The biosphere of the earth is not only about to overpass the limit to meet the food demand of the world but also the stability of its food production has been also jeopardized by the disasters and pests, especially by the unpredictable weather disasters. In addition the agricultural and industrial pollution against biosphere aggravates the unstability of agricultural production and constitutes a threat in securing the food of the world. In Korea the yield level of crops has been greatly enhanced by the improved agrotechnologies and varietal improvement, but the yield variability due to unfavorable weather events and pests remained unchanged with the change in time. Among weather-related disasters the drought and flood damages has occurred most frequently and impacted most greatly on the agricultural production and its stability. During last decade (1970-l980) the rice production experienced the average annual loss of 0.544 million metric ton which was composed of 0.21 million M/T by climatic disaster, 0.21 million M/T by disease and 0.12 million M/T by insects, and the annual loss of upland crop production from climatic disasters amounted to 0.06 million metric tons. Especially in 1980, the global climatic disasters due to cold or hot temperature endangered the agricultural production all over the world and also the rice production of Korea recorded the unprecedented yield reduction of about 30 percent due to cool summer weather. Nowadays, the unusual weather conditions are prevaling throughout the world, and agro-meteologists predict that the unpredictable cool summer and drought will often attack the rice and other crops in 1980's. To meet the coming weather unstability and to secure the stable crop production, multilateral efforts should be rendered. Therefore, the Korea Society of Crop Science, which commemorates the 20th anniversary of its founding, prepared the symposium on Meteological Stress in Crop Production and its Countermeasures to discuss the decrease in agricultural production due to weather-related disasters and to devise the multilateral counter-measures against the unfavorable weather events.
At a time when world population and food supply are in a delicate balance, it is essential that we look at factors to improve this balance. We can alter the environment to better fit the plant's needs, or we can alter the plant to better fit the environment. Improved technology has allowed us to increase the yield level. For moderately detrimental weather events technology has generally decreased the yield variation, yet for major weather disasters the variation has increased. We have raised the upper level, but zero is still the bottom level. As we concentrate the production of particular crops into limited areas where the environment is closest to optimum, we may be increasing the risk of a major weather related disaster. We need to evaluate the degree of variability of different crops, and how weather and technology can interact to affect it. The natural limits of crop production are imposed by important ecological factors. Production is a function of the climate, the soil, and the crop and all activities related to them. In looking at the environment of a crop we must recognize these are individuals, populations and ecosystems. Under intensive agriculture we try to limit the competition to one desired species. The environment is made up of a complex of factors; radiation, moisture, temperature and wind, among others. Plant response to the environment is due to the interaction of all of these factors, yet in attempting to understand them we often examine each factor individually. Variation in crop yields is primarily a function of limiting environmental parameters. Various weather parameters will be discussed, with emphasis placed on how they impact on crop production. Although solar radiation is a driving force in crop production, it often shows little relationship to yield variation. Water may enter into crop production as both a limiting and excessive factor. The effects of moisture deficiency have received much more attention than moisture excess. In many areas of the world, a very significant portion of yield variation is due to variation in the moisture factor. Temperature imposes limits on where crops can be grown, and the type of crop that can be grown in an area. High temperature effects are often combined with deficient moisture effects. Cool temperatures determine the limits in which crops can be grown. Growing degree units, or heat accumulations, have often been used as a means of explaining many temperature effects. Methods for explaining chilling effects are more limited.
Fluctuating climate is still most important environmental constrain, although improved modem agricultural technology has succeeded to increase crop production in the world. To stabilize the food production under fluctuating weather conditions, it is very needed to obain the quantitative information of interactions between crops and climate. The main purpose of this paper is three hold. Using the JIBP-data, the dry matter accumulation of rice crops is studied in relation to weather indexes (~SigmaTa and ~SigmaSt). Temperature dependence of the yield index of rice is analyzed as to air temperature and water temperature. ~SigmaT10 -fluctuations are studied using meteorological data at various stations. The possible shift of ~SigmaT10 -isopleths due to climate fluctuation is evaluated. The second interest is in the plant climate of rice crops. Using results of canopy photosynthesis, it is pointed that the canopy structure has most important implication in plant climate. Leaf-air, stomatal, and mesophyll resistances of rice crops are described in relation to weather conditions. The change in light condition and aerodynamical property of rice crops with the growth is illustrated. The energy partition is also studied at different growing stages. Third point is to show in more detail effective countermeasures against cold irrigation water and cool summer. Heat balance of warming pond and polyethylene tube as a heat exchanger is studied to make nomo-grams for evaluating the necessary area and necessary length. Effects of windbreak net on rice crops are illustrated by using experimental and simulation results.lts.
