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        검색결과 17

        2023.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 대표적인 신유물론 학자인 Karen Barad의 행위적 실재론을 중심 으로 ICF에서 제시하는 코치의 8가지 핵심역량을 분석하고, 기후변화와 환경위 기에 대응하는 4세대 코칭을 위한 그 철학적인 기반을 제시하고자 탐색적 연구 를 실시하였다. 신유물론은 현대사상의 총아로 급부상하고 있으며, 그 대표 주 자인 Karen Barad의 행위적 실재론은 삶의 만남을 강조한다. Barad의 신유물론 적 관점에서 본 ICF 핵심역량의 개정은 첫째, 윤리-존재-인식론적 관점에서 응 답하는 실천적 존재로서 윤리적 책임을 강조한다. 둘째, 핵심역량이 명사형에서 동사형으로의 변형하여, 행위역능의 실천적 현상으로서 하기(doing)와 되기 (being)를 강조한다. 이 외에도 8가지 핵심역량은 Karan Barad가 이야기한 행위 적 실재론의 적용 가능성을 열어두었다. 단, 코치의 핵심역량이 인간중심적 세 계관에서 머물러 있고, 코치와 고객의 만남이 얽힘과 내부-작용에 집중하기 보 다는 이분법적 상호작용에 머물러 있는 한계점을 가지고 있다. 따라서 향후 기 후 및 생태계 위기에 대응-능력을 가지고 접근할 수 있는 핵심역량 및 코칭모델 의 제안이 필요할 것이며, 본 연구는 신유물론이라는 철학적 관점에서 코칭 핵 심역량과의 첫 만남을 시도하였다는 점에서 연구의 의의가 있다.
        2023.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        물질주의는 다양한 사회적 사건에 의해서 촉발될 수 있다. 본 연구에서는 물질주의를 정체성과 관련된 목표 달성 이라고 개념화하는 이론을 기반으로 사회적 배제가 자기 정체성과 관련된 욕구를 불러일으키며 이는 물질주의 수준 의 상승으로 이어질 것이라고 가정하였다. 구체적으로, 사회적 배제가 소속의 욕구와 통제의 욕구를 상승시켜 물질 주의를 상승시킬 것이라고 예상하였다. 또, 권력감의 접근 경향성을 기반으로 권력감이 높은 사람은 낮은 사람에 비해서 사회적 배제를 경험할 때 소속의 욕구와 통제의 욕구가 더 커질 것으로 예상하였다. 20 ̴30대 한국 여성 202 명을 대상으로 실험 연구를 진행한 결과, 사회적 배제는 통제 욕구의 상승을 통해서 물질주의를 상승시켰다. 또, 권 력감이 높은 사람의 경우, 권력감이 낮은 사람들보다 사회적 배제가 통제 욕구에 미치는 영향이 더 강해졌으며, 사회 적 배제가 통제 욕구를 통해 물질주의로 이어지는 경로는 권력이 높은 사람들에게만 유의했다. 사회적 배제는 소속 의 욕구를 상승시켰으나 소속의 욕구와 물질주의의 관계는 유의하지 않았고, 소속의 욕구의 매개 효과도 지지되지 않았다. 해당 결과를 기반으로 사회적 배제와 물질주의의 관계 및 연구의 한계에 대해 논의하였다.
        2023.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Compared to the prevalence of advertising targeted at teens, our understanding of their vulnerability to advertising has been limited due to the cognitive/developmental view adopted by most previous research. However, cognitive development is not the most significant aspect that differentiates adolescents from adults. Adolescence is when teenagers start to take on more responsibility in defining themselves and become more skilled at using consumption to construct and signal their identity. On one hand, teens have a growing desire to express their unique identity as autonomous and distinctive individuals, separate from their family and differentiated from others. On the other hand, they are nearly obsessed with what others think about them, striving to belong to a group and feeling devastated by signs of disapproval from peers. This conflict between the need for assimilation and the need for differentiation is especially pronounced during adolescence when teenagers increasingly seek the approval of their peers while expressing their uniqueness. As a result, their sense of self is in a constant state of flux. This "shaky" self-identity has been shown in previous research to coincide with low self-esteem, which is associated with a high level of materialism.
