본 시험은 찰벼의 수량제한요인을 알아내기 위하여 찰. 메근동질유전자 계통인 화청찰벼와 와청벼를 공시하여 공급부위(잎)와 수용부위(영화)의 조절이 등숙에 미치는 영향을 구명함으로써 찰벼의 수량증대를 위한 기초자료를 얻고자 수행하였으며, 그 결과는 다음과 같다. 1. 이삭당 총립중과 편균립중의 감소경향은 두 품종 모두 차엽처리구 < 지엽처리구 < 상위 1, 3엽처리구 < 상위 1,2엽처리구 < 상위 1, 2, 3엽처리구 순이었다. 상위 1, 2, 3엽 제거에 의한 총립중과 평균립중의 감소율은 화청찰벼에 비하여 화청벼에서 컸다. 2. 화청벼와 화청찰벼 모두 전엽처리에 의한 고밀도립비율과 등숙율이 2차지경보다 1차지경에서 높았다. 3. 화청벼와 화청찰벼 모두 영화의 절제처리에 의하여 이삭당 총립수와 총립중이 대조구에 비하여 감소한 반면 평균입중과 등숙율은 증가되었다. 대조구와 비교한 평균입중의 증가율은 1, 2차지경립 및 상. 하위지경립의 절제구 모두에서 화청찰벼가 화청벼보다 높았다. 4. 영화의 조절의 의하여 두 품종 모두 고밀도립비율과 등숙립비율이 증가되었으며 고밀도립비율은 화청찰벼가 화청벼에 비하여 높았던 반면에, 등숙립비율은 화청벼에서 높은 결과를 보였다.
Two cultivars which are glutinous (Hawcheongchalbyeo) and non-glutinous (Hawcheongbyeo) near isogenic line of rice, were used for this study. The objective of this experiment was to gain the basic information for increasing grain yield of waxy rice by means of source and sink size control. In both Hwacheongbyeo and Hawcheongchalbyeo, the trend of decrease in total and average spikelet weight was ranked as follows; removal of penultimate leaf< removal of flag leaf< removal of flag leaf and 3ya leaf from the top < removal of flag leaf and penultimate leaf < removal of flag leaf, penultimate leaf, and 3rd leaf from the top. The reduction yale of total and average spikelet weight per panicle of Hwacheongbyeo was higher than those of Hwacheongchalbyeo according to the removal of flag leaf, penultimate leaf, and 3rd leaf from the top. In both cultivars, high-density grain ratio and grain filling ratio of the primary branches were higher Hun those of the secondary branches by leaf clipping treatment. The spikelet number and total spikelet weight per pinicle in both Hwacheongbyeo and Hwacheongchalbyeo were decreased by removal of spikelets on branches compared with control, whereas average spikelet weight and grain filling ratio were increased. The increase rate of average spikelet weight of Hwacheongchalbyeo was much higher than that of Hwacheongbyeo by sink size control. High-density grain ratio by removal of spikelets on branches was higher in Hwacheongchalbyeo, but filled grain ratio was higher in Hwacheongbyeo.