The variation of Sugar and Sprouting stem in Gibberellin Treated seed potato
Gibberellin을 Seed Potato에 처리함으로서 seed potato내의 환원당과 비환원당의 소장과 붕아경의 현미경적인 조직의 변화에 대한 몇가지 실험결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1) Gibberellin을 처리한 Seed potato에 함유한 환원당은 처리하지 않은 Seed Potato에 비하여 현저히 증가하였으며 그 증가정도는 붕아일수의 경과에 따라 차가 심하였다. 처리농도에 있어서는 10ppm구가 5ppm구 보다 증가하였으나 파종 14일부터는 반대의 경향을 인정할 수 있었다. 2) Gibberellin을 처리한 Seed Potato에 함유한 비환원당의 소장도 환원당과 동일한 경향임을 인정할 수 있었다. 3) 붕아경은 Gibberllin 5ppm 및 10ppm 구 공히 Control에 비하여 신장이 빨랐으며 14일후에는 10ppm 구는 Gibberellin처리에 의한 도장현상으로 약간의 생육장해가 발생하였다. 4) Gibberellin 처리에 의하여 붕아된 붕아경은 종단 및 횡단세포가 현저히 커졌으며 피시부나 중심부가 균등하게 팽대하였고 10ppm구가 더 커졌음을 인정할 수 있었다.
This study aimed to contribute fundamental study of sprouting in Gibberellin treated potatoes, and studied about Glucose and Sucrose amount and its sprouting stem structure in it sprouting seed potatoes with Gibberellin treatment. The results obtained are as follow; The quantity of glucose in gibberellin treated seed potatoes showed remarkable increase in comparison with that of those untreated, and the increment went up as the seeding date pass. As to the concentration of gibberellin, the 10 ppm plot contained more glucose than 5 ppm plot but 14th after seeding, it was found that this tendency was reversed. The increasing tendency of the quantity of sucrose in gibberellin treated seed potatoes were similar to that of glucose. The sprouting stems of the gibberellin 10 ppm and 5ppm plot were all longer than the controls. And after 14 days on account of thin ing growth by gibberellin treatment, the sprouting stems of the 5ppm plot were longer than 10ppm plot. The microscopic vertical and cross section of the gibberellin treated sprouting stems showed larger cells than those of untreated. The cells of sprouting stem treated by gibberellin 10 ppm were larger than those of the stems treated 5ppm.