To evaluate the efficiency of anther floating culture according to the maturing group, the varietal difference and classification of fifty varieties was conducted in N6 liquid medium containing 1mg l-1 NAA, 0.25 mg l-1 kinetin. The efficiency of callus induction was widely ranged from 0 to 113.4%, but the mean callus induction was not significantly different among maturing groups. The efficiency of anther floating culture showed the highest variation in early-maturing group among three maturing groups. The varieties with the best callus induction were Sambaegbyeo and Jinbuolbyeo, while the recalcitrant variety was Obongbyeo in early-maturing group. The efficiency of plant regeneration showed the highest trends in late-maturing group among three maturing groups. The fifty varieties were classified into three groups (distance=0.78) by cluster analysis based on the callus formation and plant regeneration. Group including only two varieties, Shinunbongbyeo and Sambaegbyeo had the excellent androgenic efficiency, and the medium efficiency of Group was included thirty-six varieties. Whereas twelve varieties, including three Tongil varieties were fell into the bad efficiency of Group. Especially, Tongil varieties containing Japonica rice, Obongbyeo were the recalcitrant genotypes for the anther floating culture.