        2020.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        기원 전후 패자시대 전쟁 발발 전략전술에서 지역적 지리적 계책을 포함한 그 주지적 특징을 갖춘 인물들은 사해와 중원을 지시하는 남북 可合可用의 원칙적 지략을 운용함으로서 그 후속 세계의 정치문화에 영향력을 행사한다. 특히 唐代太宗(626-649) 李世民(598-649)은 三省六部制에 의한 貞觀之治를 통 하여 그 정치, 경제, 문화 부흥에 일조를 한 역사적 사실에서 ‘自古之政’, 그 지역문화와 지리환경의 정책적 향방을 결정짓는다. 그 전거의 일면은 태종 이 세민의 奇正兵法활용도를 통한 전쟁 성패의 가능성 판단력으로서, 『李衛公 問對』에 적시되어 있는 바와 같다. 唐代太宗(626-649) 李世民(598-649)은 李靖(571-649)과의 대화체에서 諸葛亮 (181-234)의 七擒孟獲전략전술을 당시의 최대 관심사였던 대고구려 정벌에 관한 淵蓋蘇文(603-666)의 사회적 지위와 그 평가에 대입하여 신라와의 교섭 및 고구려와의 대치 국면을 논한다. 그것의 전략적 근거는 奇正虛實에 관한 형세에 두고 있다. 또한 상권, 중권, 하권으로 분류한 대화문답의 형식적 기술 내용에서는 기원 전후 전쟁사와 정치사에서 주목한 주요 인물들과 그 관련 사건사고를 통한 그 역사적 전거 진위를 밝힌다. 이는 물론 전쟁 발발 전후 상황에서의 전략전술, 인재상, 군신관, 외교정책, 군사기밀 등에 관한 내용이며 그 사실적 전거의 역사적 고증 해석 방법에서의 모순적 의미와 그 차이점을 추출할 수 있다. 이처럼 『武經七書』를 집대성한 시기 전후 『李衛公問對』에서는, 그 역사적 정치적 군사적 인물들과 당대 시대사조 경향 및 그 사실사건에서의 논쟁적 변론, 그리고 그 주지적 견해는 실제의 실재로서의 사실 상황 평가의 기준으로서 그 전거의 역사적 이론적 심미적 의미 및 그 의의를 담고 있다.
        2018.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Consumers tend to anthropomorphize brands and treat products under the anthropomorphized brands as if they were human beings. Previous research has pointed out that there could be two kinds of anthropomorphized brands, i.e., servant and partner brands and claimed that typical consumers (non-materialists) prefer brands-as-partner, whereas materialists prefer brands-as-servant. However, there is room for improvement: (1) Previous studies have examined only brands-as-servant and brands-as-partner and brands-as-master have been ignored; and (2) they have regarded materialists as a unidimensional construct, though it can be divided into instrumental and terminal materialists. Thus, we conducted multiple comparison tests among the three kinds of anthropomorphized brands with a dataset of three kinds of consumers. The results showed that non-materialists, instrumental materialists, and terminal materialists prefer, brands-as-partner, brands-as-servant, and brands-as-master, respectively.
        2018.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Understanding why individuals behave unethically is an important topic for both theory and practice, especially in the current environment where people experience much more stressful events. The current research aims to examine the relationship between peoples’ experienced stress and their attitude towards unethical consumption behavior, as well as the underlying mechanism. Empirical findings from a survey of 451 participants suggest perceived stress serves as an important indicator of people’s tolerance of unethical activities, and that this relationship is mediated by chronic construal level and materialism value. Specifically, stressed individuals tend to develop low-construal mindsets and more materialism values, both of which further increase their tolerance of ethically questionable behaviors. The present research highlights the importance of stress on consumer ethics and contributes to prior literature in three ways. Firstly, the current study adds to the literature on consumer ethics by examining a new predictor of consumers’ ethical beliefs, which enriches the understanding of why some consumers act more ethically than others do. Secondly, to the best of our knowledge, little prior literature has examined the effect stress on ethical beliefs. The current research for the first time examines the effect and the mechanism and reveals the mediating roles of construal level and materialism value. Thirdly, the present research finds that stress increases low-level construal, leading to unethical beliefs. This finding broadens the scope in construal level theory by suggesting that chronic construal level predicts individual ethical judgments.
        2018.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        In an increasingly digital and interactive global marketing landscape, social media marketing is emerging as one of the most important strategic tools for brand communication. This is especially true in the luxury fashion context, which traditionally exploited virtual environments as an effective communicational tool of brand-related content and product usage information all over the world. A contemporary consumer cohort that exhibits digital- and virtual-oriented behaviors are Millennials, which represent the digital native generation highly inclined to Internet interaction and, thus, a relevant strategic opportunity for social media marketers in the luxury industry. While the literature reports a positive relationship between Millennials’ social media usage and purchase intention towards luxury brand, scant attention has been paid to the underlying mechanisms explaining such a relationship. To fill this gap, the current research proposes and tests a conceptual model to provide three main contributions to the social media and brand communication literature: first, consumers’ perceptions of interactivity – a multidimensional construct comprised of real-time conversation, no delay/timing, and engaging/navigation – is hypothesized as an antecedent of social media usage. In this way, relevant theoretical and practical implications are provided to online luxury marketers interested in embracing virtual environments for brand communication. Next, two significant constructs of consumer behavior such as materialism – comprised of success, hedonism, and happiness – and morality – comprised of moral judgment and moral intensity – are hypothesized as mediating variables of the relationship between social media usage and purchase intention towards luxury brands. Particularly, these materialistic and ethical decision making processes emerge as relevant for Millennials’ online purchasing activities, with the expectation of transparent and effective brand-related information through social media. Finally, these mediating influences are hypothesized to be moderated by two other relevant constructs in the brand communication process—consumers’ motivation to use social media and advertising skepticism. In fact, a better assessment of Millennials’ motivation and skepticism toward social media marketing communication result as crucial for modern strategic marketers. Such hypotheses are tested using bootstrapped moderated mediation analysis on a sample of 297 Millennials actively following luxury brand social media activities. Our results confirm the proposed hypotheses, particularly both materialism and idealism partially mediate the relationship between social media usage and purchase intention. Moreover, motivation to use social media improves the effect of social media usage on materialism, whereas advertising skepticism reduces the effect of idealism on purchase intention. These findings contribute to the social media and brand communication literature, providing interesting avenues for future research.
