수산물가공식품의 선택속성 및 추구혜택에 관한 연구 Selection Attributes and Pursuit Benefits of Processed Fishery Products

김종성, 하규수
  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/254100
韓國食生活文化學會誌 (한국식생활문화학회지)
제25권 제5호 (2010.10)
한국식생활문화학회 (The Korean Society Of Food Culture)

Consumers are highly interested in processed fishery products that are healthy and superior in terms of convenience, nourishment, and taste. However, current domestic research on processed fishery products is marginal. We systematically analyzed consumer consumption patterns and the relationship to pursuit benefits, selection attributes, satisfaction levels, and reasons for purchase. Consumers considered product information the most important selection attribute, whereas convenience scored highest for pursuit benefits. Furthermore, the influences of selection attributes and pursuit benefits on satisfaction level and the reason for purchasing an item were analyzed using demographic properties as control variables. The variables that affected satisfaction level were residential district (region: B= -0.268, p<0.05.), recipe (B=0.098, p<0.05), nutrients (B=0.124, p<0.05), convenience (B=0.283, p<0.001), and economics (B=0.138, p<0.05). The variables affecting the reason for purchasing were nutrients (B=0.173, p<0.001), convenience (B=0.277, p<0.001) and satisfaction level (B=0.163, p<0.001). Pursuit intention had significant effects on purchase intention; however, selection attributes had no significant effect on purchase intention. Therefore, consumer satisfaction had a significant effect on purchase intention. This result showed that if consumers were satisfied, they intended to repurchase. Attempts to increase repurchases by consumer are needed by fulfilling consumer satisfaction. These data can be utilized as a fundamental reference for sales promotions.

  • 김종성 | Kim, Jong-Sung
  • 하규수 | Ha, Kyu-Soo