This study analyzed the status of agrifood consumer competencies and the factors influencing them to provide useful information to improve the quality of life by strengthening the agrifood consumer competencies. The raw data of the 2022 Consumer Behavior Survey for Food collected by the Korea Rural Economic Research Institute were used. The data from 3,321 responses were used for the final analysis. Among the competencies, the average score of the cognitive and practical competencies were 3.543 and 3.459 points, respectively. In addition, the average scores of the specific areas within cognitive competency were 3.587 points for dietary competency, 3.557 points for civic competency, and 3.489 points for purchasing competency. Within practical competency, the average scores of the specific areas were 3.569 points for dietary competency, 3.422 points for civic competency, and 3.392 points for purchasing competency. Gender, age, monthly household income, marital status, administrative district, interest in health, and interest in food safety issues were the significant factors affecting the specific areas within cognitive competency. On the other hand, gender, age, educational level, monthly household income, marital status, administrative district, interest in food safety issues, and each of the areas within cognitive competency had a significant impact on the specific areas of practical competency.