A study was carried out to compare the daily foods which were eaten during 14~19 century among Korea (Chosun dynasty), China (Ming, thing dynasty), and Japan (Muromachi, Edo era). Specially, in Ming, Ching dynasty, Noodles and dumpling were cooked very often and in Muromachi, Edo era, many kinds of beans were used so much, and there were many kinds of steamed rice to compare with Korea and China. Also, in Japan at these era Woodong, Morisoba, and Somyen were used as favorite foods harbitually. 1. The crops were used as staple foods in three countries such as steamed rice, gruel, noodle, dumpling, rice cake etc. commonly. 2. In Chosun, a roe deer, deer, antelope, and wild boar were more favoite dishes than cow, chicken, and dog, generally people enjoyed to eat pork and chicken. In Ming Ching, pork, chicken, goose, dove, lamb, ass, and duck were used as food materials, also wild animals such as deer, rabbit, and monkey etc. were used. In Muromach era, wild animal as racoon dog, otter, deer, antelope, bear, were used as food materials, in early Edo era (Yayoi and Momoyama), beef and pork were used as daily foods but they were eaten decreasingly in Edo era. So in Japan at those era, the dishes prepared of fishes were more than those of meats. For example, Sushi was made from that time, people all over the world are enjoying to have Sushi at present time. 3. Also in these era, many kinds of vegetables and fruits were used in three countries, and new kinds of vegetables and fruits were introduced from foreign countries, for example, red pepper, pumpkin, sweet potato, potato in Korea, corn, sweet potato, red pepper in China, and water melon, pumpkin, corn, red pepper, marmellow, sweet potato, sugar beet in Japan.