
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 10

        2023.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구에서는 BCC에서 2000년 이후의 ‘最+前面’ 예문을 376개 선별하여 현실 언 어생활에서의 사용 추이와 그 특징을 살펴본 결과, 다음과 같은 사실들을 발견할 수 있었다. 첫째, ‘最+前面’ 구문의 연도별 사용 추이를 분석해본 결과, 2000년 초반에 급격히 증가하다 감소하고 2016년부터 다시 증가세를 보이는 N자형의 추이를 보였 다. 둘째, ‘最+前面’ 구문의 다수가 ‘V+在+最前面’ 형식을 취하였고 문법상 공기하는 동사는 ‘冲>走>排>跑>站>放>挤>在, 坐> 处, 派, 是>摆, 挡, 行进>游, 抢, 带, 位于’ 의 순서로 고빈도를 보였다. 셋째, ‘最+前面’ 구문의 전후로 어휘 의미상 결합하는 명 사는 [+사람], [+사물], [+동물], [+상태], [+처소], [+시간], [+순서], [+범위], [+개념]의 유형인 것으로 나타났다. 넷째, ‘最+前面’ 구문은 문장 성분상 개사 빈어나 주어 등으 로 충당된다. 다섯째, ‘最+前面’은 ‘的’를 첨가하여 명사화 특징도 보였다.
        2020.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study is about the ungramamtical use of 〈ttaemune (때문에)〉. Because 〈ttaemun (때 문)〉 is a bound noun, a noun modifier is essential before it. So 〈ttaemune〉 also needs a modifier before it. But on the actual language usage, 〈ttaemune〉 is often used without modifiers. This phenomenon appears to be mainly limited to cases where 〈ttaemune〉 is used between sentences. That is, in this case, 〈ttaemune〉 is used as the conjunction like 〈geulaeseo (그래서)〉. Previous research has treated this ungrammatical aspect of 〈ttaemune〉 as a representative example of the degrammaticalization phenomenon. In other words, it has been understood that because the bound noun 〈ttaemun〉 has gained independency, 〈ttaemune〉 is used without modifiers before it. However, it is difficult to accept degrammaticalization discussions positively in the following respects: this phenomenon is not so common as to be recognized as a particular grammatical phenomenon, and if this is due to the independence of 〈ttaemun〉, this should also occur in other cases where 〈ttaemun〉 is combined, but this is not the case. So, I think it is right to treat them as objects that need to be corrected rather than treated within language norms.
        2019.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 논문은 모차르트와 하이든의 피아노 소나타 작품에서 악구확장을 포함한 주제가 다시 등장 할 때 더욱 확장된 모습으로 나오는 경우를 다룬다. 첫 단계의 악구확장과 둘째 단계의 악구확장을 비교하여 살펴봄으로써 삽입된 아이디어를 더욱 확대 발전시키려는 작곡가의 의도를 가늠해 보며, 작곡가의 세밀한 작곡과정을 관찰할 수 있다. 필자는 둘째 단계에서의 추가확장 방식을 다음의 세 가지 유형으로 나누어 살펴보았다. 우선 1) 첫 단계 악구확장의 삽입된 부분 안에서만 새로운 내용을 추가 삽입한다(모차르트의 K. 581/3악장과 K. 333). 2) 첫 단계의 삽입된 부분을 그대로 두고, 악구의 다른 곳에서 새로운 삽입을 추가함으로써 단락을 확장한다(모차르트의 K.533와 하이든의 두 소나타,Hob: 33, 43). 3) 삽입의 규모를 늘려가면서, 인접 악구와 단락 간의 새로운 관계를 형성하며 결국 전체 단락의 재구성을 가져온다(모차르트의 K. 576과 하이든의 Hob: 34). 각 유형에 속하는 작품들을 하이퍼박자와 화성진행 위주로 자세히 살펴보았다. 첫 번째 유형의 경우 삽입된 아이디어가 변주 또는 발전되어 악구의 종결을 최대한 연기하고 있다. 따라서 제시부를 끝맺는 종지(EEC)보다 재현부를 끝맺는 종지(ESC)를 훨씬 강조하고 있다. 둘째 유형에 속하는 악구확장에서 기존의 삽입은 주변 악구들 사이에 또 다른 삽입을 야기하면서 새로운 아이디어를 수용하며 단락을 확장시킨다. 한편 마지막 유형에서는 삽입된 아이디어가 형식적 단락들 사이를 넘나들어 등장하면서 매우 파격적이고 흥미로운 작곡과정을 보여준다. 모차르트의 D장조 소나타(K. 576)에서는 종결주제 단락을 확장하면서, 제2주제를 종결주제의 후행악구 중간에 포함되는 거대한 삽입으로 처리하고 있다. 또한 하이든의 경우(Hob: 34) 여러 차례에 걸친 삽입으로 인해 거대한 코다 단락을 새로 형성하기에 이른다. 즉 악구의 삽입에서 시작한 지엽적인 현상이 단락간의 삽입이라는 거시적 현상으로 확대 해석된다. 이러한 의미에서 첫 단계에서의 삽입은 둘째 단계에서의 거대한 삽입을 이끌어내는 일종의 촉매제가 된다. 
