정적인 영 향을 미치며, 기업의 실현된 흡수 역량이 높을수록 기업가 지향성의 긍정적인 영향은 강화되는 것 으로 나타났다. 이에, 본 연구는 기업가 지향성-수출 성과 간의 관계에 영향을 미치는 기업의 내부 적 요인을 검증함으로써 학문적 및 실무적 관점에서 의미 있는 시사점을 제공할 수 있을 것으로 기 대된다.
        2018.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        융⋅복합 제품의 확산, 디지털 기술의 발전과 고도화, 제품수명주기의 단축, 지식원천의 다양화 등 경영환경의 급격한 변화로 인하여 기업은 내부 자원만을 이용한 혁신으로 경쟁에 대처하기 어려운 상황에 놓이게 되었다. 특히, 중소기업은 자체 기술개발의 한계와 자원의 제약으로 인해 환경변화에 신속하게 대처하기가 더욱 어렵다. 기업이 제품과 시장에서 지위를 강화하기 위해서는 혁신에 필요한 아이디어나 기술 등을 외부에서 조달하고 내부의 자원들도 외부와 공유하며 새로운 제품과 서비스를 개발해야만 한다. 기업이 기업 내부와 외부로의 지식흐름을 활용하여 내부 혁신성과를 높이고 혁신의 외부 활용시장을 확대하여 기업의 가치를 높이는 개방형 혁신 패러다임은 여전히 유용한 혁신 전략이 될 수 있는 이유이다. 개방형 혁신에 관한 다양한 연구들이 진행되었지만, 중소기업의 개방형 혁신의 선행요인과 기업성과를 하나의 연구모형으로 분석하여 개방형 혁신에 대한 심층적인 이해를 제공한 연구는 부족하다. 또한 개방형 혁신의 선행요인 연구에서 그 중요성에도 불구하고 충분하게 검증되지 않았던 기업가 지향성과 개방적 조직문화에 대해 그 영향을 실증적으로 확인할 필요가 있다. 본 연구는 중소기업의 기업가 지향성과 개방적 조직문화가 개방형 혁신에 미치는 영향을 검토하고, 기업가 지향성, 개방적 조직문화, 개방형 혁신이 기업성과에 미치는 직⋅간접적 영향을 개방형 혁신의 매개효과를 중심으로 분석한다. 실증분석을 위해 우리나라 상장기업들과 외부감사기업들 중 종업원 100인 이상 5,000명 이하 제조기업을 대상으로 설문조사를 진행하였으며, 283개의 유효한 응답결과에 대해 구조방정식 모형을 이용하여 연구모형과 가설을 검증했다. 실증분석 결과는 첫째, 기업가 지향성은 개방형 혁신과 기업성과에 긍정적인 영향을 준다. 둘째, 기업의 개방적 조직문화는 개방형 혁신에는 긍정적인 영향을 나타내지만 기업성과에 미치는 직접적 영향은 통계적으로 유의하지 않는 것으로 나타냈다. 셋째, 개방형 혁신은 기업성과에 긍정적인 영향을 나타내는 것으로 확인되었다. 넷째, 개방형 혁신은 기업가 지향성과 기업성과 사이에서 부분적으로 매개효과를 나타내며, 개방적 조직문화와 기업성과 사이에서는 완전매개 효과를 나타내었다.
