
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 6

        2022.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This paper investigates Korean EFL students’ learning (de)motivation factors according to the level of students’ English learning motivation. A total of 41 undergraduate students reflected on their past ten years of English learning experiences and submitted autobiographic essays with ‘motigraph,’ marking their annual changes of English learning motivation from 0 to 10. The data were analyzed with Grounded Theory. The findings revealed that the factors that increased or decreased English learning motivation were different according to students’ level of motivation. Students with low-level motivation were influenced by their teacher or parents, while those with high-level motivation were influenced by their past L2 learning experiences perceived positively by themselves. In both groups, the factors of emotional experiences caused by negative L2 learning experiences were the main reasons for demotivation. This paper emphasizes the importance of subjective appraisal in maintaining students’ L2 learning motivation and recovering from the state of demotivation.
        2019.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study is to examine how cohesion features can be used to distinguish between essays written by Korean and NS college students. A total of 800 essays from the ICNALE (International Corpus Network of Asian Learners of English) corpus were analyzed using the newly-developed automated analysis of cohesion program, TAACO (the Tool for the Automatic Analysis of Cohesion). In order to examine whether there are statistically significant differences between NS and Korean students, a multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) was conducted. The multivariate test result showed that the combined cohesion indices were significantly affected by L1, indicating that Korean and NS students differed in terms of various cohesion indices. A stepwise discriminant function analysis was also carried out to characterize the nature of cohesion differences in essays between NS and Korean students. The best two predictors for distinguishing between Korean students’ essays and NS students’ essays are the overlap of function words and the use of demonstratives. Overall, NS students produced a more cohesive writing than Korean students in that they employed overlapping words, demonstratives, and lexical subordinators as a way to connect ideas across sentences. Implications of this study for English writing pedagogy are discussed.
        2019.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study is to describe the nature of planning as a cognitive writing process in L2 writing. It aims to examine how Korean EFL learners generate ideas and organize them. It also investigates the relationship between planning and the final product. Given a worksheet for planning, 39 university students were asked to write an argumentative essay during class. Based on their planning notes, five brainstorming types were identified: using the prompt/writing the position, mini-outlining, listing, mind mapping and free writing (in the order of frequency). In addition, the dominant use of L1 was found both in the brainstorming and the outlining. It was found that there was no statistically significant correlation between the amount of brainstorming and the quantity and quality of L2 writing. Only the amount of brainstorming in L2 had a statically significant correlation with the quantity of L2 writing (but not with the quality of L2 writing). In the case of outlining, a statistically significant correlation was found between its amount and the quantity of L2 writing. However, no statistically significant correlation was found between the amount of outlining and the L2 writing quality.
        2014.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study explored the effectiveness and second language (L2) writers' perceptions of process-oriented writing, using portfolio-basedinstruction in a secondary English class at general school settings. The participants were 110 high school students enrolled in a private independent school in Gyeonggi. They learned to produce a four-paragraph-English-essay based on the process-oriented writing methodology, keeping a portfolio note for the entire semester. The instructor was a bilingual teacher of English whose native language is Korean. The 17 weeks' records written in the portfolio note were analyzed to portray whether the approaches enhanced overall performance and understandings about essay-writing. Findings revealed that the participants were satisfied with this approach and improved their writing skills using portfolio-based- instruction. For the sake of implementing the new assessment appropriately at public school settings, further studies are suggested to develop how to enhance classroom environment in order to increase the degree of learner-satisfaction in the essay-writing classes.
        2013.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 식물성 플랑크톤의 1차 생산력에 대한 N:P ratio의 영향을 분석하기 위해 “영양염 첨가실험(NEBs)”을 실시하였다. 영양염 첨가실험(NEBs)에 의한 N:P Ratio의 영향은 대청호에서 측정된 수질데이터와 비교분석하였다. 단기 영양염 첨가실험 결과, 인 (P)을 첨가한 처리군들 (N:P Ratio=5, 15, 20, 30)에서의 1차 생산력의 반응이 대조군 (Control)과 인(P)을 첨가한 처리군 (N:P Ratio=80, TV), 질소(N)를 첨가한 처리군(N:P Ratio=150, TVI)에서보다 높았다. 또한 질소 (N)를 처리한 처리군에서는 대조군과 모든 처리군에서보다 1차 생산력의 반응이 유의하게 작았다. 영양염 첨가실험의 결과, 식물성 플랑크톤의 성장에 인이 제한영양염으로 작용하고 있었으며, 질소첨가 (Spiking N)는 식물성 플랑크톤의 성장을 억제한 것으로 사료된다. 대청호의 영양염 변이 분석 결과, 최소 N:P Ratio에서 엽록소-a의 최대농도가 나타났고, N:P Ratio는 식물성 플랑크톤의 성장에 대한 핵심 조절자로 사료되었다. 본 연구결과를 종합해 볼 때, N:P Ratio가 식물성 플랑크톤의 성장을 조절하는 핵심 인자로 작용 할 것으로 사료된다.
        2000.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        상상력의 본질이 무엇인가에 대해서는 무수한 시인과 작가들이 그들의 한 평생 숙제로 안고있는 문제이다. 상상력이 과연 현실세계에서 자유로이 발현될 수 있는 것인가? 시인의 의도는 자기 자신에 의해 의도되는가 아니면 타자에 의해 의도되는 것인가? 시인이 자신의 창작과정에서 자신의 자유의지를 구현할 때, 시인의 개성을 인도하는 것은 몰개성적인 힘이 있기 때문인가? 이러한 의문은 죽은 영들로부터 메시지를 받아 결국 󰡔비전󰡕을 완성시킨 예이츠에 있어서는 평생을 두고 고민해왔던 중요한 문제였다. 그의 에세이 「마법」에서 상응의 원리에 근거한 마법의 이론을 구성함으로써 그 시도를 해왔던 예이츠에게 있어 그리 쉽지 않은 이 문제는 󰡔비전󰡕에서 구체화되기는 하였지만, 마법과 비전 사이의 간격을 메울 수 있는 적절한 설명은 아직 부족하였다. 본 논문은 그의 에세이 「친절하고 조용한 달을 위해」이 바로 이 잊혀진 연결점을 노정하고 있다는 점을 구체화하기 위하여 이 에세이를 주도 면밀히 분석하고자한다. 요컨대 이 에세이는 에세이 「마법」이 구성하는데 실패한 “언어적 전환”의 문제를 의도성의 문맥에서 다시 보아, 󰡔비전󰡕에서는 드러나지 않는 예이츠의 지워진 무의식적 텍스트를 현재화하는 상호텍스트성의 이중적 전략을 지닌 텍스트로 밝히고자 하는데 그 주목적이 있다.