
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 159

        2017.04 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In case of underground construction affected by groundwater, CIP (Cast-In-Place Pile) method is generally used to resolve the geo-hydraulic problem. However, as this method has poor connectivity between piles, an auxiliary method for cut-off is needed in many cases. In this study, a new concept earth retaining wall method (H-CIP) with no auxiliary method, by using surfactant grout (Hi-FA) which improves antiwashout and infiltration ability, is introduced, and its field applicability is evaluated. CIP and H-CIP piles were installed with same ground conditions, and field permeability tests were conducted to verify the performance. As results, newly contrived H-CIP method shows higher antiwashout performance for cut-off than conventional CIP method.
        2017.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본고는 세계적으로 다발성의 이주현상과 관련하여 특히 북미 지역 화인들의 소설 가운데 서도 於梨華의 소설을 집중적으로 다루고 있다. 특히 이주자문학에서 종종 발견되는 개인 혹 은 개인의 정신과 정체성 등의 파편화 현상을 진단하는 것이 그 첫 번째 목적이다. 또 하나 의 목표는 소설에서 빈번히 나타나는 이주자의 공간 해석과 재구성을 진단하게 된다. 이주자 가 상이한 문화권을 오가며 경험하게 되는 문화충격과 적응 혹은 동화 및 이질화의 과정 중 에는 개개인의 정체성에서의 다양한 변화 역시 수반된다. 끊임없이 변화하는 정체성, 이중적 으로 나뉘는 정체성, 혹은 파편화되는 개인의 정체성 등으로 다양하게 살펴볼 수 있을 것이 다. 이주자는 이러한 정체성을 바탕으로 자신의 주변 공간을 해석하게 되고 그 공간 자체의 역사적 사회적, 정치적 배경과는 별개로 자신만의 정체성을 근간으로 하는 공간을 재구성하 게 되는데, 여기서는 위와 같은 두 가지 측면이 소설에서 구현되는 현상을 살펴보게 된다.
        2016.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Place attachment is the bonding based on positive affection in the interactions between people and a place that significant for the harmonious relationship between people and the environment. Scannel and Gilford (2010) considered the dimensions of place attachment and proposed the theoretical framework of Place, Person, and Process (PPP), which should be systematically studied from the perspective of person, place, and psychological processes. The purpose of this study is to investigate and analyze the theory of place attachment and put forward the hypothesis for the structural model. The potential variables of the model were analyzed, and the correlation coefficients were obtained. In view of the results of the structural model analysis, relevant policy proposals were put forward. After the questionnaire investigation on the Haneul Park in Daejeon city, the data were analyzed using the structural equation modeling (SEM) method, and the model with 19 measurement items was established. The results showed that the hypothesis model was suitable for the data because the 𝒳² test of the model fitting was not significant (p=0.349), and it had a better model fitting index. The results demonstrated that the place, cognition, affection, and behavior have significant effects on place attachment (p<0.05).They play the most important role, considering that the relationships between the variables, correlation coefficients between cognition and affection, cognition and behavior, and behavior and affection were significant (p<0.01). This showed that the place attachment process for the park visitors involved the psychological emotional cycle of cognition, affection, and behavior. To increase the interest of visitors and the rate of revisit, it was suggested to increase the diversity of the park facilities and to meet the needs of local residents when the construction and renovation of neighborhood parks is undertaken. In internal aspects, the paper studied in detail the psychology or expectations of park visitors and showed the importance of the analysis of their emotion, cognition, and behavior. This analysis can be a starting point for the design and renovation of the neighborhood parks. It should improve visitor satisfaction and strengthen the attachment of visitors to the neighborhood parks.
        2016.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study aimed to explore and interpret the sense of place in Insa-dong a traditional street designated as a cultural district in Seoul through the thoughts and opinions of insiders who actually experience it. The study also aimed to identify a plan for the development and preservation of Insa-dong. Insa-dong was found to have the characteristic of an “unconscious sense of place,” which had formed naturally over time. This characteristic applies to most physical, social, cultural, and experiential elements that make up Insa-dong. It developed as a place of tradition and arts culture, and thus Insa-dong has continued to be a representative place of traditional and Korean culture until the present. While a uniform modern consumer culture is emerging as a result of the integrated designs and socioeconomic changes brought about by urban capitalism, these changes arguably fall within such a range that Insa-dong’s unique, unconscious sense of place is not greatly damaged. Accordingly, Insa-dong as a unique, attractive place where the new cultural characteristic of “modernity” blends appropriately with “traditionality” can be understood as a representative place that expresses Korea’s past and present life. This study is significant because it examined Insa-dong’s sense of place by moving away from expert perspectives and focusing on interviews with insiders. Based on the results, the study developed a plan for the preservation and formation of Insa-dong’s sense of place. Though this study’s results can suggest basic directions and processes for interpreting sense of place, they are limited in terms of suggesting specific planning and design elements. Therefore, a limitation exists in terms of drawing practical implications. Follow-up studies using this study’s suggestions for preserving and improving Insa-dong’s sense of place can formulate more concrete strategies.