        2019.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The syntax of each chapter of 《The Analects of Confucius》 has many different interpretations over a long period of time. For example, there are many different interpretations in the parts saying “If you earn something that's not a moral, you don't leave it” and “It's good to learn without words, and what's not satisfied with learning, and the lazy teaching? What will I do?” In the mentioned phrases, “earn” means “earn from listening” and “What will I do?” means “What kinds of difficulties would there be?” This book tries to explore the real meaning of 《The Analects of Confucius》 by analyzing the mentioned sentence. There are various interpretations for 《The Analects of Confucius》 and other classical pieces. And those interpretations leave readers confused of Kongzi’s ideas. This comes as limitation of interpretation of the classics. Researches done by Yangshuda and Yangbojun combined traditional Sohak (Chinese Elementary Learning) and modern linguistics and decoded many phrases. The present writer also believes phrases in the classics can be solved by studying traditional Sohak, or characters, exegesis and phoneme in conjunction with modern linguistics theories.
        2012.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        There has been considerable research which investigates whether the underlying linguistic competence of L2 learners is constrained by principles and parameters of UG, parallel to the situation in L1 acquisition. In terms of the Scope Principle (henceforth SP), a principle of UG, which is associated with the scope interaction between a quantified expression and a wh-phrase, some experimental studies in EFL settings were conducted to investigate whether or not interlanguage grammars can be characterized by the principle. These experiments were carried out through the Truth Value Judgment Task (henceforth TVJT) alone, showing contrasting and confusing results, especially between Japanese learners and Korean learners. That is, while Japanese EFL learners observed the SP, Korean EFL learners did not despite the fact that both Japanese L1 grammar and Korean L1 grammar disallow the distributive interpretation, especially in the ambiguous sentence like what does everyone have? Therefore, the present study aims to confirm whether the same results are obtained provided that the identical experiment using the TVJT is repeated in other EFL learners. Noticeably, this study employed an additional, complementary task (Question and Answer Task, QAT) in addition to the TVJT as an attempt to increase the accuracy of the task and reflect learners’ actual knowledge of the target features. In QAT, the subjects were asked to write the answers to the target questions involving quantifiers and wh-questions in English. Results from the TVJT appeared, on the face of it, to provide support for the claim that the Korean EFL learners are under control of the Scope Principle. However, findings from QAT revealed that they are not constrained by the principle. Thus, it would be reasonable to conclude that the results of the present experiment do not fully support the claim that the Korean EFL learners’ interlanguage grammar has access to the UG-driven Scope Principle. Instead, it can be argued that Korean learners' interlanguage grammar may be affected by their L1 grammar, which gives rise to the claim that the explicit instruction on the interpretation of those sentences is required as part of overcoming this problem.
        2003.10 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Companies adopted a program called Six Sigma, in order to make fundamental changes in the way the company operated to fulfill customers' expectations. Six Sigma reduces the occurrence of defects. However, in the course of Six Sigma process steps, companies are in the face of problems. This study is to solve the problems using TOC(Theory of Constrains). As a specific case, we review Six sigma's Define phrase. We apply TP(Thinking Process) of Toc for Define Phrase.
        2001.06 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        2013.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This paper attempts to offer a plausible syntactic structure of the complement of the perception verb po- 'see' from Korean and English. The core of the proposals is that the perception verb complement is an incomplete clause, lower than TP and higher than vP, which is syntactically realized as an Event Phrase, and that this EventP contains a Voice Phrase. It is also suggested that the EventP involves an event operator, which is then controlled by the event argument assigned by the matrix perception verb, thereby accounting for the fact that the event time is simultaneous with the perception time. It will be shown that the current proposals can well account for various syntactic and semantic properties of the perception verb complements.