현재 우리나라 전 지역에서 재배되고 있는 참깨 1401종을 수집하여 이들 수집종들에 대한 주요형질의 지역간 및 품종간 차이를 조사 검토한 바 다음과 같은 결과를 얻었다. 1. 종수색에 있어서는 시장성이 높은 백색종이 79%를 차지하였고 갈색종이 21%정도이었다. 2. 삭의 착과성과 실방수는 1과성 2실4방 종이 75%, 1과종 4실8방종 20%, 3과성 2실4방종 5%이었고, 충남 수집종 중에서 1과성 3실6방의 희귀종 2종이 발견되었다. 3. 파종 후 출현기에서 관화기까지의 일수는 중북부지역 수집종이 길고, 남부지역품종들이 짧은 편이였다. 4. 주당삭수는 개화일수가 긴 중북부지대종이 많고, 남부지대종들이 적었다. 5. 분지수는 1과성 2실4과종들이 다분지종이고, 3과성 2실4과종이나, 1과성 4실8과종들이 적은 경향이었다. 6. 과성에 따른 주부삭수와 종실중간의 상관관계는 1과성 2실4과종이나 1과성 4실8과종에서는 유의성이 인정되었으나 3과성 2실4과은 유의성이 인정되지 않았다. 7. 주당삭수와 종실중 및 분지수, 종실중과 분교수간에 정의 상관관계가 인정되었다.
Fourteen hundred and one landraces of sesame cultivated in Korea were collected and evaluated for their major agronomic characters and yield potential under conditions of May 15 sowing, 50~timesl5cm planting density and 4-3-2 kg/l0a of N-P2 O5 -K2 O application in Suweon in 1977. Seventy nine percent of the collection had white seed coat color, and 29% was brown. One capsule type with two rooms-four cells was 75%, one capsule type with four rooms-eight cells was 20%, and three capsule type with two rooms-four cel1s were 5% of the varieties collected, But, two one-capsule type varieties with three rooms-six cells were also found. Days to flowering from emergence were long in the varieties collected in the central northern area, but short in the varieties collected in the southern area. Number of capsule per plant was more in the central northern varieties than in the southern varieties. Number of branch per plant was more in the one capsule type varieties with two rooms-four cells than in the three capsule type varieties with two rooms-four cells and in the one capsule type varieties with four rooms-eight cells. There were significant corelations between number of capsules per plant and grain yields in the one capsule type varieties with four cells. Grain yields had significant correlation with number of capsules per plant and number of branches per plant.