        2016.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        목 적: 안경과 콘택트렌즈 구매장소에 따라 안경사의 직무신뢰도 및 안경과 콘택트렌즈 가격의 만족도에 대한 의견 차이가 있는지에 대하여 알아보고자 하였다. 방 법: 2015년 5월에서 6월 두 달 동안 대구·경북, 부산·경남지역의 안경광학과 재학생과 고객을 대상 으로 안경과 콘택트렌즈 구매 장소, 안경사의 판매 및 검안에 대한 신뢰도 및 안경과 콘택트렌즈 구매가격 만족도에 대한 설문을 실시하였다. 결 과: 직무신뢰도에서 검안은 남자의 평균값이 가장 높았고(3.89±0.88), 가격만족도에서는 모두 여자 의 평균값이 높았다(3.18±0.72). 구매장소에 따른 상관관계에서는 비 프랜차이즈의 검안신뢰도가 가장 높 았다(3.99±0.91). 결 론: 구매장소에 따른 직무신뢰도와 가격만족도에 대하여 일부 항목에서 유의한 차이가 나타났고, 이 결과를 바탕으로 직무신뢰도와 가격만족도를 높이는 자료로 이용될 수 있을 것이라고 생각한다.
        2016.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Sense of place (SOP) has recently been considered an effective strategy through which to pursue sustainable place development. However, many urban spaces have not usually considered the contribution of built-environment factors to SOP and SOP’s contribution to people’s willingness to revisit for sustainable place. Therefore, this research aims to understand the internal structure of SOP at Daehak-ro, one of the most famous cultural district and tourism sites in Seoul, Korea. Through this study, the sociocultural factor was found to make the greatest contribution to Daehak-ro’s SOP, and SOP was itself found to be highly related to willingness to revisit. These results suggest that non-physical factors could be most important to developing an SOP in urban environments. This study will eventually lead to better understanding of developing SOP, and will contribute to Daehak-ro becoming more sustainable than at present.
        2016.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This paper studies the mountain place name characters of the "Shuo wen jie zi", including eleven ancient Chinese characters: "Nao(峱), Yi(嶧), Yu(嵎), Yi(嶷), Min( ), Ji( ), Jie(巀), Xue(嶭), Hua(華), Guo(崞), Yang(崵)". Those characters are all from the same radical of the "San"—mean about mountain on "Shuo wen jie zi", and neighbor in the "San" radical. Mountain place name characters in "Shuo wen jie zi", the character structure all added a radical "San", making it become a synthetic character. However, ancient Chinese geographical literature, the mountain place name not necessarily have the radical "San". Therefore, this paper will focus on the mountain place name characters of the "Shuo wen jie zi", research on structural principle related and the use cases on ancient literatures.
        2016.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구의 목적은 1905년 을사늑약 전후에 저술된 현채 일가의 지리교재를 분석하여 그들의 동해 지명에 대한 인식을 밝히는 것이다. 일본인들은 20세기 초까지 한국과 일본 사이의 바다를 북해로 불러왔다. 그렇지만 일본에서는 1905년 러일전쟁 이후 이 바다에 대한 지정학적 중요성으로 외래지명 일본해가 공식적으로 정착하게 되었다. 나아가 일본해는 을사늑약 이후 한국에서도 통감부의 관여로 공립 보통학교에서 공식적으로 사용되었다. 이에 대해 당시 한국의 민간 지리교과서 집필자들은 일본해 지명에 거부감을 갖고 있었다. 특히 현채와 그의 아들 현공렴은 을사늑약 이후에 지리교과서, 지도, 지도집을 완성하면서 일본해에 대한 자주적 입장에서 동해 또는 대한해를 사용하거나 최소한 대한해와 일본해를 함께 표기했다. 하지만 1910년 한일병합 이후 식민지 조선에서는 공 ․사립학교를 불문하고 모든 지리교과서와 지도에 이 바다의 명칭이 조선총독부에 의해 일본해로 통일되었다.