        2016.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Businesses today are looking for new ways to acquire and retain customers, by delivering innovative products and services, which serve each customer's individual demands. Fo- cusing on individual customer needs and addressing each request individually with a ser- vice or product that is perceived as being customized has become the focal point of Inter- action Orientation (IO), a firm-level strategic orientation developed by Ramani and Kumar (2008). Entrepreneurial Orientation (EO) is also a firm-level strategic construct, which reflects the "processes, practices, and decision-making activities" that firms use to identify and exploit new business opportunities (Lumpkin & Dess, 1996, p.136). As op- posed to IO, EO is a well-established concept, being one of the most examined topics in entrepreneurship research. However, most studies have focused on cross-sectional de- signs to assess the relationship to firm performance, leading to numerous research calls focusing on the need for more dynamic investigations (Saeed, Yousafzai, & Engelen, 2014). Based on our analysis including 247 S&P500 firms from a variety of industries over a period of three years, this longitudinal study is one of the first to assess the short-term and long-term effects of IO and EO. To establish the firm's levels of IO and EO, we ana- lyze the content of Letters to Shareholders (LtS), as LtS have been widely used to assess different strategic orientations - Market Orientation, Learning Orientation - including EO (Noble et al., 2002; Short, Broberg, Cogliser, & Brigham, 2010; Zachary, McKenny, Short, & Payne, 2011). We relied on multisource secondary data for performance indica- tors and included several control variables: past performance of the firm, firm age, firm size, as well as industry specific effects. Our results confirm that each orientation has a positive impact on the firm's financial suc- cess in the long-term but a combined IO-EO strategy reveals a negative effect on firm performance in the long-term. This study investigates the synergies between IO and EO in a longitudinal setting and using objective financial performance indicators, establish- ing the advantages and disadvantages of implementing a single or combined strategy.
        2016.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        This study attempts to investigate the impact of entrepreneurial orientation on positive psychological and behavior intention such as psychological ownership, work engagement, organizational citizenship behavior, sales efforts, adaptive selling behavior, performance for internal marketing based on job demands and resources model (JD-R model). The purpose of this study is to examine how the five-dimensional entrepreneurial orientation (innovativeness, proactiveness, risk taking, autonomy, aggressiveness) can affect salespeople’s positive motivation and to suggest how to manage and train salespeople effectively as internal customers. For this study, data were gathered from the respondents who are salespeople and analyzed by using structural equation model (SEM). According to the results of the study, entrepreneurial orientation affected salespeople’s positive psychological ownership and work engagement. In addition, we confirmed that psychological ownership affected to increase work engagement and organizational citizenship behavior, and work engagement was a positive precedence factor increasing organizational citizenship behavior, sales efforts and adaptive selling behavior. Lastly, we found that organizational citizenship behavior, sales efforts and adaptive selling behavior showed a positive impact on performance. Based on the study results, this research suggested academic and managerial implications to manage and train salespeople effectively in the business-to-business markets.
        2016.07 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        43 5. Research Model Value Co-Creation Customer ParticipationㆍInformation seeking ㆍInformation sharing ㆍResponsible behavior ㆍPersonal interactionCustomer Citizenship ㆍFeedbackㆍAdvocacyㆍHelpingㆍToleranceRelationship PerformanceㆍTrust ㆍCommitment ㆍLoyaltyEntrepreneurial Value OrientationEntrepreneurial Orientation(EO)Relationship Orientation(RO)MarketOrientation(MO)H1H2H3H4H5H6H7H8 Hypotheses H1: Entrepreneurial Orientation will have a positive influence on customer participation behavior in value co-creation process H2: Market Orientation will have a positive influence on customer participation behavior in value co-creation process H3: Relationship Orientation will have a positive influence on customer participation behavior in value co-creation process H4: Entrepreneurial Orientation will have a positive influence on customer citizenship behavior in value co-creation process H5: Market Orientation will have a positive influence on customer citizenship behavior in value co-creation process H6: Relationship Orientation will have a positive influence on customer citizenship behavior in value co-creation process H7: Customer participation behavior in value co-creation process will have a positive influence on relationship