청소년의 식품에 대한 가치 구조의 분석 연구 The Study of Value Evaluation of Foods in Urban Adolescents

문수재, 이영미
  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/252757
韓國食生活文化學會誌 (한국식생활문화학회지)
제1권 제2호 (1986.06)
한국식생활문화학회 (The Korean Society Of Food Culture)

The purpose of the present study was to investigate the value evaluation of food in urban Korean adolescents. The conclusions drawn from the analysis of values of foods are as follows: 1. There are five factors drawn from the analysis of values of foods, that is, subjective evaluational factor. Objective factors are social factor, economic factor, quality attribute factor, and freguency of food intake factor. And it has been revealed that there is some relationship between these factors. The subjective evaluational variable depends most strongly on the sensory variable, especially taste, flavor, color and shape of food, described in the order of influence. It also depends on the experiential frequency of intake. 2. With regard to the attitude of evaluation of food, there is a considerable difference between junior high school students and high school students, and between male and female students, This difference can be noticed in almost all the variables dealt with in this study, especially in the subjective evaluational aspect, experiential aspect, and social aspect, A significant difference was found between junior high school students and high school students and between male and female students on both subjective and objective values of foods. Male students valued food which brought about a 'Satiety' more so than female. And consequently, they take such kinds of foods more frequently. More female students than male students and more junior high school students than high school students have a strong conception of the socio-cultural value of foods, that is, the spatial and temporal symbol of foods.

  • 문수재 | Moon, Soo-Jae
  • 이영미 | Lee, Young-Mee