Study on the Inheritance of Powdery Mildew Resistance in Common Wheat
추파밀인 Diplomat이 가지고 있는 흰가루병에 대한 높은 포장저항성의 유전자작용을 검토하기 위하여 이병친인 Caribo와 교배하여 여기서 나온 6세대에 대한 흰가루병의 이병률을 출수개화기와 성숙기에 판독한 결과를 검토한 결과 저항성유전에는 상가적 작용이 크게 영향을 하고 있으며 우성인자효과는 극히 미미하였다. 협의의 유전력은 출수개화기에는 낮았으니 성숙기에 이르러 이병성인 것과 저항성인 것간의 변이가 커짐에 따라 유전력은 크게 증가되었다. 성숙기에까지 저항성을 유지하는 개체를 선발하는 것이 바람직한 것으로 고찰되었다
To investigate the genetic system in resistance to powdery mildew winter wheat cultivar Diplomat which has stable field resistance was crossed with high yielding susceptible winter type Caribo and Hayman's generation mean analysis technique was employed. Mildewing rate on flag-leaf at both heading-flowering and ripe stages were recorded according to lame's quantitative scale. The result indicated that additive gene effect was more important and significant role in the inheritance of resistance while dominant gene effect was minimum, and digenic interations were absent. Narrow sense heritability of resistance at ripe stage was higher than that of heading-flowering stage.