유치원 학부모들의 급식 중요도 인식에 따른 급식지원 요구도 분석 Analysis for the Need to Support Kindergartens based on Perception of Parent regarding Important Factors for Foodservice

정지영, 김유리, 김건희, 오지은
  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/388376
韓國食生活文化學會誌 (한국식생활문화학회지)
제35권 제1호 (2020.02)
한국식생활문화학회 (The Korean Society Of Food Culture)

This study aims to classify parents by considering important factors in the management of foodservice for children. An offline survey was conducted by enrolling 583 Korean parents whose children attended public or private kindergartens in Seoul. The important factors required for managing foodservice for children are meal service resources, menu management, and food allergy. Considering these factors, parents were grouped into 3 clusters: the allergy important group, environment important group, and high concern group. Evaluation of the demographic characteristics revealed a significant difference between clusters with respect to type of kindergarten. Parents perceived that a private kitchen is more required than a private dining room, and perceptions about the need for a private kitchen and dining room were significantly different among the clusters. Furthermore, the results reveal significant differences between clusters, when considering the need to support meal service. Therefore, the government needs to consider characteristics of the parent cluster if they plan to support the kindergarten foodservice. We believe that this study can be used as supportive data to establish a working policy.

I. 서 론
II. 연구 내용 및 방법
    1. 조사 대상 및 방법
    2. 조사 내용
    3. 자료 분석 방법
III. 결과 및 고찰
    1. 조사 대상자의 일반사항
    2. 학부모가 인식하는 급식관리 중요 항목 분석
    3. 급식관리 중요도에 따른 군집분석
    4. 유치원 급식관리 시 중요도 군집 간의 인구학적 특성
    5. 급식관리 시 중요도 군집별 급식 공간의 필요성 분석
    6. 급식관리 시 중요도 군집별 급식 지원 필요도 분석
IV. 요약 및 결론
  • 정지영(이화여자대학교 임상보건융합대학원 임상영양전공) | Ji Yeong Jeong (Majors in Clinical Nutrition, Graduate School of Clinical & Public Health Convergence, Ewha Womans University, Korea)
  • 김유리(이화여자대학교 식품영양학과) | Yuri Kim (Department of Food and Nutrition, College of Science & Industry Convergence, Ewha Womans University, Korea)
  • 김건희(덕성여자대학교 식품영양학과) | Gun Hee Kim (Department of Food and Nutrition, Duksung Womenís University, Korea)
  • 오지은(이화여자대학교 신산업융합대학) | Ji Eun Oh (College of Science & Industry Convergence, Ewha Womans University, Korea) Corresponding author