웅어 Coilia nasus의 생식소중량지수(GSI), 비만도지수, 난소 발달, 군성숙도, 포란수를 2007년 1월부터 2007년 12월 까지 조직학적 관찰 및 형태 측정 분석에 의해 조사하였다. GSI와 비만도지수는 2월에 증가하기 시작하여 난소가 성숙해지는 6월에 최대에 이르며, 그 후 산란이 일어나는 7월에 급격히 감소하였다. 그러므로 GSI와 비만도지수의 월별 변화는 난소의 성숙 및 산란과 밀접한 관련을 갖는다. 암컷의 난소 발달 단계는 연속적인
The gonadosomatic index (GSI), fatness, ovarian development, first sexual maturity, and fecundity of the Korean anchovy Coilia nasus were investigated by histological observations and morphometric analysis from January to December, 2007. The GSI and fatness began to increase in February, and reached the maximum in June when the ovary was getting mature and spawning occurred. Thereafter these parametes rapidly decreased in July when spawning occurred. Therefore, monthly changes in the GSI and fatness were closely related to ovarian maturation and spawning. The duration of ovarian development in females can be classified into five successive stages: early growing stage (February to March), late growing stage (March to April), mature stage (May to June), ripe and spent stage (June to July), and recovery and resting stage (December to January). Maturation and spawning of this species occurred between June and July during the period of high seawater temperature-long day length. Percentages of first sexual maturity in female individuals were over 50% for fish ranging 24.1 to 27.0 cm in total length, and 100% for fish over 30.1 cm in total length. The number of total eggs and mature eggs in the absolute fecundity were increased with the increase of total length and body weight, respectively. The number of total eggs and mature eggs in relative fecundity were also proportional to total length, but rather these numbers decreased in the maximum body weight (126.0150.0 g).