        2016.07 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Level of urbanization in China has reached 53.73% in 2013, indicating a tremendous progress on the urbanization of China. On the other hand, the number of villages in China reduces by around one million from 3.6 million in 2000 to 2.7 million in 2010 (Zhang, 2014). Issues in both urban and rural areas of China appear, including the imbalance between increased population and limited resources in urban region, and more significantly, the increasing disparity between rural and urban areas. Chinese researchers interpret and analyse these matters from different perspectives. For instance, Zheng (2006) and Ma (2006) suggest the importance of the infrastructure construction and public service. Wu (2006) advises that the government should pay attention to the development of the secondary and tertiary industry. Wen (2005) proposes that the improvement of social institution and the recovery of social cultural environment are required to achieve sustainability in the urbanization process in China. Previous studies in environmental psychology put quality of life, attachment to place, and residence satisfaction at the center to understand the relationship between inhabitants and their neighborhood of residence. However, there are gaps in this research realm in both practice and theories. Firstly, very limited research studies this environmental psychology issue in China (e.g. Mao, Fornara, Manca, Bonnes, & Bonaiuto, 2015). Secondly, there are different opinions on the causal order between quality, attachment, and satisfaction. Research on the relationship between perceived residential environment quality (PREQ), place attachment, and environmental satisfaction has not reached a consensus. The debate on the direction of the causal relationship between perceived quality and satisfaction has been summarized by Bradya and Robertson (2001). They conclude that the quality to satisfaction causal order holds up well across diverse cultures. However, relevant debate is still ongoing. A number of research articles place satisfaction as an antecedent to attachment, e.g. Chen, Dwyer, and Firth (2014); Lee, Kyle, and Scott (2012); Ramkissoon and Mavondo (2015); etc. Some argue that place attachment is an indicator of satisfaction. Kyle et al. (2004) investigate the effect of place attachment on the perceived values of tourists and find that place attachment is an important factor explaining the variance of perceived values. This is supported by research e.g. Hwang, Lee, and Chen (2005); Prayag and Ryan (2012); Yuksel, Yuksel, Biljm (2010); etc. As to the relationship between perceived quality and attachment, the debate has not stopped. Through comparisons, Mesch and Manor (1996) conclude that the residents who give a higher evaluation of the social and natural environment may have greater place attachment. Brown, Perkins, and Brown (2003) also suggest that the residents who agree that the street environment is better would attach to this place. Sam, Bayram, and Bilgel (2012) have certified the relationship between residential environment quality and place attachment. Furthermore, Borrie and Roggenbuck (2001) and Walker and Ryan (2008) find that the connection between human beings and the nature environment would affect their affection toward the environment. It means that the closer the relationship with the nature environment is, the stronger the attachment would be, which in turn, enhances the intentions to protect the environment. This quality to satisfaction relationship is supported by other research such as Bonaiuto, Aiello, Perugini, Bonnes, and Ercolani (1999); Grisaffe and Nguyen (2011); Yu, Chen, and Chen (2015); etc. Nevertheless, a different opinion arguing that attachment to a place may affect one’s perception on the quality related to a place is emerging in tourism research (e.g. Neuvonen, Pouta, & Sievänen, 2010). This paper takes the credit of quality → attachment → satisfaction causal order as the initial model and proposes three hypotheses as follows. H1a: One’s PREQ has a positive impact on his/her attachment to this place; H2a: One’s attachment to a place has a positive impact on his/her satisfaction to the environmental settings in this place; H3a: Place attachment in addition performs as a mediating role between PREQ and environment satisfaction.To be noted, the initial model has its theoretical basis as discussed above but is not necessarily the absolute optimal model. Relatively, this model provides more theoretical interpretation and practical implications in the specific research context: residential psychology in urban and rural areas of China. On this basis, this article further examines a competing model illustrating an alternative theoretical framework on the relationships between these three constructs (satisfaction → attachment → quality). Relatively, another group of hypotheses in this competing model is listed as follows. H1b: One’s attachment to a place has a positive impact on his/her PREQ; H2b: One’s satisfaction to the environmental settings in this place has a positive impact on his/her attachment to this place; H3b: Place attachment in addition performs as a mediating role between environment satisfaction and PREQ. A survey approach is employed and data are collected from several backgrounds. Dataset A (rural) is collected from three villages from Heilongjiang Province and two villages from Shandong Province in China from July to August 2014. The choices of the provinces, rural areas, and the sampling process are random. 