전통음료 인지도에 관련된 제요인 분석 Analytic Study on Various Factors Related to Perception of Traditional Beverage

이현주, 손경희, 이민준
  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/253422
韓國食生活文化學會誌 (한국식생활문화학회지)
제16권 제5호 (2001.12)
한국식생활문화학회 (The Korean Society Of Food Culture)

Traditional Korean beverage can be divided into Jang, Gahl Soo, Mi Su, Soo Jung Gwa, Shick Hae, Tahng, Hwa Chae, Sook Su, and Tea according to ingredients and how it is proccessed. The purpose of this study was to investigate the Korean beverage percetpion and to analyze the factors (sociodemographic factors and life-style related factors) which influence percetpion of Korean beverage. Questionnaries were hand delivered to 2,200 subject residing in Seoul and 1,884 questionnaris were collected : resulting in 84% response rate. Statistical data analysis was completed using SAS Package program for the analysis of covariance(ANOCOVA).The results are as follows: (a) Survey on Korean beverage perception showed that the recognition rates of ShickHae(58.4%), Cition Tea(53.5%), Sung Nung(48.7%) and Soo Jung Gwa(40.8%) were high, whereas those for Tahng, Jang, and Gahl Soo were low.(b) About 40% of respondents performing 4 kinds of Korean traditional ceremony a year The percentage that reported they purchased Korean beverages was 44.0%, higher than the 38.5% that answered they made Korean beverage at home.(c) In analyzing the factors which influence beverage perception, the sociodemographic factors variously influenced perception rate depending on beverage. Age and sex had influenced on perception rate of Shick Hae and Donggulre Tea. Income level influenced on the perception rate of Sung Nung and Citron Tea. Sociodemograhpic factors like senior over 50s, female and extended family size had positive influence on the perception rate.

  • 이현주 | Lee, Hyun-Jou
  • 손경희 | Sohn, Kyung-Hee
  • 이민준 | Lee, Min-June