Rather than focusing on the general recognition of the area and extensive preference about its native cuisine, this study carried out more practical examination on the recognition of the native cuisine by presenting the more detailed introduction of the native cuisine in Hadong area. The findings of this study can be used as basic materials to devise measures for the instillation and advertisement of Hadong area's image, the development and maintenance of its native cuisine benefiting the activation of the local economy, and the reestablishment of Hadong area's native cuisine culture. First, the overall recognition of Hadong area's native cuisine was low and more consumption needs to be boosted by merchandising its foods through the strengthening of recognition. Second, correlation between this area's native cuisine was revealed and tables need to be set and menus need to be organized with this correlation in mind. Basic materials for suggestion sale were garnered. Third, given that most outside tourists visit Hadong by word mouth of all the information sources available, it is highly likely that positive word of mouth through satisfaction with native cuisine will raise the overall recognition of the area. Fourth, precise subdivision market and target market need to be specified. Though the factors like economic costs and the time required cannot be overlooked in strengthening recognition, consistent advertisement to the middle-aged people who are over 40 and live in Kyungsang-Do area will contribute to the fast rise in the recognition of Hadong area's native cuisine, leading to the possibility of economic development in the process.