Guided tissue regeneration(GTR) is regenerative operating technique at dental clinic. The vertical bone defect can be treated by GTR. The purpose of this study is to present the importance of GTR at dental clinic. The vertical bone defect was observed on distal side of mandibular right 2nd molar. The patient had been treated scaling, root planing and GTR. Both nonresorbable occluding membrane and resorbable occluding membrane can be used as GTR operation. The former was used in this study. Nonresorbable occluding membrane can exclude epithelial cells from healing defect. The Bio-Oss bone graft used at GTR operation. A radiograph demonstrates that the regenerative part was observed by GTR. In conclusion, GTR operating effect has importance on vertical defect at dental clinic.
Poly-L-lactic acid (PLLA), PLLA/hydroxyapatite (HA), PLLA/multiwalled carbon nanotubes (MWNTs)/HA, PLLA/trifluoroethanol (TFE), PLLA/gelatin, and carbon nanofibers (CNFs)/β-tricalcium phosphate (β-TCP) composite membranes (scaffolds) were fabricated by electrospinning and their morphologies, and mechanical properties were characterized for use in bone tissue regeneration/guided tissue regeneration. MWNTs and HA nanoparticles were well distributed in the membranes and the degradation characteristics were improved. PLLA/MWNTs/HA membranes enhanced the adhesion and proliferation of periodontal ligament cells (PDLCs) by 30% and inhibited the adhesion of gingival epithelial cells by 30%. Osteoblast-like MG-63 cells on the randomly fiber oriented PLLA/TEF membrane showed irregular forms, while the cells exhibited shuttle-like shapes on the parallel fiber oriented membrane. Classical supersaturated simulated body fluids were modified by CO2 bubbling and applied to promote the biomineralization of the PLLA/gelatin membrane; this resulted in predictions of bone bonding bioactivity of the substrates. The β-TCP membranes exhibit good biocompatibility, have an effect on PDLC growth comparable to that of pure CNF membrane, and can be applied as scaffolds for bone tissue regeneration.
1'0 develop an effi cient scaffold fo1' t issue-engineered bone 1'egene1'ation, we evaluated fully in terconnected globular porous bisphasic calcium-phosphate ceramics. Materials and Methods: Biphasic HA/TCP cera mic scaffolds having f띠 l y interconnected globular structure with small fenestrations adopting foaming method were p1'epared. They were evaluated by cytotoxici ty‘ cellular attachment. and theil‘ differentiation in vitro and the hi s tocompatibili ty, osteoconductivity. and ectopic os teoinductive capacity in 띠 vo , respectively. They have average 400um s ized spherical pores and ave1'age 100um s ized inter connecting interpores with average 85% porosity. They r evealed comparable compression strength with cancellous bone. They were nontoxic and revealed no noxious effect on cellular proliferation and osteoblastic diffe re ntiation. The cul tured cells on scaffolds were well attacbed and proliferated in multi-layers. The increased surface in fully interconnected globular porous scaffold facilitated osteogenic repair by favored cell ular attachment and osteogenic differentia tion with good osteoconductivity. 1n addition. the scaffold-cell constructs induced favorable ectopic bone formati on These findings suggest that the fully interconnected globular porous biphas ic HA/ß -TCP ceramic scaffold formed by foaming method can be a promising bone substitute and a scaffold fo 1' tissue-engineered bone 1'egeneration
We evaluated the influence of internal macro- porous structure on tissue-engineered bone regeneration by cOll1paring the effi cien cy of scaffold-cell construct forll1ation and its bone induction activity. T매o types of macro-porous CMP cera rnic blocks having 400 um average pore s ize in an interconnected trabecular framework and interconnected globular structu1'e with small fenestrations were prepa1'ed, adopting sponge method and foaming method. respectively. They ware evaluated by cytotoxicity. cell ular attachment. and t heir differenti ation in vitro and the histocompatibility, osteoconductivity, and ectopic osteoinductive potenetial in vivo, respecti vely. Both scaffolds having either interconnected trabecu lar pOI‘es formed by sponge ll1ethod 0 1' fully interconnected globu lar pores formed by foam-based technology were no cyt otoxic and induced neither an immune nor an infl ammatory response regardless 0 1' geometry and manufacturing methods. The fu lly interconnected globul 81 porous scaffold showed more favora ble compression strength compared to the interconnected trabecualr porous scaffold (8.7 :tO. 5 MPa va 5. 5:t0. 5 MPa) . The increased surface in fully interconnected globular po1'ous scaffold facilitated osteogenic repall‘ by favored cellular attachment and osteogenic differentiation with good osteoconductivity. These results suggest that the fully interconnected globular porous structure be more sui table for both bone s ubstit ute and scaffold for t issue-engineered bone regeneration‘