performance H8: Customer citizenship behavior in value co-creation process will have a positive influence on relationship performance43 5. Research Model Value Co-Creation Customer ParticipationㆍInformation seeking ㆍInformation sharing ㆍResponsible behavior ㆍPersonal interactionCustomer Citizenship ㆍFeedbackㆍAdvocacyㆍHelpingㆍToleranceRelationship PerformanceㆍTrust ㆍCommitment ㆍLoyaltyEntrepreneurial Value OrientationEntrepreneurial Orientation(EO)Relationship Orientation(RO)MarketOrientation(MO)H1H2H3H4H5H6H7H8 Hypotheses H1: Entrepreneurial Orientation will have a positive influence on customer participation behavior in value co-creation process H2: Market Orientation will have a positive influence on customer participation behavior in value co-creation process H3: Relationship Orientation will have a positive influence on customer participation behavior in value co-creation process H4: Entrepreneurial Orientation will have a positive influence on customer citizenship behavior in value co-creation process H5: Market Orientation will have a positive influence on customer citizenship behavior in value co-creation process H6: Relationship Orientation will have a positive influence on customer citizenship behavior in value co-creation process H7: Customer participation behavior in value co-creation process will have a positive influence on relationship performance H8: Customer citizenship behavior in value co-creation process will have a positive influence on relationship performance43 5. Research Model Value Co-Creation Customer ParticipationㆍInformation seeking ㆍInformation sharing ㆍResponsible behavior ㆍPersonal interactionCustomer Citizenship ㆍFeedbackㆍAdvocacyㆍHelpingㆍToleranceRelationship PerformanceㆍTrust ㆍCommitment ㆍLoyaltyEntrepreneurial Value OrientationEntrepreneurial Orientation(EO)Relationship Orientation(RO)MarketOrientation(MO)H1H2H3H4H5H6H7H8 Hypotheses H1: Entrepreneurial Orientation will have a positive influence on customer participation behavior in value co-creation process H2: Market Orientation will have a positive influence on customer participation behavior in value co-creation process H3: Relationship Orientation will have a positive influence on customer participation behavior in value co-creation process H4: Entrepreneurial Orientation will have a positive influence on customer citizenship behavior in value co-creation process H5: Market Orientation will have a positive influence on customer citizenship behavior in value co-creation process H6: Relationship Orientation will have a positive influence on customer citizenship behavior in value co-creation process H7: Customer participation behavior in value co-creation process will have a positive influence on relationship performance H8: Customer citizenship behavior in value co-creation process will have a positive influence on relationship performance43 5. Research Model Value Co-Creation Customer ParticipationㆍInformation seeking ㆍInformation sharing ㆍResponsible behavior ㆍPersonal interactionCustomer Citizenship ㆍFeedbackㆍAdvocacyㆍHelpingㆍToleranceRelationship PerformanceㆍTrust ㆍCommitment ㆍLoyaltyEntrepreneurial Value OrientationEntrepreneurial Orientation(EO)Relationship Orientation(RO)MarketOrientation(MO)H1H2H3H4H5H6H7H8 Hypotheses H1: Entrepreneurial Orientation will have a positive influence on customer participation behavior in value co-creation process H2: Market Orientation will have a positive influence on customer participation behavior in value co-creation process H3: Relationship Orientation will have a positive influence on customer participation behavior in value co-creation process H4: Entrepreneurial Orientation will have a positive influence on customer citizenship behavior in value co-creation process H5: Market Orientation will have a positive influence on customer citizenship behavior in value co-creation process H6: Relationship Orientation will have a positive influence on customer citizenship behavior in value co-creation process H7: Customer participation behavior in value co-creation process will have a positive influence on relationship performance H8: Customer citizenship behavior in value co-creation process will have a positive influence on relationship performanceand relationship performance. 2. Conceptual framework 2.1 Entrepreneurial Value Orientation Entrepreneurial Orientation Entrepreneurial-oriented firms with risk-taking, proactivness, and innovativeness focus on finding new market opportunities and reshaping current operating areas (Hult and Ketchen 2001). Entrepreneurial orientation provides firms with first-mover advantages and has a positive effect on performance. Entrepreneurs create value through innovation with exploiting new opportunity and creating new product-market areas. Market Orientation Market-oriented firms create superior value through the understanding of customers’ needs and the capabilities to fulfill those identified needs (Jaworski & Kohli, 1993). The value creation of market-oriented firms is based on strong commitment to developing product innovation capabilities (Atuahen-Gima, 1996). Market orientation provides firms with market-linking capabilities that help create and