저염 오이지의 최적 발효기간에 대한 연구 Optimization of the Fermentation Period of Lightly Salted Oiji (Traditional Korean Cucumber Pickles)

김금정, 양지원, 이경희
  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/374157
韓國食生活文化學會誌 (한국식생활문화학회지)
제34권 제3호 (2019.06)
한국식생활문화학회 (The Korean Society Of Food Culture)

To optimize the fermentation period of lightly salted Oiji, 3% salt was added to cucumbers that were fermented at 27±1°C for 3, 4, 5, 6, or 7 days, after which their physical properties (moisture content, salinity, pH, acidity, hardness) and sensory characteristics (acceptance test, difference test) were evaluated. The moisture content was highest at day 6. Hardness slowly increased as fermentation time increased, but not significantly. The pH was highest after 3 days of fermentation, and tended to decrease as fermentation time increased, with the largest drop occurring between 4 and 5 days, and the lowest pH occurring between 6 and 7 days. Acidity was lowest after day 3 of fermentation and highest after day 7. Acidity tended to increase as fermentation period lengthened. The L-value tended to decrease as salt concentration increased. The a-value declined from day 3 to day 5, then increased significantly by day 7. The b-value was highest after 7 days, with a tendency to increase as the fermentation progressed. Acceptance test results were highest for taste and overall acceptance after 5 days of fermentation. The difference test showed that the optimal lightly salted Oiji fermentation period was approximately 5 days. These results indicate that lightly salted Oiji fermented for 5 days produced the highest acceptance.

 I. 서 론
 II. 연구 내용 및 방법
  1. 실험재료
  2. 오이지 제조
  3. 수분 및 염도 측정
  4. pH 및 적정산도 측정
  5. 색도 측정
  6. 기계적 조직감
  7. 관능적 특성 평가
  8. 통계분석
 III. 결과 및 고찰
  1. 오이지의 수분, 염도 및 경도
  2. 오이지의 pH 및 적정산도
  3. 오이지의 색도
  4. 오이지의 관능검사
 IV. 요약 및 결론
  • 김금정(경희대학교 조리외식경영학과) | Gumjung Kim (Department of Culinary Science and Food Service Management, Kyunghee University)
  • 양지원(경희대학교 외식경영학과) | Jiwon Yang (Department of Foodservice Management, Kyunghee University)
  • 이경희(경희대학교 외식경영학과) | Kyunghee Lee (Department of Foodservice Management, Kyunghee University) Corresponding author