        2017.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        『백작부인 캐서린‏‎』과 『캐서린 니 훌리한』‏‎에서 예이츠는 아일랜드의 정 치 사회적 변화와 대중들에 대해 자신의 신념을 피력한다. 『백작부인 캐서린』‎에서 그 는 당시 아일랜드에 유입된 영국식 자본주의와 사회 경제적 지위가 상승한 중산 계층 의 물질주의 사상이 농부들을 부패시킨 원인이라고 본다. 문화를 회복하기 위해서 그 는 농부들이 귀족에 대한 전통적인 숭배를 회복하고 중산층의 세력을 억제해야 한다 고 주장한다. 『캐서린 니 훌리한』‏‎에서는 예이츠는 민족주의를 위해 개인의 삶을 전적 으로 바치는 충성심과 희생정신을 기리는 반면 민족을 위한 개인의 희생이라는 대의 명분이 지닌 위험성을 간과하지 않는다.
        2017.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Individuals use material possessions such as clothes as a means to express their individual predispositions, values and position in their social environment (Kaiser et al., 2001). Evidence indicates that various individual differences such as hormone levels, body image perception and a cosmopolitan orientation influence clothing choices (Eisenbruch et al., 2015, Frith and Gleeson, 2004, Gonzalez-Jimenez, 2016). Moreover, body satisfaction, body mass index and trait self-objectification determine if individuals choose clothes for specific purposes such as fashion, comfort or camouflage (Tiggemann and Andrew, 2012). However, while these studies have made an important step towards understanding the influence of individual characteristics on clothing choices, there is a lack of studies that investigate the role of individuals’ materialist tendencies and propensity to engage in social comparison. We extend prior research on clothing choices by examining the associations between individuals’ materialist tendencies and social comparison propensity with sought clothing functions (i.e., fashion, comfort, etc.). Findings show that materialist individuals seek clothing for specific functions such as fashion, individuality and assurance, while avoiding clothes designed for comfort. Individuals’ propensity to engage in social comparison is linked with choosing clothes for fashion, individuality and assurance, but not for camouflage and comfort. Our study confirms that materialism and social comparison drive individuals to seek very specific clothing functions. Specifically, findings suggest that individuals use specific clothing types as a medium to establish their position in a social environment and to express their materialistic tendencies. Gender influences the tested relationships.
        2015.06 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Most religious teachings support the idea that money and materialism are at the root of all evil. However, reality is not so rigorous and many times materialism seems even a blessing. The purpose of this study is to investigate and compare religious and non-religious consumer on their perspective toward materialism, and through it, luxury brand and purchase intention. The total sample consisted of 491 university Asian students. Results show that religious consumers are not necessarily against neither materialism nor luxury brand possession. Consumers’ religiosity did not influence their perspective toward materialism or luxury goods. This creates an opportunity for managers to promote luxury brand toward religious consumers especially in Asia, where religion is more prevalent.
        2011.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        A primary purpose of this paper is to critically evaluate Professor P. Singh’s Article, “Colonised’s Madness, Colonisers’Modernity and International Law: Mythological Materialism in the East-West Telos”published in Volume 3, Number 1 of the Journal of East Asia and International Law. In his article, Singh attempted to overlap various conceptions of modernity taken from a wide range of academic disciplines, and experimentally collapse them into one with a post-colonial point of view. In spite of incomplete argumentation and obscurity in the conceptual formulation, I found his original ideas on the internal connection of modernity with the operating mode of international law to be highly impressive. The most critical point against him was the firm and stereotypical dichotomy of the colonizer and the colonized without any potentiality of sublating the state of colonization, that is, disconnecting the colonizers with their colony and liberating the colonized from their colony. By such sublation (Aufheben) of the existing oppressive relation between the colonizers and the colonized, we can plan to build a new world of peaceful coexistence between the colonizers and the colonized of the past. But although Singh’s conception of modernity is dangerously one-sided, I expect his further research to penetrate into the deep life-reality of the Indian subaltern, which would make a great contribution to the establishment of the new vision of international law in this global society.
        2010.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This monograph takes on“ modern art”as the location of modernity. This subject, in my view, holds potential for a productive multi-logue and not just a dialogue, between three binary socio-cultural categories: child and adult, normal and mad, and colonisers and colonised. Modern art raises very interesting questions, and as an area that is often ignored in the analysis of law and science, it forms a powerful field for exploring both, as well as their intersections. Exploring the psychology of colonisation/domination is an important objective of this monograph. In order to get at it, the monograph imbibes Appadurai, Foucault, and Nandy as offering complementary stances on modernity and subsequent globalisation of intra- European relations after the industrial revolution. In doing so the author relates aspects of semiotic theory by looking at theories of myth. This monograph concludes by applying their relevance to the strategy of signification deployed by international law and relations.