490 valid questionnaires are included in the data analysis. Dataset B (urban) is collected via an online survey portal, which allows a nationwide sampling reach. In total 1368 online survey entries are recorded and 420 valid questionnaires are included, resulting in a valid rate of 30.7%. The measures for each construct are based on an extensive literature review. The measurement of perceived residential environment quality is from Sam, Bayram, & Bilgel’s (2012) development on the perception of residential environment. The measurement of place attachment in this study is adopted from Kyle, Graefe, and Manning’s (2005) and Chen, Dwyer, and Firth’s (2014) evaluation based place attachment dimensionality and scales. As for the scale of environmental satisfaction, Pelletier, Legault, and Tuson’s (1996) measure was applied. All the entire variables adopted multiple-item, 5-point Likert scales were adopted, where “1” indicated “strongly disagree” and “5” indicated “strongly agree”. After pre-testing the preliminary version of the survey instrument, a revised version was developed. This study adopts structural equation modeling (SEM) based on partial least squares (PLS) modeling given the small sample size and the explorative purpose of this study (Dijkstra & Henseler, 2015a). The software used was Smart PLS 3.0. The reliability and validity of the constructs were assessed. Cronbach’s alpha and the value of CR of each construct were found to exceed the cut-off value of 0.70 (Fornell & Larcker, 1981), except for adequacy of education which is close to 0.70 (only for Cronbach’s alpha but not for CR). Furthermore, the AVE of each construct exceeded the variance attributable to its measurement error cut-off value of 0.50 (Chin, 1998; Fornell & Larcker, 1981). In addition, heterotrait-monotrait ratio (HTMT) is recommended as a better method to test discriminant validity (Henseler, Dijkstra, Sarstedt, Ringle, Diamantopoulos, Straub, Ketchen, Hair, Hult, & Calantone, 2014). The result shows that there is neither value of the HTMT higher than the threshold of 0.85 nor confidence interval containing the value one, indicating that all the constructs exhibit satisfactory discriminant validity. The hypothesized effects in the theoretical model were tested by structural equation modeling (SEM). The first group of models tested the effect of perceived environmental quality on environmental satisfaction through place attachment i.e. initial model (Model A, Model B, Model C), while the second group of models tested the reverse effect of environmental satisfaction on perceived environmental quality through place attachment (Model D, Model E, Model F). Both the full model and the multi-group model were tested. The value of SRMR of the full model that tests either the effect of perceived environmental quality on environmental satisfaction (SRMR = 0.104, t = 41.826, p < 0.001) or the reversed effect (SRMR = 0.106, t = 37.736, p < 0.001) shows that the models fit the data quite well (Dijkstra & Henseler, 2015b). However, the former is little bit more significant. In this study, PREQI is found different impacts on place attachment and environmental satisfaction. This provides evidence to support a similar mechanism of studying residents’ psychology with SERVEQUAL model. However, the model testing is found significantly different between rural and urban samples, indicating a systematic difference in the psychology of rural and urban populations. Quality  attachment  satisfaction causal order is found significant and supported by both samples in this study. However, a reversed causal order model (satisfaction  attachment  quality) is also supported by the samples. Although the results may not be able to end the debate on alternative models between PREQ, place attachment, and environmental satisfaction, this paper provides empirical evidence from a specific context (urban and rural China) for further research. Specifically, PREQ has a significant impact on place attachment in both urban and rural areas in China. As for the impact of place attachment on environmental satisfaction as well as the indirect impact of PREQ on environmental satisfaction, the influence is more significant in cities of China compared to rural areas. This suggests in the urban areas in China, affective and emotional responses to their lives play an important role to residents. Local government in cities should balance between improving and maintaining quality of the environment and strengthening local residents’ psychological attachment to the place. Governments in rural areas, on the other hand, should lay great focus on the physical aspects of the environment including nature, health, education, commerce, and venture of the rural areas, to enhance residents’ living experience and satisfaction. Further, there are some limitations. Although this study attempts to clarify the framework of “perception-affection-attitude” in the field of environment management, considering the practical implications, the future study could bring the individuals’ behaviors or intentions into this model such as willingness-to-pay for environment-friendly products. It will also benefit from reviewing more literature on community-based social marketing.
        2016.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Although marketing research traditionally considers itself an applied discipline, research in this area has been criticized over the last decades for its lack of managerial relevance. The debate on rigor versus relevance is age-old, but could not be more vigorous, in marketing science, in practice as well as within higher education institutions. Yet, there has been little empirical research on the triangular relationship between academic quality, managerial relevance and anticipated relevance – that is, students’ relevance anticipation. This paper contributes to the discussion threefold: First, it empirically confirms a positive relationship between academic quality and practical relevance for the marketing discipline. Second, the findings are supported for an educational setting. Academic quality and anticipated relevance (as perceived by marketing students) are positively correlated. Third, the paper assesses the suitability of academic journal articles for marketing education. By introducing the concept of anticipated practical relevance, academic journal articles can be categorized on an additional dimension. The question whether students are able to anticipate practical meaning now allows identifying “triple drivers”, that is, journal articles that are (1) highly regarded in science, that are (2) practically relevant, and that (3) allow students to correctly anticipate the managerial meaning. I propose that these articles are suitable for confirmatory teaching and learning and therefore have a place in the classroom.
