Identification of Quantitative Trait Loci for Resistance to Soybean Cyst Nematode Race 5
콩 품종 Essex와 PI 437654간 교잡 후 F2 유래 F3 계통들을 재료로 하여 작성된 RAPD 유전자지도상에 cyst 선충 race 5에 대한 저항성 QTLs 분석을 실시한 바 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1. 회귀분석 결과 26개의 marker들(22 RAPD, 4 RFLP)에서 cyst 선충 race 5 저항성 반응에 대한 유의성이 인정되었다. 2. MAPMAKER /QTL 분석 결과2개의 저항성 QTL들이 탐색되었는데, 이 QTL들은 2개의 linkage groups(LGC-20와 Group 2)에 위치하였다. 3. 탐색된 2개의 QTL들 중 1개는 우성유전, ?고 나머지 하나는 열성유전양상을 나타내었다. 4. 콩 cyst 선충 race 5의 저항성에 대한 유의성이 인정되는 5개의 marker들간 상호작용을 알아보기 위한 다중회귀분석 결과 총 26개의 조합들 중 4개의 marker들(E023 , G101 , W03, pK418C)로 구성된 조합에서 가장 높은 표리적 변이의 값(35.2%)을 나타내었다.
The objectives of this study were; (1) to identify and localize QTLs for resistance to soybean cyst nematode(SCN) race 5 on RAPD map, (2) to idntify the magnitude and mode of inheritance for each QTL, and (3) to identify the best combinations of QTLs for resistance to SCN race 5. Based on the univariate regression analysis, we detected 26 markers(22 RAPD and 4 RFLP) which showed significant association(P<0.05) with resistance to SCN race 5. From MAPMAKER /QTL analysis, we identified two regions (LGC-20 and Group 2) for resistance to SCN race 5. The QTL that was localized at 8.0 cM from pK418C on LGC-20 showed a recessive mode of inheritance and the QTL that was localized between W03 and E023 on Group 2 showed a dominant mode of inheritance. Two pairs of flanking markers (E023 and W03, pK418C and pK418E1 ) and one unlinked RAPD marker, G101 were used for multiple regression analysis. Marker combination which was composed of 4 markers, E023 , G101 , W03, and pK418E1 , explained the highest amount of phenotypic variation by SCN (35.2%). Further research for the identification of QTLs for resistance to SCN race 5 to explain larger portion of phenotypic variation is needed.