GichukJinchanEuigwe is a celebration of King Soonjo’s 40th birthday and 30th accession to the throne. The Royal
banquet was carried out on February 9th MunggunggunJinchan and JagyeongjeonJeongilJinchan 3 days later.
JagyeongjeonJeongilJinbyulhangua is located beside JagyeongjeonJinchanan. The banquet table setting, table, dish level,
and table type are different according to royal hierarchy class. Jinbulhangua is served to only the king, queen, crown prince,
crown princess, and Myongon princess. The number of JagyeongjeonJinchanan served was as follows: king 30 plates,
crown prince 20 plates, and Myongon princess 15 plates. Tableware used were brassware and pottery.