A Study on the Water Relation Characteristics of the Soybean Shoots through the Pressure Chamber Technique
Pressure chamber(DIC-PC-40형) technique에 의한 대두재배품종 Williams와 금강대립의 경엽에 대한 수분특성의 결과는 다음과 같다. 1. 최대포수시의 삼투압(~Pip) 은 Williams 9.0bar, 금강대립은 10.4bar였다. 3. 초기원형질분리점에서의 상대함수율(PWC*)4 은 금강대립이 86.0%, Williams가 92.6%였다. 4. 삼투수의 총량에 대한 원형질분리점에서의 침출량비(Vp/Vo) 는 Williams가 94.0%, 금강대립이 83.4%였다. 5. 최대함수량에 대한 삼투수의 총량의 비(Vp/w5) 는 금강대립이 84.3%, Williams가 77.5%였다. 7. 탄성계수는 금강대립이 1.6105bar 이었으며 Williams는 8.5 102bar로 현저한 차이를 보였다.
The water relations parameters such as original osmotic pressure (~Pi0) , osmotic pressure (~Pip) , at the incipient plasmolysis, the volume of osmotic water (Vo) at the full turgor, the relative water content (RWC*) at the incipient plasmolysis, the volume of osmotic water(Vp) at the incipient plasmolysis, the volume of symplasmic and apoplastic water(ws) at the maximum turgor, VpVo, ~; VoWs, ~; WsDw, ~; VoFw and the elastic modulus were measured through the pressure chamber (DIK-PC-40 Model) technique with the Williams and Geumgangdaerip soybean cultivar shoots. The original osmotic pressure(~P i0 ), of the both cultivars shoots were appeared insignificant differences as 8.1 bar and 7.8 bar respectively. The osmotic pressure(~pi p ) at the incipient plasmolysis was 9.0 bar in Williams and 10.4 bar in Geumgangdaerip. The relative water content(RW C* ) at the incipient plasmolysis was 86.0 per cent in Geumgangdaerip and 92.6 per cent in Williams. The ratio of volume of osmotic water( Vp ) at the incipient plasmolysis to total symplasmic water(Vo) , i.e., Vp/Vo was 83.4 per cent in Geumgangdaerip and 90.4 per cent in Williams. The elastic modulus of Geumgangdaerip shoots showed higher value than Williams(8.5 ~times 102bar) as 1.6 ~times105 bar.r.