deliver value to customers (O’Cass and Ngo, 2012). Relationship Orientation Interaction orientation An interaction orientation is regarded as a sustainable competitive advantage and a value rare and as a value creation driver. Interaction oriented firms with specific and actionable nature are characterized by analyzing individual customer, not a market, performing marketing activities with customers, not for customers, by emphasizing the importance of the relationship to firms (Ramini and Kumar, 2008). The relational performance of interaction orientation is measured by customer satisfaction, customer ownership, and positive word of mouth (Ramini and Kumar, 2008). Long-term orientation Long-term orientation also creates a sustainable competitive advantage through information on best-selling product, best allowable price, cooperative advertizing, etc (Ganesan 1994). Firms with short-term orientation focus on market exchange for profit in a transaction, but firms with long-term orientation focus on relational exchange for profit from joint synergies over a series of transactions, not the length of the relationships (Ganesan 1994). Relational elements like long-term orientation increases mutual commitment to enhance mutual profitability in buyer-seller relationships (Noordewier et al 1990). 2.2 Value co-creation The customers co-create value based on their roles as participants or co-creators in various value-creating processes (Vargo and Lusch 2008a). Joint value is created among customer, suppliers, competitors, and other stakeholders involved in the relationship (Gummesson 1999). The various approaches to value co-creation have discussed. A unified value co-creation concept is explained by three types of processes such as customer value-creating processes, supplier value-creating process, and encounter processes (Payne et al., 2008). Value co-creation behaviors consist of customer participation behavior and customer citizenship behavior. Customer participation behavior that they conceptualizedand relationship performance. 2. Conceptual framework 2.1 Entrepreneurial Value Orientation Entrepreneurial Orientation Entrepreneurial-oriented firms with risk-taking, proactivness, and innovativeness focus on finding new market opportunities and reshaping current operating areas (Hult and Ketchen 2001). Entrepreneurial orientation provides firms with first-mover advantages and has a positive effect on performance. Entrepreneurs create value through innovation with exploiting new opportunity and creating new product-market areas. Market Orientation Market-oriented firms create superior value through the understanding of customers’ needs and the capabilities to fulfill those identified needs (Jaworski & Kohli, 1993). The value creation of market-oriented firms is based on strong commitment to developing product innovation capabilities (Atuahen-Gima, 1996). Market orientation provides firms with market-linking capabilities that help create and deliver value to customers (O’Cass and Ngo, 2012). Relationship Orientation Interaction orientation An interaction orientation is regarded as a sustainable competitive advantage and a value rare and as a value creation driver. Interaction oriented firms with specific and actionable nature are characterized by analyzing individual customer, not a market, performing marketing activities with customers, not for customers, by emphasizing the importance of the relationship to firms (Ramini and Kumar, 2008). The relational performance of interaction orientation is measured by customer satisfaction, customer ownership, and positive word of mouth (Ramini and Kumar, 2008). Long-term orientation Long-term orientation also creates a sustainable competitive advantage through information on best-selling product, best allowable price, cooperative advertizing, etc (Ganesan 1994). Firms with short-term orientation focus on market exchange for profit in a transaction, but firms with long-term orientation focus on relational exchange for profit from joint synergies over a series of transactions, not the length of the relationships (Ganesan 1994). Relational elements like long-term orientation increases mutual commitment to enhance mutual profitability in buyer-seller relationships (Noordewier et al 1990). 2.2 Value co-creation The customers co-create value based on their roles as participants or co-creators in various value-creating processes (Vargo and Lusch 2008a). Joint value is created among customer, suppliers, competitors, and other stakeholders involved in the relationship (Gummesson 1999). The various approaches to value co-creation have discussed. A unified value co-creation concept is explained by three types of processes such as customer value-creating processes, supplier value-creating process, and encounter processes (Payne et al., 2008). Value co-creation behaviors consist of customer participation behavior and customer citizenship behavior. Customer participation behavior that they conceptualizedcomprises four dimensions including information seeking, information sharing, responsible behavior, and personal interaction. Customer citizenship behaviors include feedback, advocacy, helping, and tolerance (Yi, and Gong 2013). 