Because of the continuing rapid increase in pesticide usage in Taiwan, much attention has been focus on pesticide contamination of food and effect of pesticides on human and environmental health. The Plant Protection Center (PPC) conducts safety evaluation of pesticides usee! in Taiwan. The pesticides are classified into different groups based on their acute toxicities. Pesticides which are classified into extremely toxic group are not allow to used on short term crops or the continuously harvest crops. The acute toxicity of pesticides to the beneficial insects are also studied, special attention has been paid to the two predators of rice brown planthopper. 60% of cultivated land in Taiwan are paddy field; therefore, acute fish toxicity was taken into consideration when a pesticide was applied for registration to be used in the paddy. Fish toxicities were evaluated by the dangerous rating value which is the amount of pesticide residue in the field water over the TLM value. Mutagenicity of pesticides was continuously evaluated by using Arne's microbial testing method. Island wide survey of residual levels of pesticides of known pollutants such as chlorinated hydrocarbon . insecticides, mercurial compounds in soil, water and biological samples were carried out constantly. The potential of a new1y Imported esticides to pollute the environment were studied by using model ecosystem. Ecological magnification (EM) of a chemical was calculated from model ecosystem. A chemical was considered as a pollutant when its EM value over 5000. In order to ensure the levels of pesticides residue of the crop within the safety limit. The 'tolerance' of pesticides on different crop groupings were established base on 1) acceptable daily intake value of individual pesticides, 2) average daily consumption of each crop groupings by Chinese person, 3) Actual residues of pesticides. on different crops obtained from supervised trials. Total about 79 pesticides for which the tolerances have been established on different crop groupings. Because the intensive agricultural system was adopted in Taiwan. The phytotoxicity of pesticides to the non-target crops was therefore become one of the important factor in the safety evaluation of pesticide usage. These will include 1) direct injury, 2) injury caused by pesticide polluted irrigation water, 3) injury caused by the pesticide polluted soil, 4) reduction of growth caused by the effect of pesticide on the soil microorganisms. This paper will reviewed all the aspects mentioned in the previous .paragraphs. Most the works have done in Taiwan by the PPC.y the PPC.
The effects of climatic factors on organisms lire variable and complex, and it, however, can be interpreted in terms of those on the distribution and those on the population densities. The distribution of an organism may largely be determined by the temperatures, except some temporal organisms which are depended on the air mass movements. Population density of an organism is determined by various climatic factors, such as previous winter temperature, temperature of growing season and rainfall. The start of growing season of the rice plants has been shifted to earlier since last decade in Korea. This may mean that the overall climatic condition during the growing season might be considerably different from those in past years, and such a difference in climatic conditions might have close relation with the recent status of the diseases and insect pests through direct effects on the physiology and population dynamics of the organisms, as well as through on the biotic associations of the pest organisms. The white back planthopper and brown planthopper have become the key insect pests in Korea in recent years. They are migratory and have high reproductive pontentials and more generations than average residential insects. The synchronization of the migrants and physiological condition of the rice plants seems to be the important factors in relation to the recent outbreaks of these insects; the high reproductive rate can be obtained with the growth stage of rice being 30-50 days after transplanting. The modication of the microclimate associated with high plant density and some other introduced new cultural techniques also have some relation with the outbreak. The key diseases of the rice are the blast disease, sheath blight and the bacterial leaf blight. For the rice blast, the seedling blast and leaf blast during the early growing season and the neck blast, have become more serious, the former may be related to hotbed nursery and the later may be related to the high humidity in early August, and synchronization of the heading time which has been shifted to early part from middle or late part of August. In general, for the rice diseases, the development of the new races have been the most serious which are largely resulted from the introduction of the new varieties, but it also seems to be related with the prolonged periods of the favorable condition associated with the shifted growing seasons. In general, the diseases and insect pest problems have become much more variable and complex, and control measures should be based on the thorough knowledge of the ecology of the pest organisms, that is, effects of various environmental factors on the disease cycle; spore release, spore deposition, infection, colonization and sporulation of the disease organisms, and those on the development, reproductive potentials, dispersal, age specific responses of the insects. The well organized real-time pest management systems, such as alfalfa weevil management system developed at the Purdue University in U.S., is the prime importance for the implementation of the pest management principles.
