
한국작물학회지 KCI 등재 Korean Journal of Crop Science

이 간행물 논문 검색


제23권 3호 (1978년 12월) 10

1978.12 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
Some of the remarkable accomplishments mentioned in the special lecture recalling 38 years of my research on the development of herbicides can be summarized as follows; 1) The physiology, movement in the soil, and decomposition and/or inactivation of the phenoxy and other herbicides by the invention of the Raphanus test were elucidated. And these findings led to the establishment of the theory of herbicidal treatment layer with the result of the origination of the application of PCP in flooded lowland paddy, which opened new era of soil application of herbicides in lowland paddy. 2) The granulation of herbicides for lowland paddy including PCP urea was developed. 3) The fact that propanil has generic selectivity in gramineae was found. And propanil was distributed in rice growing regions of the world. In addition, satanil for upland and propanil/NAC for flooded lowland paddy, propanil mixtures, were developed. 4) 15 kinds of new herbicides derived from plant hormones developed in my laboratory were develop ed, and the research trends in the future were presented.
1978.12 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
Since 1970, herbicides have been widely used in the crop production, especially in paddy field in Korea. In 1978, both preemergence and postemergence type herbicides are applied in the approximately 70% of total paddy field and 15% of upland to control weeds. Most herbicides control annual weeds effectively, but perennials have been problems in the paddy field. Under upland conditions, effectiveness of herbicides varies depending on many environmental conditions (soil moisture, soil physical properties, temperature, etc.) as well as uniform application of appropriate amounts of herbicides. In Korea, many research works have been concentrated on the screening of new herbicides in terms of herbicide effectiveness and yield or phytotoxicity of crops, and especially on the paddy field. However, physiological aspects of herbicidal action in plant and interaction of herbicides with the environments have not been studied approximately. Therefore, researches on the uptake of herbicides and the influence of herbicides on the physiological phenomena such as photosynthesis, respiration, nutrient uptake etc., to control troublesome perennial weeds in the paddy field are needed in future. Also some researches are needed to improve effectiveness of herbicirdes under upland conditions.
1978.12 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
The agriculture in Korea has been gradually changed from a labor-intensive type to a labor-saving one which aims to maximize productivity of labor. Herbicides have been utilized in rice farming since 1955. The consumption of herbicides rapidly increased during the last decade. However, the technology of weed control with herbicides has not been developed yet. For the dissemination of efficient weed control methods in farming, both research and extension activities on herbicide utilization should be strengthened. Appropriate research and guidance units on weed control should be established as early as possible, in order to provide the necessary technical information.
1978.12 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
Recently consumption of agrochemicals rapidly increased with the demand for higher crop productivity. With this trend the role of government control over the field efficiency and safety aspects of pesticide use became more important. The government reformed the pesticides approval and management scheme in 1977. The new act became effective from April 1 1978. This paper introduces the contents of new act and the methods of herbicide registration trial
1978.12 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
Use of herbicides in Korean agriculture has increased rapidly in recent years accompanying with ever-increasing pressure of farm labor shortage. Herbicides occupied already the second place in the rank of pesticides consumption in 1977. The agricultural experiment stations have carried out over 50 trials of chemical weed control each year since 1968. These research works and registration trials contributed much to the present wide use of herbicides. The pesticide management act amended in 1977 requires reevaluation of pesticides for their efficacy every 5 year-term. However, the development of sound weed control program and recommendations has been hempered very much by the lack of qualified workers of weed control research in agricultural experiment stations and in the institute for pesticide registration trial. Critical review of the past research works on herbicide evaluation and the present status indicates strong need for 1) the characterization of the nature of local and national weed problem, 2) the improvement of ability of the staffs in charge of weed control research through appropriate training on the basics and experimental techniques, and 3) organization and activities of weed control research committee. Furthermore, the present article attempts to clarify commonly misled points in the establishment of herbicide evaluation plan, in the design and execution of field trials, and in the assessment of trial results of the past works from the viewpoint of the basic principles with some case studies for resolution of specific enigmas