Recovery 01' original form ancl function from c1amaged organs 01' tissues is olltmost goal of regenera tive meclicine. Va riolls methods such as moleclll ar biology. drug c1elivery system, biomaterials. tissue engineering have been s tllcliecl and appl iecl in that field . 1'he core factor of all 01' these kinds of efforts might be the cells including stem cells 01' progenitor cell s . AclllJt progenitor 01' stem cells have many advantages for therapeutic meclicine, inclucling free form ethi cal probl em. easiness in collection and clllture. Bone marrow‘ fat tissue, peripheral blood. placenta‘ ancl umbilicaJ cord bloocl a re preferable source 01' acllllt stem cells 01' progenitors. ]-]uman umbilical cord bloocl. taken form vein of corcl after baby c1elivery‘ are known to contain many progenitor cells. Since Boyse et al reportecl bone marrow transplantation with hllman cord blood CD34+ cells f'or leukemia. functional cells in human cord blood have been the cells of great interest. 1n this study‘ the a u thors i s이 ated peripheral bloocl mononuciear celJs. endothelial progenitors‘ late outgrowth vascular endothelial-like cells‘ ancl mesenchymal stem cell- like cells from human umbilical cord blood and a pplied in bony defects, myocardiac infarction and limb ischemic lesl0n Al I of these fllnctional cells showed favorable healing capacity and their effects primarily based on enhanced anglOgenesls Conclllsively. a lthollgb the precise cha racteristics are not well-described‘ the current stucly reveals that various types of functional cell s of human umbilical cord blood have some stem cell or progenitors features and play an important r ole in ti ssue regeneration
As a pa rt 0 1' the effort to develop a suitable scaffold for tissue-engineered bone regene ration, we modified calcium metaphosphate(CMP) ce ramic with 5 mol% Na20 or K20 to improve t he biodegradability and evaluated their effi ciency as a biodegr adable scaffold for ti ssue-engineered bone regeneration. The macroporous αiIP ceramic blocks incor porated with 5 mol% Na20 or K20 were prepa recl to have average pore size of 250 um in an inte rconnectecl framework structure The influ e nce of inco r pora tecl 5 mol% Na20 or K20 on cytotoxicity‘ cellular attachmont and t heir clifferentiation was evaluated by in vit ro analyzing sys tern. res pectively. The bioclegradability, histocompatibility, and osteogenic effect by cell-scaffolcl co nstruc ts were evalua ted by im plantation of them into subcutaneous pouches of SD-rats 0 1' SCID ITllce The incorporation of 5 mol% Na20 or K20 causecl clecrease of compressive strength without improving of biodegr adabili ty . The moclifi ed scaffolcls revea led no cy totoxic and excell ent biocompatability but osteogneic effect was recluced compa red to pure CMP ce ramic porous blocks . These res ul Ls s ugge::;t tha t the incorporation of 5 mol% Na20 0 1' K20 into pure CMP is not effective for improv ing effï ciency 0 1' scaffolcls fo1' tissue-engineered bone regeneration in terms of bioclegradabi li ty‘ physical s trength . a ncl osteogenic rege ne ra tive effect
Background : Platycodon grandiflorum has been used as food material and a traditional medicine in Korea. In order to develop an efficient in vitro micropropagation technique for a rare plant species and conservation for inbred line of plant breeding. Methods and Results : Plant regeneration via organogenesis and somatic embryogenesis was investigated in Platycodon grandiflorum. Leaf, stem, root tissues of 7-day-old seedlings were cultured on 1/2MS medium containing various concentration (0, 0.5, 1 and 2 ㎎/L) of IBA, BA and NAA. The results showed that 1/2MS medium supplemented with BA+NAA 2.0 ㎎/L yielded the highest callus formation ratio of 73.5%. When various tissues (leaf, stem, root) were tested on 1/2MS medium containing BA 2.0 ㎎/L+ NAA 2.0 ㎎/L for somatic embryogenesis, the optimum tissue for embryogenic shoot induction was stem tissue. Callus were cultured on MS medium containing various concentration (0, 0.5 and 1 ㎎/L) of BA and NAA. The best rooting rate was achieved by three different medium (B5, 1/2MS and MS) and 1/2MS medium cultured the highest rooting ratio (82%). Conclusion : This study suggested that above micropropagation techniques can be used for rapid multiplication as well as in vitro or in vivo conservation of the Platycodon species.
Plant regeneration via organogenesis and somatic embryogenesis was investigated in Korean soybean cultivars including Cheongja 3, Jinpumkong 2, Taekwangkong and Uram. Cotyledon, cotyledon+hypocotyl and hypocotyl segments of 7-day-old seedlings were cultured on MS medium containing various concentration (0, 1, 2 and 4 ㎎/L) of BA and TDZ. The results showed that MS medium supplemented with BA 2.0 ㎎/L yielded the highest shoot formation ratio of 83.3%. In 4 cultivars, Taekwangkong showed the highest ratio of shoot formation. When various sizes of immature cotyledons (S: 1∼ 2 ㎜, M: 3∼5 ㎜, L: 6∼8 ㎜) were tested on MS medium containing 2,4-D 40 ㎎/L for somatic embryogenesis, the optimum size for embryogenic callus induction was 3∼5 ㎜ in length of immature cotyledons. In 4 cultivars, Taekwangkong showed the highest percentage of embryogenic callus induction. The results indicate that Taekwangkong is the best soybean cultivar for plant regeneration via organogenesis and embryogenic callus induction among the 4 cultivars.