1. 내냉성품종의 요망은 고위도지대뿐만 아니라 열대지방에서도 간절하며 요망되는 내냉성품종의 특성도 여러 가지이다. 세계적으로 요망되는 내냉성을 IRRI에서는 편의상 a) 북해도형, b) 수원형, c) 태북일기작형, d) 태북이기작형, e) 열대고냉지형 및 f) Bangladesh형으로 구분하고 있다. 우리나라에서 요망되는 내냉성은 통일계품종에서 더욱 간절하며 생육전반에 걸쳐 Japonica 정도의 생리적 활성이 요망되지만 적어도 유묘기와 성숙기의 저온장해가 Japonica보다 크지 않은 것이 우선 당면한 문제라 하겠다. 일반계품종에서는 조생이면서 안정된 기본영양생장성을 가지고 고온에서 과민하지 않고 저온에서 생육지연이 비교적 작은 것이라면 좋을 것이다. 2. 국내에서의 내냉성계통검정방법과 시설은 통일계품종의 출현 이후 급속히 발전되었으며 저온항온기, 냉수 Tank, growth cabinet, phytotron, 춘천의 냉수포장, 진부, 운봉, 영덕의 내냉계통육종포 등 내냉계통선발을 위해서는 비교적 잘 갖춰진 편이다. 국외의 시설로는 IRRI의 냉수 Tank와 세대촉진시설 그리고 Banaue, Kathmandu나 Kashirnir의 자연생태적조건을 우리가 이용할 수 있을 것이다. 참고로 일본에서 보고된 생육각단계에서의 여러 가지 내냉성검정방법을 소개하였다. 3. 내냉성품종들이 가지고 있는 내냉형질의 단리는 아직 분명히 되어 있지 못하지만 a) 저온발아성, b) 저온유묘생장성, c) 저온묘변색 d) 저온발근력, e) 저온분벽력, f) 저온양분흡수능력, g) 저온동화력, i) 저온임실장해, j) 저온등숙장해 등에 품종간차가 분명한 것이 보고되어 있다. 위의 형질간의 상관관계는 형질에 따라 재료에 따라 구구하였다. 내냉성형질들의 유전에 관한 보고는 많지 않아 저온발아력에 관해 4개 이상의 다인자, 유묘저온생존력에 관해 단인자 또는 다인자, 유수형성기 저온저항력에 관해 4개 또는 그 이상의 다인자, 냉수포장에서의 저온저항력에 관해, 4개 이상의 유전자가 관여되는 것으로 그리고 heritability는 항상 높은 것으로 보고되어 있지만 같은 그 재료들을 가지고 다른 저온에서 검토하면 상이한 결과가 나올 것은 쉽게 짐작할 수 있다. 여러 가지 내냉성검정기술의 발전과 IRRI의 국제 내냉성품종연락시험으로 Japonica, Indica, Bulu 등에서 다같이 많은 품종들이 내냉성모본으로 검정되어 있다. 4. 육종방안을 구상할 때 고려해야 할 사항들 a) 유전질의 다양화, b) 내병충성의 집적, c) 지역별 적응품종의 동정, d) 장려품종의 체계적 통제 등을 고려하면서 단기적 및 장기적 육종방안을 제안하였다. 단기적으로는 일반계품종을 대상으로 하되 우리나라 기존품종을 기초로 알려진 내냉성품종을 가지고 생육일수와 내냉성을 조정하는 한편 극조생내냉성 찰벼모본에 내충내병인 Indica 모본을 일회친으로 Japonica로 Back cross하면서 내병충성을 유지한 계통을 선발하여 이것으로 내냉조합에 내병충성을 첨가시키도록 한다. 장기적 방안으로는 Japonica뿐만 아니라 Indica, Javanica 등 모든 내냉성모본을 이용하여 germplasm의 다양화를 꾀하며 모본별 형질별 내냉성유전자를 동정하여 이들을 종합하여 생육전기간을 안정하게 경과할 수 있게 내냉성을 향상하고 내병충성을 첨가하는 단계적인 과정을 제안하였다. 육종효율을 높이기 위하여 세대촉진, 화분배양과 국제협력의 필요성을 강조하였다.