        2016.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Place branding and city branding are multi-disciplinary rapidly growing research domains (Brown & Campelo, 2014; Kavaratzis & Hatch, 2013; Kavaratzis & Ashworth, 2008; Lucarelli & Berg, 2011). However, there are problems with the lack of conceptualization and theoretical shortcomings in this field (Kavaratzis, 2004; Parkerson & Saunders, 2005; Skinner, 2008). In order to fill these gaps this paper introduces a novel approach towards place branding and social responsibility of the city. In the present paper the brand attitude to living in the city (Merrilees, Miller, & Herington, 2012, 2013) is explained by four other concepts: 1) social responsibility of the city, 2) contribution of the city to the metropolitan area, 3) city brand identification, and 4) city reputation. These concepts are based on previous research in the fields of marketing and management and adapted to the context of the study. Social responsibility of the city has its background in the concept of corporate social responsibility (He & Li, 2010; Marin, Ruiz, & Rubio, 2008), which is a driver of brand loyalty (Marin et al., 2008), and brand value (Melo & Galan, 2011). The concepts of city brand identification and city reputation have been developed using the research on brand identification (Lam, Ahearne, Mullins, Hayati, & Schillewaert, 2013; Mael & Ashforth, 1992) and corporate reputation (Lai, Chiu, Yang, & Pai, 2010; Wang, Kandampully, Lo, & Shi, 2006). Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) was used to test the theoretical model with a data (N=400) on consumers' attitudes towards the city of Helsinki. The results of the model show that Social responsibility of the city has a very strong impact on City brand identification. Likewise, Contribution of the city to the metropolitan area has a very strong impact on City reputation. Moreover, City brand identification has a strong impact on Brand attitude to living in the city. Finally, the model demonstrates that City reputation has a very strong impact on Brand attitude to living in the city. Overall, the results show that both social responsibility of the city and contribution to the metropolitan area are strong drivers of city brand identification and city reputation. Moreover, the evidence shows that these are drivers of brand attitude to living in the city. This evidence is important as it develops and links the concepts of social responsibility and contribution to the metropolitan area to the concept of brand attitude to living in the city.
        2016.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        This research was conducted in order to examine the reverse effect of brand loyalty on the emotional attachment to the place-of-origin. Results indicate that consumers that are highly loyal to a brand tend to be more emotionally attached to the place-of-origin; the effect is mediated by affective place image. Affective place image also partially mediates the brand loyalty–place attachment relationship in cases when the brand is authentic in the place. Human beings tend to extend their affect towards one object based on another object related to the first one. Building on this notion researchers have been trying to understand two related concepts—a place, and a brand originating from that place. In this endeavor, one literature stream has been focusing on place-based branding from the perspective of international marketing, including work on country-of-origin (COO) or product-country image (Baldauf et al., 2009; Hong & Wyer Jr, 1989). Another stream focusing on place branding adapts traditional marketing theory to market a place (Kotler 2002), and focuses on destination image (Bramwell & Rawding, 1996; Lee & Lockshin, 2012; Qu, Kim & Im, 2011), and place attachment (Gross & Brown 2006). Notwithstanding the above, there is a dearth of research combining these two aforementioned streams. One of few exceptions is Lee and Lockshin (2014), who explored the reverse COO effect of product perceptions on destination image. However, they focused on consumers’ cognitive beliefs and, thus, the underlying mechanism of the relationship is yet to be examined. Hence, the current research aims to answer the following questions: can brand loyalty be leveraged to consumers’ relationship with the place-of-origin as a tourism destination? And, if so, what is the mechanism underlying the effect? We present a global survey with consumers of place-based wine brands as a means to understand whether consumers’ loyalty to a brand will influence their emotional attachment to the place where the wine brand origins. A moderated mediation model is proposed. Affective destination image mediates the positive effect of brand loyalty on place attachment, which is positively moderated by authenticity of the brand-place associations. The study contributes to the tourisms marketing field by identifying the emotional linkage between brand loyalty and place attachment. It serves as a starting point for further investigation of how company or product branding could benefit place marketing and branding theory. Affective components are suggested to play a vital role in the relationships between a place and a brand. It further enriches understanding of the role of brand authenticity. Place marketers need to understand the role of brand loyalty in the decision-making process of tourism consumption.
        2016.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Organisations encourage shareholders to invest in the place and the place audience relies on place reputation when making investment decisions and product choices. Given the significance of the place branding and place heritage and building upon the evidence discussed, this research is one of the first attempts at collecting empirical evidence that seeks to prove that a favourable place branding and place branding heritage influence a favourable place image and favourable place reputation. This study aims to explore employees and visitors/consumers’ perceptions and practices regarding the place branding and the main factors that influence place branding suitability at a visitor/consumer/employee level. By achieving these objectives, it is expected that the investigation will add to current knowledge about the place branding and provide practical insights to managers and decision-makers. Based on the research objectives of this study, three overall research questions are: (i) What are the factors that influence place branding favourability, (ii) What are the main influences of place heritage favourability on favourable place branding?, and (iii) What are the main influences of place branding favourability on favourable place image and favourable place reputation? This research addresses the general goals: first, it explores the concept of the place branding and its dimensions. Second, it identifies the factors that are most likely to have a significance influence on the favourable place branding (antecedents of the favourable place branding). Third, it develops and empirically assesses a model concerning the relationships between favourable place branding, its antecedents and its consequences. Fourth, it examines the influence of the favourable place heritage on place branding. Finally, it investigates the impact of the favourable place branding on favourable place image and favourable place reputation (consequences of the favourable place branding). Despite the potentially significant role of the favourable place branding, little empirical research has examined how the favourable place branding exposes corporations and their members to far greater scrutiny. Creating a employee/consumer/visitor level model based on attribution theory demonstrates the issues retailers face in relation to place branding: (i) the association between the place branding concept and its elements that foster or discourage; (ii) its benefits or outcome for place; (iii) the relationships between other theoretically and empirically identified variables. In order to fill this gap in the academic literature, prior studies and the insights gained from current field research were reviewed. The model and various propositions developed thereafter, merit further study.