We previously reported that purified hepatocyte-like cells derived from human embryonic stem cell (hESC) promoted the liver tissue recovery not only by cell replacement, but also by delivering proteins (secretome) that enhance endogenous host liver regeneration. In this study, we investigated possible therapeutic effects of secretomes obtained from undifferentiated hESC and mesenchymal stem cell (hMSC), and explored the underlying mechanism in a mouse model of chronic liver injury. Mice pre-intoxicated with dimethylnitrosamine (DMN) were treated with single intraperitoneal injection of secretome or medium used to support the growth of hESCs or hMSCs. Both hESC- and MSC-secretomes induced robust host liver regeneration, as determined by biochemical and histological analyses. The expression of MMP2 was significantly increased in the liver that received hESC- or hMSC-secretome, compared to control groups. In contrast, expression of α-SMA, a hallmark of activated hepatic stellate cells, was profoundly decreased after administration of both secretomes. These results suggest that hESCs and MSCs may release soluble factors that support the host tissue regeneration of chronically injured liver.
The remarkable regenerative capacity of the adult liver provides a setting to test the functional consequences of grafting human cells generated from pluripotent stem cells. This presentation describes a procedure to differentiate hepatocytes from human embryonic stem and induced pluripotent stem cells using only defined factors. Two cell populations generated in vitro were grafted into the spleen of mice treated with the hepato-toxin carbon tetra-chloride. The population containing few hepatocytes generated few surviving cells that produced low levels of albumin and did not support regeneration of the host liver. The cells enriched in donor hepatocytes efficiently engrafted around the branches of the portal vein, expressed hepatic features for at least 5 weeks. These cells also contributed to the endogenous tissue regeneration and function of the host liver. These results show that the controlled differentiation of hepatocytes from human pluripotent cells provides new approaches to define the mechanisms of tissue regeneration and restore liver function.
본 연구는 기내에서 두릅의 잎조직배양을 통한 효율적인 종묘대량증식체계를 확립하기 위한 기초연구로서 엽내으로부터 캘루스 유기 및 식물체 재분화를 시도한 결과이다. 1. 유연조직으로부터 캘루스 유기는 1.0mg/1 Thidiazuron 첨가배지에서 70%의 유기율을 보였다. 2. 0.1~0.2mg/1 Dicamba 및 1.0mg/1 Picloram 첨가가 캘루스의 증식에 효과가 있었다. 3. 호르몬 첨가배지에서는 식물체 재분화가 이루어지지 않은 반면 Hormon-free 배지에서 shoot 및 root의 분화가 이루어져 완전한 식물체를 얻었다.
황금(黃芩)(Scutellaria baicalensis)의 엽조직(葉組織)을 배양(培養)하여 기내(器內) 종묘(種苗)를 대양증식(大量增殖)시키고 유기(誘起)된 Callus 내(內)의 약효성분(藥效成分)을 검정(檢定)하여 2차(次) 산물(産物)의 효율적(效率的)인 이용(利用)을 도모하기 위하여 식물생장조절제(植物生長調節劑)가 캘러스유기 및 기관분화에 미치는 영향을 조사(調査)하였다. 엽(葉)으로부터 캘러스 유기(誘起)는 NAA 0.5mg / l 의 단독처리(單獨處理)에서 양호(良好)했으며, 혼합처리(混合處理)에서는 NAA 0.5mg / l 와 zeatin 0.5mg /l 의 처리구(處理區)에서 양호(良好)하였다. 캘러스로부터 식물체(植物體) 재분화(再分化)를 위해서는 BAP 1.0mg / l + NAA 0.5mg / l 와 zeatin 1.0mg / l + NAA 0.5, 1.0mg / L 혼합처리구(混合處理區)에서 가장 효과적(效果的)이었다. 2차(次) 산물(産物)의 이용(利用)을 위해 캘러스를 TLC법(法)에 의해 성분분석(成分分析)한 결과(結果) baicalin의 존재(存在)를 확인하였다.
콩에서의 조직배양 가능성을 알아보고자 콩 유묘를 기내에서 배양시킨 뒤, 여러 부위를 채취하여 각기 다른 배지 치상한 결과는 다음과 같다. 1. 줄기정단조직 배양에서는 대부분 shoot가 분화되어 완전한 식물체를 얻을 수 있었다. 2. 자엽절 조직배양에서는 multiple shoots가 나타나 대량증식에 유용했으나 배지에 따른 영향이 컸다. 3. 배축 및 상배축 조직배양에서는 callus만 분화되엇다. 4. 엽조직배양에서는 callus 분화 후 계대배양했을 때 shoot가 분화되었으나 완전한 식물체를 얻기는 힘들었다.