충남지역 대학생의 전통음식에 대한 인식도 및 평가 분석 Awareness and Evaluation of Korean Traditional Foods among University Students in Chungnam Area

인광교, 이효구, 김계웅, 유재영
  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/254254
韓國食生活文化學會誌 (한국식생활문화학회지)
제27권 제5호 (2012.10)
한국식생활문화학회 (The Korean Society Of Food Culture)

This study summarized findings from an investigation into the awareness and evaluation of traditional foods among 197 male and female university students in the Chungnam area. The results were as follows. Regarding awareness of cooktable setting of traditional foods, 44.67% (88 students) of subjects answered that they had little knowledge. Female students showed a significantly high level of awareness of cooktable setting (p<0.05). Regarding the taste of traditional foods, 64.97% (128 students) of subjects responded appropriately. Regarding the necessity for partial development of traditional foods into a modern style, 61.90% (52 students) of male subjects and 84.96% (96 students) of female subjects were in agreement (p<0.01). Regarding the necessity for traditional food education, 77.16% (152 students) were in agreement, especially female students (86.73%, 98 students) showed considerably higher consent (p<0.05). For the assessment of traditional foods, nutrition (4.57 scores), taste (4.31 scores), and appearance (4.26 scores) were very highly assessed, whereas cookery (3.30 scores) and economic aspects (3.04 scores) scored relatively lower. Traditional desserts were recognized as routine and modern by male students. On the other hand, girls recognized desserts as traditional (p<0.05). Accordingly, we must preserve and pass down Korean traditional foods by increasing awareness through education or experience as well as through planning better cookery and economical aspects by applying certain standards for traditional foods.

  • 인광교 | In, Kwang-Kyo
  • 이효구 | Lee, Hyo-Gu
  • 김계웅 | Kim, Gye-Woong
  • 유재영 | Yoo, Jae-Young