Effects of Plant Growth Regulators on Growth of Rice Seedling for Machine Transplanting
벼 기계이앙 어린모 육묘시 생장조절제가 묘의 초장신장 촉진에 미치는 효과를 구명하기 위하여 화성벼를 공시하고 6가지의 생장조절제를 사용하여 종자침종 효과와 6가지의 생장조절제를 사용하여 종자침종 효과와 묘 생장을 조사하여 다음과 같은 결과를 얻었다. 1. Gibberellin과 Metalaxyl은 어린모의 초장신장을 촉진시켰으며, Tetracycle은 초장을 억제하였다. 2. Gibberellin의 엽면분무처리가 종자침종처리보다 어린모의 초장신장에 더 효과적이었다. 3. 어린모의 초장신장 촉진을 위한 Gibberellin의 엽면분무처리의 적정농도는 약 10ppm이었다. 4. Gibberellin의 엽면분무의 적정처리시기는 파종후 3~4일 이었다.
The infant seedling of rice(8-to 10-day-old) has often suffered from submergence just after transplanting due to the too short seedling height, 5 to 8cm, This experiment was conducted to elucidate the effect of gibberellic acid(GA3 : 25% soluble liquid) with the application methods of foliar spray and seed-soaking on the elongation of seedling height of infant rice seedling in machine transplanting, We used a japonica rice variety, Hwaseongbyeo, and the seeding rate was 200g per seed tray(30~times 60~times 3cm). Generally,GA3 and Metalaxyl increased the elongation of seedling height of infant seedling while Tetracycle decreased the seedling height, To increase the seedling height of infant seedling, the foliar spary application of GA3 was better than seed-soaking treatment. The optimum concentration of GA3 for the foliar spray was about l0ppm and the optimum application time of GA3 was 3 to 4 days after sowing.