2.3 Relationship performance Ulaga(2003) proposed to identify the linkage between relationship value and relationship variables including commitment, trust, satisfaction, and loyalty. The authors consider trust, commitment, and loyalty as measurement items of relationship performance. Trust is measured as a dependent variable in channel relationships. Commitment is a good indicator of long-term relationships (Morgan and Hunt, 1994) and has been used as the dependent variable in several relationship marketing models including buyer-seller relationship (kumar et al., 1995). Consumer loyalty is related to a motivation to maintain a relationship with a firm, including more resources, positive word of mouth (WOM), and repeat purchasing (Zeithaml, Berry, and Parasuraman 1996). Value drives loyalty and trust affects loyalty through its influence in creating value (Sirdeshmukh, Singh and Sabol 2002) 3. Plan for Data Collection and analysis The instrument used to test the hypotheses a mail survey. A draft questionnaire based on existing measurement scales for the research model will be drafted. This draft questionnaire will be pretested with academics and practitioners to check its content validity and terminology and modified accordingly. The modified questionnaire will be pilot tested to check its suitability and appropriateness for the target population before mailing. The sample population for this study will be business-to-business manufacturing firms in South Korea. The authors will undertake both confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation modeling to test our hypotheses using the SPSS 20 and AMOS 20. 4. Expected outcomes and contribution 4.1 Expected outcomes The analysis will identify whether or not the positive influence of entrepreneurial value orientation has on value co-creation including customer participation behavior and customer citizenship behavior. The relationship between the value co-creation and relationship performances will be identified. The more actively customers engage in the value co-creation process, the greater trust, commitment, and loyalty could be positively influenced. Value co-creation plays an important role in increasing relationship performance and could be regarded as a source of sustainable competitive advantage. 4.2 Contribution This study will be the first effort to identify between the relationship between value co-creation and relationship performance. This research will be the first empirical study to apply the concept of value co-creation to business-to-business firms. In terms of marketing academics, this study will contribute to broaden marketing research areas. Managers of business-to-business firms from the results of this study will recognize valuable information on how the extent of an individual’s orientations such as entrepreneurial orientation, market orientation, and relationship orientation affects value co-creation.comprises four dimensions including information seeking, information sharing, responsible behavior, and personal interaction. Customer citizenship behaviors include feedback, advocacy, helping, and tolerance (Yi, and Gong 2013). 2.3 Relationship performance Ulaga(2003) proposed to identify the linkage between relationship value and relationship variables including commitment, trust, satisfaction, and loyalty. The authors consider trust, commitment, and loyalty as measurement items of relationship performance. Trust is measured as a dependent variable in channel relationships. Commitment is a good indicator of long-term relationships (Morgan and Hunt, 1994) and has been used as the dependent variable in several relationship marketing models including buyer-seller relationship (kumar et al., 1995). Consumer loyalty is related to a motivation to maintain a relationship with a firm, including more resources, positive word of mouth (WOM), and repeat purchasing (Zeithaml, Berry, and Parasuraman 1996). Value drives loyalty and trust affects loyalty through its influence in creating value (Sirdeshmukh, Singh and Sabol 2002) 3. Plan for Data Collection and analysis The instrument used to test the hypotheses a mail survey. A draft questionnaire based on existing measurement scales for the research model will be drafted. This draft questionnaire will be pretested with academics and practitioners to check its content validity and terminology and modified accordingly. The modified questionnaire will be pilot tested to check its suitability and appropriateness for the target population before mailing. The sample population for this study will be business-to-business manufacturing firms in South Korea. The authors will undertake both confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation modeling to test our hypotheses using the SPSS 20 and AMOS 20. 4. Expected outcomes and contribution 4.1 Expected outcomes The analysis will identify whether or not the positive influence of entrepreneurial value orientation has on value co-creation including customer participation behavior and customer citizenship behavior. The relationship between the value co-creation and relationship performances will be identified. The more actively customers engage in the value co-creation process, the greater trust, commitment, and loyalty could be positively influenced. Value co-creation plays an important role in increasing relationship performance and could be regarded as a source of sustainable competitive advantage. 