        2016.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The study evaluates the influence of national culture on the relationships between tourist motivation, service interactions with hotel employees, and place attachment. These relationships are ascertained among four groups of visitors to the island of Mauritius. The overall structural model, tested on a sample of 545 visitors, indicates that motivation and service interactions are strong determinants of place attachment. Multi-group analysis shows there is no relationship between service interactions and place dependence for all four groups of visitors (German, South African, French and British). However, there are differences in the relationships between motivation, place identity and place dependence for all four groups. The findings have important implications for hotel managers, destination marketing and management, and employee training.
        2016.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        In many countries, domestic tourism is important in terms of both size and economic contribution (Massidda & Etzo, 2012). This study aimed to develop a measurement scale for place authenticity for domestic destinations. Moreover, the objective was to offer insights regarding the consequences of place authenticity while travelling within borders. Empirical literature on the authentic travel experience “within borders” is quite scant and the attention of policy makers is not adequately focused on its outcomes such as attitude, values and positive WOM. A very small body of literature has primarily focused on domestic tourists’ destination experience yet omits measuring authenticity perceptions (Chi & Qu, 2008; Massidda & Etzo, 2012; Milman & Pizam, 1995). Empirical data were collected from 456 American consumers who had travelled to domestic tourism destinations. This paper provides a new measure for place authenticity that destination marketers can use to gauge what consumers think of their domestic travel experience. In addition, the findings of this study suggest that place authenticity shapes key consumer outcomes such as attitude, values and positive WOM. Furthermore, place authenticity has significant indirect effects on value and WOM, consistent with the role of place authenticity’s effects being mediated by consumer attitude toward the destination. Finally, this study discusses the managerial implications for tourism destination marketing and positioning strategy.
        2016.07 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This essay presents an anthropological approach to embodied skills in brand rituals. In an ethnographic account of an everyday domestic practice of men’s shaving, this essay argues that men who apply skill to ritualized shaving practices evoke particular sensorial dimensions that elicit certain memories and ideals that situate time and place differently for them. Rather than evaluate ritual semiotically for its signs and symbols, this study “brings into being” (Ingold 2013) skilled human activity with branded material in ritual as it explores sensory awareness and environmental-temporal consumer perceptions of time and place. As such, this essay examines the less obvious and less frequently addressed issue of time and place as they occur in embodied practices of everyday consumption. The human body is suggested as a particular consumption site for applying skillful embodiment and a new conception of ritual.
        2016.07 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The search for authenticity is a subject that has become very common in different areas of social knowledge in recent years. The key point is to recognize what makes something authentic and which factors could influence this perception. Although the academia not yet been able to reach a consensus on the definition of what makes something authentic, some authors propose this concept in the marketing of goods and services (Beverland 2005, 2006; Beverland, Lindgreen & Vink, 2008; Alexander, 2009; Molleda, 2009; Kadirov, 2010). We propose to extend this concept to the place branding context. Destinations can be authentic when they offer tourists unique experiences. These could be interesting to be branded in order to increase tourism demand. Tourism is a sector that, despite of the uncertainties of the global economic scenario, continues to grow. According to the World Tourism Organization, in 2014 there was an increase of 4.3% in the number of tourists who traveled the world, compared to the previous year. This represents 46 million more people that revisited a destination or traveled to new places. In financial terms, the global move rose to US$ 1.5 trillion in 2014 (UNWTO, 2015). The economy of many countries depends on tourism, both in terms of GDP and employment. For instance, Seychelles, Cape Verde and Malta have respectively 21%, 16% and 13% of their GDPs coming from tourism. The same source also reveals the list of the most competitive countries in the world in terms of tourism. The top four countries are Spain, France, USA and England (WEF, 2015). Currently, considering the competitiveness in the tourism sector, it is increasingly critical the need for destinations which present a singular identity and positioning. Offering excellent options of accommodation, good attractions and historic buildings are no longer differentials. Thus, place branding can be a powerful tool to face the competitive tourism scenario (Gilmore & Pine II, 2007). This study aims to promote a measurement scale for place authenticity and verify the influence of this concept for the tourist’s destination selection. In modern societies, individuals search for their uniqueness. Taylor (2003) points out that one of the decisive aspects to be an authentic positioning is the definition of their own identity, that is, the set of attributes such as personality, physical characteristics and perception of themselves. The dilemma of authenticity and inauthenticity is already considered one of the key points of western society (Grayson & Martinec, 2004). Considering the universe of brands, an authentic brand is associated to the