시판 음식의 조리 단계별 HACCP 설정을 위한 연구 (I) 탕류(갈비탕, 설렁탕, 장국)의 위해분석 Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point of Korean Soups prepared at Korean Restaurants: Hazard Analysis of Tang (Galbitang, Sullungtang, Jangkuk)

계승희, 문현경
  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/253066
韓國食生活文化學會誌 (한국식생활문화학회지)
제10권 제1호 (1995.03)
한국식생활문화학회 (The Korean Society Of Food Culture)

A hazard analysis which included watching operations, measuring temperatures of foods throughout preparation and display, and sampling and testing for microorganisms of total plate counts and coliform bacteria was conducted in various phases of product flow of Korean soups (Galbitang, Sullungtang, Jangkuk) prepared at Korean restaurants. Cooked foods were sometimes held at room temperature long enough to permit multiplication of bacteria that might have been present. This was confirmed by the finding of large numbers of aerobic mesophilic colonies (106) in samples of such foods after handling and holding for several hours before served. These bacteria decreased down to 101~102 while the contaminated Tang were served. And internal temperature of Tang served was approximately 70℃. Critical control points identified were, pre-preparation, handling after cooking and holding on display. Guidelines were suggested for effective quality control of Tang (Korean soups) production. Handlers of these foods need to be informed of the hazards and appropriate preventive measures.

  • 계승희 | Kye, Seung-Hee
  • 문현경 | Moon, Hyun-Kung