4.2 Contribution This study will be the first effort to identify between the relationship between value co-creation and relationship performance. This research will be the first empirical study to apply the concept of value co-creation to business-to-business firms. In terms of marketing academics, this study will contribute to broaden marketing research areas. Managers of business-to-business firms from the results of this study will recognize valuable information on how the extent of an individual’s orientations such as entrepreneurial orientation, market orientation, and relationship orientation affects value co-creation.43 5. Research Model Value Co-Creation Customer ParticipationㆍInformation seeking ㆍInformation sharing ㆍResponsible behavior ㆍPersonal interactionCustomer Citizenship ㆍFeedbackㆍAdvocacyㆍHelpingㆍToleranceRelationship PerformanceㆍTrust ㆍCommitment ㆍLoyaltyEntrepreneurial Value OrientationEntrepreneurial Orientation(EO)Relationship Orientation(RO)MarketOrientation(MO)H1H2H3H4H5H6H7H8 Hypotheses H1: Entrepreneurial Orientation will have a positive influence on customer participation behavior in value co-creation process H2: Market Orientation will have a positive influence on customer participation behavior in value co-creation process H3: Relationship Orientation will have a positive influence on customer participation behavior in value co-creation process H4: Entrepreneurial Orientation will have a positive influence on customer citizenship behavior in value co-creation process H5: Market Orientation will have a positive influence on customer citizenship behavior in value co-creation process H6: Relationship Orientation will have a positive influence on customer citizenship behavior in value co-creation process H7: Customer participation behavior in value co-creation process will have a positive influence on relationship performance H8: Customer citizenship behavior in value co-creation process will have a positive influence on relationship performance
        2014.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study is to present that the entrepreneurial orientation affects to management performance in the small manufacturer. In order to carry out this research, we obtained 171 survey sheets and inspected seven assumptions based on the reliability, validity of the questionnaires. The results of regression analysis are summarized as follows; First, the factor of entrepreneurial orientation, innovative-ness, influences on the technical innovation performance and financial performance significantly. Second, the element of entrepreneurial orientation, proactive-ness, has an important effect on the technical innovation performance and financial performance. Finally, the requisite of entrepreneurial orientation, risk taking, affects to the technical innovation performance significantly, but not the financial performance. Based on the results, the companies that achieve the technical innovation and financial performance have an atmosphere to encourage to perform the research and development works and find out innovative ideas and improvement points in processes. However, the entrepreneur is required to take careful judgement for determining the uncertain circumstance.
        2014.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study is to introduce a empirical study of using Taguchi Method for the Entrepreneurial Orientation and Financial Performance. In this study, three factors of Entrepreneurial Orientation, innovation, pro-activity and risk taking, are used of the control factors and an element, period of establishment, is chosen as a noise factor. In order to carry out this research, we obtained 200 survey sheets and performed the reliability and validity analysis of the questionnaires and then the experiment was conducted by Taguchi's experimental design. To improve Financial Performance under the noise factor of period of establishment, optimal condition are as follows; the two factors of Entrepreneurial Orientation, innovation, pro-activity should be maintained to a high level. Also, other factor, risk taking should be performed as the level that the company has maintained. Through this paper, we find out that Taguchi method is applicable for analysis of questionnaire.
        2014.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 네트워크 역량이론과 기업가 지향성이론에 근거하여, 기업을 설립한 후 3년 내에 해외에 신속하게 진출한 145개 한국기업을 대상으로 네트워크 역량과 기업가 지향성이 국제화 성과에 미치는 영향을 분석하고 아울러 동태적 역량이 이들 요인과 성과 간의 관계에 있어서 매개역할을 하고 있는가를 실증적으로 살펴보았다. 보다 더 구체적으로는 혁신적 기업가 지향성 및 위험감수적 기업가 지향성이 국제화 성과에 정(+)의 영향을 줄 것이라고 가정하였다. 또 네트워크 조정, 네트워크 지식, 네트워크 소통역량이 국제화 성과에 정(+)의 영향을 미칠것으로 가정하였으며, 동태적 조정역량과 동태적 변화역량이 기업가 지향성 및 네트워크 역량과 국제화 성과 간에 매개역할을 할 것이라고 가정하고 주장하였다. 실증분석 결과 혁신적 기업가 지향성, 네트워크 지식역량, 네트워크 소통역량이 높을수록 국제화 성과는 높아지며, 위험감수적 기업가 지향성, 동태적 변화역량, 네트워크 조정역량의 경우에는 그것이 낮을수록 국제화 성과가 높아지는 것으로 나타나고 있다. 한편 이들 요인들과 성과 간에는 동태적 역량이 별다른 매개역할을 하지 못하는 것으로 분석되었다.