The climatic impacts have been the environmental constraints with soil characteristics to achieve self sufficiency of food production in Korea. In this paper, the distribution and appearance of impacts and the changes in climatological status due to recent trend of early transplanting of rice are widely discussed to derive some countermeasures against the impacts, being focussed on cultural A long term analysis of the climatic impact appearances of the last 74 years showed that drought, strong wind, flood, cold spell and frost were the major impacts. Before 1970's, the drought damage was the greatest among the climatic impacts; however, the expansion and improvement of irrigation and drainage system markedly decreased the damage of drought and heavy rain. The appearance of cold damage became more frequent than before due to introduction of early transplanting for more thermophilic new varieties. Tongillines which were from Indica and Japonica crosses throw more attention to cold damage for high yields to secure high temperature in heading and ripening stages and lead weakness to cold and drought damage in early growth stage after transplanting. The plants became subject to heavy rain in ripening stage also. For the countermeasures against cold damage, the rational distribution of adequate varieties according to the regional climatic conditions and planting schedule should be imposed on the cultivation. A detoured water way to increase water temperature might be suggestable in the early growth stage. Heavy application of phosphate to boost rooting and tillering also would be a nutritional control method. In the heading and ripening stages, foliar application of phosphate and additional fertilization of silicate might be considerable way of nutritional control. Since the amount of solar radiation and air temperature in dry years were high, healthy plants for high yield could be obtained; therefere, the expansion of irrigation system and development of subsurface water should be performed as one of the national development projects. To minimize the damage of strong wind and rainfall, the rational distribution of varieties with different growing periods in the area where the damage occurred habitualy should be considered with installation of wind breaks. Not only vertical windbreaks but also a horizontal wind break using a net might be a possible way to decrease the white heads in rice field by dry wind. Finally, to establish the integrated countermeasures against the climatic impacts, the detailed interpretation on the regional climatic conditions should be conducted to understand distribution and frequency of the impacts. The expansion of observation net work for agricultural meteorology and development of analysis techniques for meteorological data must be conducted in future together with the development of the new cultural techniques.
밭에서 재배되는 우리나라 하작물의 종류는 다양하며 년차 또는 지역에 따라 변이가 큰데 그 주요원인은 기상요인으로서 강우와 온도가 그 주요한 역할을 하고 있으며 바람과 일조량 등 각종 기상요인도 하작물의 생산에 영향을 미치게 될 것이다. 주요 재해원인이 되고 있는 기상요인을 인위적으로 조절하여 일반작물을 재배한다는 것을 매우 어렵기 때문에 농작물 자체나 재배 및 관리기술의 향상으로 재해를 최소화시켜야 될 것이다. 강우량은 하작물 생산에 가장 중요한 기상요인의 하나로 작용하며 이는 한발과 과습의 두 측면에서 생각할 수 있다. 우리나라는 계절풍대에 속하는 관계로 이 두 재해원인중 그 정도의 차이는 있을지라도 거의 매년 부닥치게 되므로 관개와 배수시설을 완비한다면 별로 문제가 없겠으나 현실적으로는 용역한 일이 아니다. 따라서 하작물 품종 육성에서는 반드시 내한, 내습, 내병 등의 요인을 고려하여야 할 것이며 한해나 습해상습지대에서는 이에 알맞는 작물종류 및 품종을 선택 이용해야 될 것이고 배수와 중경, 제초, 재식방법 등의 재배기술을 활용해야 할 것이다. 온도에 의한 장해로서는 주로 저온피해를 생각할 수 있으며 늦추위와 가을철 조기 저온이 그 주요인이 될 것이고 가끔 여름철의 저온도 하작물의 저수원인으로 작용하게 될 것이다. 