consistency between brand identity and brand personality. It is related to the elements and/or characteristics, which are unique. Previous published studies (Beverland, 2006; Barreto, 2008; Molleda, 2009; Kadirov, 2010; Napoli et al. 2014) proposed some dimensions to define the composing elements for authenticity perception; however, they were more focused on product authenticity. Some dimensions include product tradition, manufacturing process, product design, certifications and guarantees, price positioning, product originality, cultural symbolism, product quality, nostalgic perception and brand credibility, among others. These dimensions are not directly applicable to touristic destinations. Considering this literature gap, we decided to propose a new measurement scale specifically for places (touristic destinations). In the case of tourists, Gilmore and Pine II (2007) state that this kind of consumers search to live unique and authentic experiences. These authors emphasize that the choice of a place to visit can be considered personal reaffirmation, in the sense of having a certain personality or belonging to a particular group. The proposed model for this study states that place authenticity is guided by place tradition and place legitimacy and plays a mediating effect from place image to destination selection. For place image, we considered the natural characteristics of a touristic destination, the quality of services and the original manufacturing production of that place. These dimensions also came from the qualitative steps of this research. Previous studies (Selby & Morgan, 1996; Govers & Go, 2009) emphasize the positive impact of place image to increase consumer’s visiting desire. Before access destination selection, place image plays an important role for place authenticity perception, being that the core evaluation about a place. The first three hypothesis are: H1: The greater the perception about natural characteristics of a place, the greater the perception about place authenticity. H2: The greater the perception about the quality of services, the greater the perception about place authenticity. H3: The greater the perception about original manufacturing production, the greater the perception about place authenticity. Destination selection for vacation is related to consumer’s choice about the next place to go during his/her free time. Literature reveals that consumers’ perception about a place can be decisive for choosing or not a place for vacation (Gilmore & Pine II, 2007). Hypothesis 4 assumes that: H4: Place authenticity has a positive and significant impact on consumer’s destination selection. This study is organized in two main research stages. The first was dedicated to the developing a place authenticity measurement scale. We followed Netemeyer, Bearden and Sharma (2003) steps that include literature review, qualitative and quantitative steps. After the literature review we ran two qualitative studies with four in-depth interviews with tourism managers and eight in-depth interviews with consumers. Managers’ criteria selection was strategic public and private functions. Consumers’ criteria considered: age, gender and personal finance responsibility. The main objective of these steps was to collect more information about “what makes a place authentic” and “how we can define place image”. Initially 32 items were proposed, being 12 for place authenticity and 20 for place image. The first survey with 152 respondents was used to test the proposed scales. The second stage was defined by another survey with 152 valid respondents. We adapted from Napoli, Dickinson, Beverland, and Farrelly (2014) a 3-item scale for destination selection. The main objective of this last step was to retest the measurement scale with a new sample and test the proposed model using structural modeling equation. We used a 10-point agreement scale for all constructs. Qualtrics solutions to collect data were used in both surveys. The qualitative approach and the literature review were relevant to propose some items to measure place image and place authenticity. Previous studies emphasized the power of place image for tourism managers in order to increase destination desire for potential consumers (Selby & Morgan, 1996; Govers & Go, 2009). Echtner and Ritchie (1993) written one of the first manuscripts to promote a measurement scale to place image. It was a very robust proposition that included attribute-based images, holistic impressions, and functional, psychological, unique and common characteristics, considering a combination of structured and unstructured methodologies. Although it is a very complex scale. We proposed a new scale by listening to managers and potential tourists (consumers) about what defines the main aspects of place image. Considering place authenticity, the main characteristics that define this concept are related to place tradition and history, which are related to culture, socio-economic history and how people recognize the uniqueness of its tradition. Place legitimacy is related to the originality of place characteristics and what makes this place unique. In the first survey group, we had 152 valid responses, 64% women. Age range was from 26 to 37 years old. Main income rate (61%) was US$1600. Respondents should be the main responsible for the last destination choice. After a descriptive analysis, we ran an exploratory factor analysis (EFA) with varimax rotation and principal components as extraction method. Results showed the adequacy of the proposed scale (KMO=0.886, Bartlett's 4807.951, p<0.000). Four items were deleted considering the communalities verification (under 0.50). Three dimensions were defined: place image, which means the natural characteristics of a place (6 items, α=0.938), the quality of services (7 items, α=0.914) like infrastructure and the original manufacturing production of that place (4 items, α=0.807). Two dimensions defined place authenticity: place tradition (7 items, α=0.938) and place legitimacy (5 items, α=0.934). In the second survey group, we had 152 valid responses, 62% women. Age range was from 26 to 37 years old. Main