Microclimate and Rice Production
Fluctuating climate is still most important environmental constrain, although improved modem agricultural technology has succeeded to increase crop production in the world. To stabilize the food production under fluctuating weather conditions, it is very needed to obain the quantitative information of interactions between crops and climate. The main purpose of this paper is three hold. Using the JIBP-data, the dry matter accumulation of rice crops is studied in relation to weather indexes (~SigmaTa and ~SigmaSt). Temperature dependence of the yield index of rice is analyzed as to air temperature and water temperature. ~SigmaT10 -fluctuations are studied using meteorological data at various stations. The possible shift of ~SigmaT10 -isopleths due to climate fluctuation is evaluated. The second interest is in the plant climate of rice crops. Using results of canopy photosynthesis, it is pointed that the canopy structure has most important implication in plant climate. Leaf-air, stomatal, and mesophyll resistances of rice crops are described in relation to weather conditions. The change in light condition and aerodynamical property of rice crops with the growth is illustrated. The energy partition is also studied at different growing stages. Third point is to show in more detail effective countermeasures against cold irrigation water and cool summer. Heat balance of warming pond and polyethylene tube as a heat exchanger is studied to make nomo-grams for evaluating the necessary area and necessary length. Effects of windbreak net on rice crops are illustrated by using experimental and simulation results.lts.