This study examined 'traditional' and 'modern' food use in Korean adults. Using a 24 hour recall method, trained interviewers assessed dietary intakes of 240 subjects aged 20's to 50's living in Seoul. Depending on the cultural characteristics of foods, 495 different kinds of foods eaten by the subjects were classified into 6 (Korean, Western, Eastern, modified Korean, modofied Western, modified Eeatern) types. The foods were also divided into 3 ('main dish', 'side dish', 'others') categories. Based on these categories, the dietary intakes of the subjects were analyzed in terms of proportionate frequencies of individual food items. The most frequenctly eaten food was the Korean food (67.68%), followed by the Western (22.61%), modified Eatern (2.31%), modified Western (1.65%), and modified Korean (1.36%) foods. Regarding the main dish category, the Korean food received the highest proportion due to the Korean's frequent intake of rice. Korean style foods were the most frequenctly consumed side dish (43.97% of total food consumption). In particular, kimchi consisted of 27.4% of the foods consumed as a side dish. In the 'others' category, Western style foods obtained the highest proportion owing to coffee consumption. The results of the study indicates some methodological problems and suggests a need for further studies.