또 작물에 따라서는 고온장해도 발생하나 내냉, 내서성 및 조숙성품종 육성 등으로 어느 정도 극복이 가능하며 파종기, 수확기 등의 조정도 피해회피의 좋은 방법이 될 수 있을 것이다. 하작물의 도복, 병해, 충해 등도 기상요인에 의한 직접 또는 간접의 피해가 되겠으나 이들 재해는 육종적인 방법으로 극복할 수 있는 형질들이며 또 적절한 방제나 구제방법도 알려져 있다. 기상요인에 의한 피해통계의 작성과 재해발생예보체계의 확립 및 보상제도를 도입하여 농업을 근대산업형태로 체질개선하는 정책적 뒷받침이 시급히 요구된다. 가지고 있음이 확인됐다. 7. 참깨 품종중에는 주당삭수 150개이상인 구례와 재래종 12003가 조사되었으며 삭당입수 75입이상인 해남, 우강품종, 등숙비율에서도 90%이상인 품종 수원 8호, 청송등이 있었다. 8. 참깨는 품종에 따라 만파적응력이 다르므로 맥후작재배용 품종육성은 반드시 맥후작 재배조건에 맞추어 별도의 육종계획으로 실시하는 것이 효과적이다.. 현재 품종들의 탈립성 분류기준으로 사용되고 있는 평균인장강도는 그 분산이 변이가 크고, 환경의 영향을 많이 받으며 이삭의 곡립들 중 수확작업시 실제로 탈립이 잘 되는 곡립은 인장강도가 98g이하이었으므로 품종의 탈립성 판정 및 포장손실의 추정을 위해서는 표본중 인장강도가 100g 이하인 곡립들의 전곡립수에 대한 비율을 기준으로 할 것을 제의한다. 6. MET계통은 생장속도가 수원 19호보다 훨씬 늦었으며 개화기도 2~3주나 늦었다. 7. 흑조위축병 : 수원 19호와 같이 MET계통도 흑조위축병에 대해 이병성이었다. 이병성은 늦게 파종하거나 밀식할수록 높아지는 경향이 있었다..7g로서 가장 무거워 많은 차이를 보이었다. 10a당 정조중은 대조구에 비하여 Dolomite처리구가 8.6%, 유황첨가구가 5.7~7.4% 증수되었음을 보이었다. 7. 식물체중의 조단백질 함량은 대조구, 5%, 10% 유황첨가구가 3.31~3.50%로서 비슷하였고 15% 유황첨가구는 3.94%, Dolomite첨가구는 5.38%였다. 아미노산도 15%유황첨가구와 Dolomite첨가구가 많이 함유되어 있었다. 현미중 조단백질은 15%유황첨가구가 10.14%로서 최고이었으며 10%유황첨가구와 Dolomite첨가구는 9.85%로서 다음이었다. 아미노산도 대조구의 현미에는 유황처리구보다 작았으며 유황처리구에서는 특히 Glutamic acid와 Lysine이 함유되여 있었다.ligraphy patterns were
Yield loss of wheat and barley due to meteorological constraints has been analyzed in order to get the basic information, which will lead to the counter-measures for dissemination of agricultural technology and administration. These meteorological damages were analyzed on the results of percentage yield loss and mechanism of damage and the aspects of constraints were explained. The annual yield loss of wheat and barley were 21.7% by meteorological stress: Cold damage, 5.9% ; excessive soil moisture, 5.6% ; lodging, 2.9% ; drought, 3.0% ; disease, 4.3% etc. Those damages by the stresses mentioned above and rain damage were analyzed in relation to the growth stages and the degrees of damage. The predispositions and the growth of wheat and barley to those meteorological stress are also discussed. Varietal resistances of wheat and barley to those stresses were indexed and the physiological and morphological characteristics of these resistant cultivars are described. Cultural practices to minimize the damages were also reviewed.
In fact, rice cultivation technique from 1962 to 1970 was very slight, but this technique from 1970 to now was remarkably developed in Korea, it was due to development of high fretilizer responsive and lodging resistant variety, Tongil; ie. Ind. ~times Japonica remote-cross rice variety. The main factors of this development is as follow: Firstly the most farmer (more than 90%) used newly developed seedling growth method; polyethylene film covered protected nursery bed. Secondly date of transplanting (middle or late part. of May) was earlier 10-15days than before 1970. Thirdly new varieties were highly lodging resistant at high fertilizer level (N-P2O5-K2O:15-9-11 kg/l0a) . However, this level is 50% increased one than it for Japonica varieties. At forth planting density increased up to 75-80 hills per 3.3m2 . Added to these factors, farm labor shortage and wage increase due to economic development gave a chance for introduction of transplanting machine to farmer in 1977. It's use increased for 100, 800 ha in 1981. The most of farmers are using herbicides and weed control system dependoing on wood composition has been established and disseminated to farmer.
