청소년의 범불안장애와 카페인섭취에 따른 식습관과 정신건강: 제18차(2022년) 청소년건강행태조사자료를 이용하여 Dietary Habits and Mental Health According to Generalized Anxiety Disorder and Caffeine Consumption in Adolescents: Using data from the 18th (2022) Korea Youth Risk Behavior Survey

양진오, 김선희, 윤미은
  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/435400
韓國食生活文化學會誌 (한국식생활문화학회지)
제39권 제3호 (2024.06)
한국식생활문화학회 (The Korean Society Of Food Culture)

This study examined dietary habits and mental health according to generalized anxiety disorders (GAD) and caffeine consumption in adolescents. The data were collected from the 18th Korea Youth Risk Behavior Survey with a sample of 51,850 students. The proportion of students in the GAD High-Risk · Caffeine consumption group (GHRCC) who consumed sweet drinks (p< .001), fast food (p< .001), and midnight meals (p< .001) every day was 15.6, 21.9, and 22.4%, respectively. These proportions were higher than those of students who consumed sweet drinks, fast food, and midnight meals 1-2 times a week, 3-4 times a week, or not at all. In addition, the proportions of GHRCC among students who responded “yes” to experiencing sadness and despair (p< .001), suicidal thoughts (p< .001), suicide plans (p< .001), suicide attempts (p< .001), and loneliness (p< .001) were higher than students who responded “no.” The GAD High-Risk group (GHR) had higher odds with the consumption of midnight meals (OR: 2.51, 95% CI: 2.10-2.99), caffeine consumption (OR: 2.46, 95% CI: 2.21-2.74), and fast food (OR: 2.11, 95% CI: 1.75-2.55) than GAD Low-Risk group. Based on the above results, the risk of GHR was higher among students who consumed midnight meals, caffeine, and fast food daily than those who did not.

I. 서 론
II. 연구 내용 및 방법
    1. 연구 대상
    2. 연구 도구
    3. 자료 분석
III. 결과 및 고찰
    1. 범불안장애와 카페인섭취 여부에 따른 일반적 특성
    2. 범불안장애와 카페인섭취 여부에 따른 식습관
    3. 범불안장애와 카페인섭취 여부에 따른 정신건강
    4. 범불안장애 여부에 따른 식습관 및 정신건강
IV. 요약 및 결론
Conflict of Interest
  • 양진오(삼육대학교 중독과학과) | Jin Oh Yang (Department of Addiction Science, Graduate School, Sahmyook University)
  • 김선희(삼육대학교 중독과학과) | Sun Hee Kim (Department of Addiction Science, Sahmyook University)
  • 윤미은(삼육대학교 중독과학과, 삼육대학교 식품영양학과) | Mieun Yun (Department of Addiction Science, Sahmyook University, Department of Food and Nutrition, Sahmyook University) Corresponding author