도시형 국민학교 급식에서의 표준노동시간 및 적정인력 산출 Developing Standardized Indices of Staffing Needs for Elementary School Foodservices in Urban Areas

양일선, 유일근, 이원재, 차진아
  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/252997
韓國食生活文化學會誌 (한국식생활문화학회지)
제8권 제1호 (1993.03)
한국식생활문화학회 (The Korean Society Of Food Culture)

These studies were conducted to: a) investigate work patterns and productivity indices, b) rate performance levels of employees and c) determine the suggested levels of personnel and labor hours for the effective labor control in school foodservice. Eighteen elementary school foodservices in Seoul were selected in order to analyze work patterns by the work sampling methodology. Allowance time and performance rating by VTR observation was done to determine the standardized labor hours. The results were as follows. The average percentage of each work function of the total work functions such as direct work function, indirect work function and delay were 65.57%, 8.12%, 26.31% respectively. The productivity index is 0.92 min/meal. The average working and delay hours per week of the foodservice director, foodservice employees and supply person were 33.64 hours, 23.25 hours, 38.52 hours respectively. The percentage of delay hours of total labor hours for foodservice employees and supply person were 42.27% and 24.0%. The standardized work hours and the appropriate levels of foodservice employees of 17 elementary school foodservices were examined: The average rating of the foodservice employees work was 1.19 and British Insulated Calendarer Cables (BICC) allowance rate was 19.40% on the average. The total work hours of foodservice employees were 172.64 hours per week and levels of personnel were 4.53 persons. BICC allowance rate was applied: The standardized work hours per week was 180.95 hours and appropriate levels of personnel were 4.11 persons based on legal 44 working hours.

  • 양일선 | Yang, Il-Sun
  • 유일근 | Yu, Il-Gun
  • 이원재 | Lee, Won-Jae
  • 차진아 | Cha, Jin-Ah