income rate (61%) was between US$1600 and US$2500. Respondents should be the main responsible for the last destination choice. The second stage included a new survey to confirm the measurement scales and test the proposed model. After descriptive analysis, we ran a confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). Results demonstrated the adequacy of the measurement model with tolerable goodness of fit (CMIN 403.114, DF = 142, CMIN/DF= 2.839, IFI=0.916, CFI=0.915, TLI=0.886, NFI=0.876, NFI=0.835, RMSEA=0.110). Probably sample size influenced the goodness of fit. We refined the measurement scale holding the essential items for each scale, considering CFA analysis (appendix 1). The final measurement proposed is defined for the natural characteristics of a place (4 items, AVE=0.80, CONF=0.93), the quality of services (4 items, AVE=0.84, CONF=0.95), the original manufacturing production of that place (3 items, AVE=0.76, CONF=0.90). Place authenticity: place tradition (4 items, AVE=0.77, CONF=0.93) and place legitimacy (4 items, α= AVE=076, CONF=0.93). The proposed model was tested using the structural modeling equation. Results demonstrated to be suitable, with an acceptable goodness of fit (CMIN 310.219, DF = 97; CMIN/DF= 3.198; IFI=0.907, CFI=0.905, TLI=0.867, NFI=0.876, RFI=0.817, RMSEA=0.121). All hypotheses were confirmed. There is a positive impact from natural characteristics (β=0.371, p<0.000), quality of services (β=0.236, p<0.000) and original manufacturing production (β=0.597, p<0.000) on place authenticity (R²=92%). There is also a positive impact from place authenticity to destination selection (β=0.427, p<0.000, R²=18.2%). Three major results emphasize the literature contribution of this research. First, the two-dimension place authenticity measurement scale. Place tradition and place legitimacy are the core concepts to measure place authenticity. Second, the influence of place image on place authenticity. This is useful for tourism managers since place image can be treated by marketing campaigns. The better the place image the greater the place authenticity perception. This relation explains 92% of the place authenticity construct. Thirdly, the relevance of place authenticity on destination selection. Public and private investments for some touristic place can be reinforced by marketing efforts in order to increase positive aspects for place image and place authenticity. Therefore, promoting increase in the percentage of destination selection. People are looking for unique experiences in unique places.
        2016.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        PURPOSES: The national highways and expressways in Korea constitute a total length of 17,951 km. Of this total length of pavement, the asphalt pavement has significantly deteriorated, having been in service for over 10 years. Currently, hot in-place recycling (HIR) is used as the rehabilitation method for the distressed asphalt pavement. The deteriorated pavement becomes over-heated, however, owing to uncontrolled heating capacity during the pre-heating process of HIR in the field. METHODS: In order to determine the appropriate heating method and capacity of the pre-heater at the HIR process, the heating temperature of asphalt pavement is numerically simulated with the finite element software ABAQUS. Furthermore, the heating transfer effects are simulated in order to determine the inner temperature as a function of the heating system (IR and wire). This temperature is ascertained at 300 ℃, 400℃, 500℃, 600℃, 700°℃, and 800℃ from a slab asphalt specimen prepared in the laboratory. The inner temperature of this specimen is measured at the surface and five different depths (1 cm, 2 cm, 3 cm, 4 cm, and 5 cm) by using a data logger. RESULTS: The numerical simulation results of the asphalt pavement heating temperature indicate that this temperature is extremely sensitive to increases in the heating temperature. Moreover, after 10 min of heating, the pavement temperature is 36%~38% and 8%~10% of the target temperature at depths of 25 mm and 50 mm, respectively, from the surface. Therefore, in order to achieve the target temperature at a depth of 50 mm in the slab asphalt specimen, greater heating is required of the IR system compared to that of the gas. CONCLUSIONS : Numerical simulation, via the finite element method, can be readily used to analyze the appropriate heating method and theoretical basis of the HIR method. The IR system would provide the best heating method and capacity of HIR heating processes in the field.
        2016.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        PURPOSES: The objective of this study is to determine the milling temperature that minimizes the binder-induced damage to the aggregate; this is achieved by evaluating the temperature dependence of the viscosity of the asphalt binder, with the aim of developing an effective heating process for warm in-place recycling. METHODS : The validity of the indoor test was confirmed by conducting an internal heating test based on the on-site heating test. In addition, the adhesive power of the binder was measured at various temperatures (30℃, 40℃, 50℃, 60℃, 70℃) via three types of measuring methods. RESULTS: The surface temperature spectrum of field test was slight different with that of laboratory test. But, the spectra of inner temperature between the field and the laboratory was almost similar. Also, the adhesion of the asphalt binder was measured from 30℃ to 70℃. The adhesion of the binder was significantly decreased from 60℃. Contrary to other temperature, the adhesion was slightly changed from 60℃ to 70℃. Also the inner temperature between two different heating methods was shown similar temperature spectra. CONCLUSIONS: The pavement heating temperature spectrum of hot in place recycling method was simulated by a laboratory test. Based on this study, the optimum temperature was 60℃~70℃ for reducing aggregate damage during milling process. The susceptibility heating method developed in this study can be maintained the optimum inner temperature range.
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