벼 기계이앙을 위한 어린모 육묘에서 종자 소독시 Metalaxy과 살충제를 혼합하여 소독ㆍ침종할 때 묘생육, 맺트형성, 입길병 및 뜸묘 발생에 미치는 효과를 조사하였던 바 다음과 같은 결과를 얻었다. 1. Metalaxyl(25% 수화제, 1,000배석)+Prochloraz 종자침종처리는 무처리 (Prochloraz)에 비하여 근수가 많고 근장이 현저히 길어져서 어린모의 맷트형성이 아주 양호하였다. 2. Metalaxyl 종자침종처리는 어린모의 근활력을 높여서 뿌리생장을 왕성하게 하고 지상부의 생리적 활력을 증대시키므로서 입길병과 뜸묘의 발생을 방지하였다. 3. 종자소독제인 Prochloraz와 Metalaxyl 및 살충제를 혼합하여 종자를 소독ㆍ침종하더라도 어린모의 맷트형성이 촉진되었고 입묘병과 뜸묘 발생을 방지하였으며, 묘생육도 양호하였다 4. Metalaxyl 종자침종처리는 무처리에 비하여 뿌리생장을 현저히 촉진시키므로서 어린모맷트의 경도(2.5배)와 장력(1.5배)이 크게 증가되었다.
The root-mat formation of infant rice seedlings (8- to 10-day-old) is sometime not enough for machine transplanting because of the too-short nursery period. This experiment was conducted to elucidate the effect of metalaxyl seed-soaking treatment in the mixed solution of metalaxyl, seed disinfectant and insectcides on the root-mat formation of infant rice seedling in machine transplanting. The rice seeds of Odaebyeo were soaked in the mixed solution of metalaxyl, prochloraz and insectcides. with the recommended concentrations for 24 hours at room temperature. Seeding rate was 220g per seed tray (30 x 60 x 3cm). Metalaxyl (25% wettable powder), a fungicide. was used in 1. 000 times dilution as a promoting substance on the root-mat formation. Generally, the metalaxyl-treated seeds markedly increased the root number and length, and rooting activity of infant rice seedlings as compared with the control, thus the root-mat formation was excellent. When the rice seeds were sterilized by the mixed solution of prochloraz and insectcides, metalaxyl could be used together for increasing root-mat rormation of infant rice seedlIngs due to no interaction among agro-chemicals used. Seedling damping-off and physiological seedling rot were also controled in the seedlings of metalaxy-treated seeds. The root-mat of metalxyl-treated seeds had higher hardness and tension than control in terms of physical properties.