Studies on competition Effect and Spatial Treatment for Soybean Genotypes
1. 대두 4개품종을 20개경합처리로 주간간격을 5-10-20-40-80 cm 변화시켜 대두유전자형에 대한 10개형질을 조사하였다. 2. 수량, 100립중, 초장, 분지수, 일주맥수, 맥당립수는 주간간격처리에 의하여 고도의 유의성을 보였다. 3. 절수와 개화일수는 간격처리에 효과가 없었으며 성숙은 4개품종의 간격효과가 상이하였다. 4. 결실기간은 주간간격처리에 대하여 영향을 받았으며 초장은 간격이 넓어짐에 따라 짧아졌으며 감소할수록 증가하였다. 분지수도 간격이 증가하였을 때 증가하였다. 개체수량은 간격이 감소할수록 감소하였으나 전수량은 반대였다. 5. 시비효과는 인정되지 않았다. 또 80cm주간의 수량도 인정되지 않았다. 6. 경합효과에서 강세경합은 금강대립 품종이며 약세경합은 충북백 Shelby였다. 7. 대두수량에 최적간격은 20cm주간이었다. 8. 지방함량은 넓은 간격에서 증가하였으며 단백질함량은 좁은 간격에서 증가하였다.
1. Four soybean varieties in pure stand and mixtures were grown in 20 competition treatments of genotypes at within-row spacings of 5, 10, 20, 40, and 80 cm and were investigated in 10 characters for different genotypes. 2. Yield, weight of 100 seeds, height, number of branches, pods per plant, and seeds per pod were highly significant for within-row spacing treatment. 3. There was no spacing treatment effect for number of nodes and days to flower. Maturity did not respond equally in four varieties for spacing effect. 4. Fruiting period was influenced by spacing treatment. Height and number of branches were increased as within-row spacings were increased. Seed yield per area was increased oppositely. 5. Difference between fertilizing and non-fertilizing treatment was not significant in this experiment. At 80 cm spacing no competition effect occurred for yield. 6. In the competition effect, Kumkang Daerip was strong competitor ani Chungbuck Back and Shelby were weak competitors. 7. The within-row spacing of uniformity in roder to increase yield per area was proved as 20 cm in this study. 8. Oil percent was increased as spacings were increased and protein percent was as spacings were decreased.