        2014.07 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This research explore the complementarity effect of export-market orientation and entrepreneurial orientation on export performance of SMEs from a CEE developing economy. We found that the likelihood of this effect on export profitability is higher in dynamic export market environments if high level of resources are committed to export operations.
        2014.07 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        New health care services are salient in the supply chain. The market success of new health care services depends on the knowledge-based view to integrate organizational knowledge and attain service innovation performance. This study suggests that the hospitals integrate total market orientation and entrepreneurial orientation as organizational knowledge to sustain marketing operations advantages and achieve market performance in the new health care service supply chain.
        2020.12 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study investigates how financial resources and entrepreneurial orientation (EO) may influence the performance of small- and mediumsized enterprises (SMEs) in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). Twenty-seven interviews were conducted and evaluated using the method of GABEK® (A GAnzheitliche BEwältigung von Komplexität – holistic processing of complexity). The research demonstrated that access to financial resources has significantly mediated EO’s effect on the SMEs’ performance. The study found that financial autonomy, enhanced through both personal financing and availability of external finance sources, plays a central role in supporting the EO dimension of autonomy and enhancing the SMEs’ performance. In particular, the other EO dimension of risk-taking is stymied by lack of funds with which to take commercial and market opportunities. However, when an innovation strategy is pursued and adopted, access to finance can be facilitated, either through financial institutions or through other governmental funding programs attracting high potential innovators. Furthermore, financial barriers, difficulties accessing bank financing, and legal issues have a detrimental impact on SMEs’ growth. The study has implications for policy-makers in the UAE, specifically in terms of sending a signal for lending institutions to consider strategies that provide access to affordable financial services to satisfy SMEs’ needs.
        2020.10 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This research aims to examine the relationships among entrepreneurial orientation, organizational learning capability, firm innovation, and firm performance. To achieve a data collection, a mail survey procedure via questionnaire was implemented by using executives or managers of gems & jewelry industries, textile and clothing industries, leather and accessories, fashion apparel industries in Thailand as the key informants. Of the surveys completed and returned, 388 were usable. Hence, a model with a structural equation was used to evaluate the data survey of 388 respondents. The results reveal that, in terms of the mediating effect, organizational learning capacity and firm innovation can complement each other in order to improve entrepreneurial orientation. Findings show that entrepreneurial orientation improves firm innovation, which in turn improves firm efficiency. Firm innovation acts as a variable mediating between enterprise orientation and firm performance. Our findings contribute to the current emergence of organizational learning capacity that mediated the relationship between entrepreneurial orientation and firm performance. Entrepreneurial orientation is normally a firm performance that enterprises develop which can have use the information available and make an impact. It can be considered through the mediation of organizational learning capability, and firm innovation variable and as stated in previous literature, it can influence firm performance.
        2020.08 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Internationalization of SMEs has gathered pace in recent times with falling trade barriers and rising world trade encouraging small firms to seek profits and growth in foreign markets. This has attracted the attention of researchers, and several studies have been conducted in Western nations on the factors influencing the process of SME internationalization. However, hardly any study has been done on SME internationalization in the Gulf Cooperative Council (GCC) region, thus leaving a gap in the literature. This study investigates the influence of four factors, namely, human capital, network competency, entrepreneurial orientation, and market volatility on the degree of internationalization of SMEs in Oman. The study employs survey data collected from 150 SME owners and managers using a structured questionnaire having 27 items, and has been analyzed using correlation and logistic regression, as the dependent variable is binary in nature. The results reveal the impact of the chosen variables on the degree of internationalization of SMEs. The findings of the study suggest that network competency has the highest impact on degree of internationalization of Omani SMEs, followed by human capital and entrepreneurial orientation, while market volatility, though insignificant, moderated the relationship between entrepreneurial orientation and degree of internationalization of Omani SMEs.