호두 열매 추출물의 메틸글라이옥살 유도 신장 세포손상 억제 효과 및 당화억제 효능 Antiglycation and Protective Effect of Juglans regia L. in MGO-induced Renal cell Death

최지원, 최상윤, 유귀재, 허진영
  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/419380
韓國食生活文化學會誌 (한국식생활문화학회지)
제37권 제6호 (2022.12)
한국식생활문화학회 (The Korean Society Of Food Culture)

Methylglyoxal is a highly reactive precursor which forms advanced glycation end products (AGEs). AGEs and methylglyoxal are known to induce various diseases such as diabetes, vascular disorders, Diabetes Mellitus (DM), and neuronal disorders. Juglans regia L is an important food commonly used worldwide, having nutritious components, including phenolic compounds. Since ancient times, Juglans regia L have been differently applied by various countries for health and in diverse diseases, including arthritis, asthma, skin disorders, cancer, and diabetes mellitus. However, the effect of diabetes-induced renal damage against AGEs remains unclear. This study evaluates the anti-glycation and renal protective effects of ethanol extract of Juglans regia L against methylglyoxal-induced renal tubular epithelial cell death. Exposure to methylglyoxal resulted in reduced cell viability in NRK-52E cells, but co-treatment with Juglans regia L extracts significantly increased the cell viability. In addition, we examined the anti-glycation effect of Juglans regia L extracts. Compared to the positive control aminoguanidine and Alagebrium, treatment with Juglans regia L extracts significantly inhibited the formation of AGEs, collagen cross-linking, and breaking collagen cross-linking. Taken together, our results indicate that Juglans regia L is a potential therapeutic agent for regulating diabetic complications by exerting anti-glycation and renal protective activities.

I. 서 론
II. 연구 내용 및 방법
    1. 재료 및 시약
    2. 호두 열매 추출물 제조
    3. 세포배양
    4. 세포 생존율 측정
    5. In vitro에서 최종당화산물 생성 저해 효능
    6. 최종당화산물 교차결합억제 및 절단 효능 평가
    6. 통계분석
III. 결과 및 고찰
    1. 신세뇨관 상피세포 손상 억제 효능
    2. 최종당화산물 생성(Formation) 억제 효능 평가
    3. 호두 열매 추출물의 최종당화산물의 콜라겐 교차결합 억제효능 평가(Cross-linking inhibition)
    4. 호두 열매 추출물의 최종당화산물 교차결합 절단 효능 평가(cross-linking breaker)
IV. 요약 및 결론
감사의 글
Conflict of Interest
  • 최지원(한국식품연구원) | Ji-Won Choi (Korea Food Research Institute)
  • 최상윤(한국식품연구원) | Sang Yoon Choi (Korea Food Research Institute)
  • 유귀재(한국식품연구원) | Guijae Yoo (Korea Food Research Institute)
  • 허진영(한국식품연구원, 한국과학기술연합대학교대학원) | Jinyoung Hur (Korea Food Research Institute, University of Science Technology (UST)) Corresponding author