Characteristics of Haploid Plants Derived from Interspecific Cross between Cytoplasmic Male-sterile Tobacco F₁(Nicotiana tabacum) and Nicotiana africana
연초(N. tabacum L.)의 세포질 웅성불임 F1 식물체와 N. africana의 종간교배에 의한 웅성불임 반수체식물의 육성 및 특성을 조사한 결과는 다음과 같다. 1. (CMS NC82 burley 21) F1 과 N. africana의 종간교배에 의한 세포질 웅성불임 반수체 식물의 출현빈도는 삭당 0.5주로 나타났다. 2. 종간교배으로 얻은 웅성불임 반수체식물 중 잎과 줄기의 색이 green(황색종)과 yellow(버어리종)의 분리비는 3 : 1로 나타났다. 3. 반수체 식물 중 잎과 줄기의 색이 yellow(버어리종 type)인 개체에 TMV저항성을 검정한 결과 저항성과 이병성의 비는 1 : 1로 나타났다. 4. (CMS MC82 Burley 21)F1 과 N. africana의 종간교배으로 세포질 웅성불임 isogenic Burley 21 반수체 식물의 육성이 가능하였고 이 반수체 식물의 염색체를 배가함으로써 여교배육종법에 비하여 조기에 세포질 웅성불임 Burley 21을 육성할 수 있을 것으로 생각된다.
This study was conducted to investigate the utility and agronomic characteristics and use of cytoplasmic. male-sterile (CMS) haploid plants derived from interspecific cross between (male-sterile NC82~times burley21) F1 plant (Nicotiana tabacum L.) and Nicotiana africana. Abundant seeds of high germinability were obtained when Nicotiana tabacum (cytoplasmic male-sterile F1 plants) is pollinated by Nicotiana africana. Most of seedlings died at the cotyledonary stage. The remaining seedlings are viable F1 hybrids or maternal haploids that can be easily distinguished. Number of interspecific Fl hybrids and matermal haploids per capsule obtained from the interspecific cross between cytoplasmic male-sterile tobacco F1 plants and N.africana yielded 2.2 and 0.5 plants, respectively. Out of 149 CMS haploid plants obtained from interspecific cross, 102 plants showed green type while the others were yellow type for leaf and stem. This results agreed with the genetic ratios expected among haploid plants from the F1 hybrids heterozygous for two recessive genes of yellow color of burley tobacco plant. Out of 83 CMS haploid plants inoculated with TMV, 48 plants showed resistant, while the others was susceptible. It agreed with the expected genetic ratios for a single dominant gene of TMV resistance. CMS haploid plant will be useful as a source material for breeding of CMS doubled haploid lines