Average yield of wheat and barley cultivars has been increased 3 percent every year by varietal improvement. The major characteristic changes of those improved cultivars were the early maturing and lodging resistance using dwarf genes, 70-90cm of culm length appearances, under the heavy fertilizer application. Looking back the cultural practices of wheat and barley for the last 20 years, the introduction of early maturing and lodging resistance cultivars around 1970 brought the changes of seeding rate from 65kg to 130- 200kg per hector and the tillering increased by heavy fertilizer. The utilization of livestock and man power for preparation of seedbed were gradually disappeared by increasing agricultural mechanization. The narrow-spaced seeding (40cm ~times l8cm) and drill seeding (20cm ~times 5cm) in upland, broadcasting or drilling on high ridge (120cm ~times 90cm) with the power-toller and whole area broadcasting in paddy field were improved as the main cultural method. The use of agricultural machineries reduced the labour consumption of 940 man hours to 180 man hours per hector from seeding to harvest.
Since 1962, varietal development and dissemination for summer upland crops have been actively initiated by the Crop Experiment Station, Office of Rural Development, Suweon, Korea. The major breeding objectives of soybeans have been to develop varieties which are early maturing, disease resistant, and adaptable to late planting for after-barley cropping. Development of eleven new soybean varieties including Hwangkeumkong, Jangyeobkong, Danyeobkong, and Kwangkyo has greatly increased the soybean yield throughout country. For com, after development of Hwangok #2, a synthetic, in early 1960's, nine corn hybrids-single crosses, double-crosses, and three-way crosses-such as Jecheon-ok, Hoengseong-ok, Kwangok, Suweon #19, etc., have been disseminated mainly to Kangweon province, a major corn producing area in Korea, and drew up the yield over 4 tons per hectare. The major breeding objectives of sweet potato have been to develop varieties which have high starch content and root yield. Hwangmi, Hongmi, and Shinmi are three sweet potato varieties developed and disseminated by the Crop Experiment Station, Office of Rural Development and are grown most widely in Korea. Most of researches on cultural practices of upland crops have begun on a full scale from early 1960's. In soybeans, for example, no fertilizer but for barley was applied although the effects of phosphate and potassium fertilizers were great on soybeans in after-barley soybean croppings. The effects of heavy application of phosphate and calcium fertilizers on soybeans in newly reclaimed soils were recognized. Recently a mixed fertilizer for soybean (N; 40, P:70, K:60 kg/㏊) was developed and sold for soybean growers. The optimum planting densities of 220, 000 plants/ha in full-season cropping and 330, 000 pts/ha in after-barley cropping of soybeans were known from repeated experiments. For higher yield, a means of cultural practices such as transplanting-pinching, direct planting-pinching, and hilling-up, etc., were developed along with barley-stubble planting with no tillage and integrated herbicide application for labour savings. For sweet potato, cultural practices for planting date, harvesting date, fertilizer, and planting density were fully established. For early marketing, a technique of vinyl-mulching on sweet potato has also fully developed. For com, planting density of 37, 000 pts/ha in early 1960's has been changed to 55, 000 pts/ha for grain production and 67, 000 pts/ha for silage. The amounts of fertilizers have also been changed from 120-120-120kg/ha (N-P-K) in early 1960s to 180-150-150 kg/ha. These increases in number of plants per unit area and fertilizer levels have resulted in greater production for both grain and silage. At the same time, the production techniques of F1 seeds have also improved.
Researches on industrial crops in Korea before 1962 were concentrated on fiber crops such as cotton, kenaf, hemp, ramie and flax. Then research works on oil crops, sugar crops and other high income crops were followed. However, no land is shared for the production of kenaf, flax, sugar beet, sweet sorghum and sunflower at present in Korea, while the cultivation of cotton, hemp, ramie and mat rush is decreasing continuously to the marginal point. At present researches are emphasized on oil crops such as seasame, peanut and perilla and high income medicinal herbs of which cultivating acreages are increasing. Numerous varieties were released as a result of active breeding works on industrial crops since 1962, i.e. 3 sesame varieties including "Suweon 21", 3 peanut varieties including "Seoduntangkong", and 6 rape varieties including "Yudal" in oil crops, one cotton variety "Mokpo 7", one hemp variety "MS4-1", and one kenaf variety "Suweon 2" in fiber crops, and two stevia varieties "Suweon 2" and "Suweon II" in sugar crops. Quality improvement of rape seeds and development of hybrid rapes utilizing male sterile lines are the most significant results of breeding works, while the establishment of vinyl mulching cultivation of sesame and peanut are the most successful results in agronomic researches during the last 20 the most successful results in agronomic researches during the last 20 years.