1978.12 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
In order to secure the proper use of herbicides that are frequently used in Korea, the behavior of herbicides in various type of soil were studied. This study includes the variation of phytotoxicity, leaching and movement, and residual activity period of herbicides depending upon the type of soil etc. Experiments were also conducted to establish a guideline for the selection of herbicides according to the type of soil and the proper use of each herbicide in various type of soil in Korea. Experimental results showed that the behavior of herbicides could be characterized based on the series or kind of herbicides and devided into two major groups. One group (nitrofen. CNP, benthiocarb and butachlor) of herbicides showed relatively little crop injury and was very dependable. The action of this group was not remarkably influenced by soil components, rainfall and the quantity of herbicide used with the type of soil that had small adsorption capacity such as most of soil in Korea. The other group(simazine, 2, 4-D. linuron, alachlor and simetryne) showed a wide variation in it's action and retained potentially injurious effect. This group was very susceptable to using condition as well as the type of soil itself. Based on the results of various experiments the disappearance of the residual activity period of major herbicides used in upland and paddy field and the related factors were explained. It is believed that the results of this study can be used as a base for the establishment of a guideline for the proper use of each herbicide and can suggest a direction of developing new herbicides.
1978.12 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
수도작에서 잡초방제는 필수적인 바 유초방제체계는 재배적으로는 잡초의 초종과 발생량 및 온도등 변동요인에 의하여, 경영적으로는 노임단가와 곡치 등에 의하여 영향을 받는 바 1950연대 이전에는 인력에 의하여 철저히 방제하여 왔으나 1960연대에는 농업노동역이 감소하 농작업의 성력화가 필요하게 되고 이에 따라 인력제초는 줄고 제초제사용이 늘고 노동생산성향상과 수도수량유지에 많은 공헌을 하였으며 1970연대에는 제초제가 잡초방제수단의 주종을 이루게 되었다. 그러나 현재 제초체계로는 우점초종의 천이와 생태계에 여러가지 영향을 줌으로서 환경보전약인 견지에서도 문제가 되므로 장차에는 다년생잡초에도 유효하고 치묘 또는 모든 수도품종에도 안전한 제초제를 중심으로하고 여기에 생태적, 기계적 및 생물적방제법을 가미한 잡초의 종합적방제체계로의 발전이 바람직스러우며 이를 위하여 방제대상잡초의 생리생태와 제초제작용성 등의 상호관련성구명이 필요시된다.
1978.12 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
Upland weed control in Korea has been in dilema with the radical problems prior to weed problems, as it were, poor farming conditions, low yielding, no farmers concern, lack of political cares, and low returns for farming, etc. In these respects, the study was intended to collect all concerns to upland farming conditions and to array all research informations contributed upon Korea upland weeding, and at last interpreted its problems in order of importance. Especially expecting the reasonable and common use herbicides upon the most uplands in Korea, the crop compatibility and weeding efficacy by the most herbicides upon each crops were investigated from the experiment results. Among other interpretations of research results, the most important and first of all acceptance was for the direction and methods of weed research to be rationalized. And that weeding programs in level of upland farmers should be cautionsely and gradually propagated was interpreted to be accepted. Also, for the reasonable development of upland weeding situation in near future, the integrated promotion of upland farming rationalization is suggested by schematic explanations.
1978.12 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
Cultural practices favoring the crops are one of the excellent weed control measures in upland crops. The primary cultural method for weed-management may include planting of weed-competitive cultivars, proper planting time and spacing, optimum rate and placement of fertilizer, crop rotation, mulching, and timely tillage. However, cultural method must be applied as a part of the program along with all other available means for controlling weeds since this method alone is not adequate. The efficient and economical weed control can only be achieved by combinating cultural, mechanical method that supplement each other into a weed management system. Intelligent selection of weed control, however, presuppose knowledge of the life history and growth requirements of the weed and its interaction with the environment.
1978.12 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
Researches on weed control in vegetable and fruits are reviewed in the aspects of technical dissemination of research results and problems to be solved for the establishment of integrated weed control measures. The future researches in relation to the possible changes of cultivation pattern in horticultural crops are also discussed. The current situation of weed control in horticulture in general is classed as a primitive stage comparing to other food crops and is well behind of other advanced countries. It is strongly suggested that only steady and extensive researches in this field will produce a significant contribution to the minimization of labor cost in horticultural crop production.