태반은 성체줄기세포의 보고이다. 특히 양막상피세포는 배아줄기세포의 줄기세포 능력을 나타내는 세포 표면 표시자들을 그대로 발현하는 줄기세포로 알려져 있다. 하지만 상피세포를 실험실에서 지지세포 없이 대량 증식 배양하는 것은 상피세포가 가지고 있는 내인성 성격으로 인해 어렵다. 본 연구에서는 디티오트레이톨(Dithiothreitol; DTT)과 ROCK 저해제(Rho-associated kinase inhibitor)를 이용하여 양막상피세포를 분리하고 배양
Human placenta is abundant source of adult stem cells. Especially, amniotic epithelial cells have stem cell characteristics, expressing surface markers normally present on embryonic stem cells and germ cells. However, culturing and expanding amniotic epithelial cells in vitro without feeder cells are difficult due to endogenous characteristics of epithelial cells. In the present study, amniotic epithelial cells are isolated and proliferated in several passages by applying dithiothreitol and a Rho-associated kinase inhibitor in culture media. The cultured amniotic epithelial cells showed the epithelial and stem cell characteristics. In conclusion, human placenta-derived amniotic epithelial stem cells can be a major source of stem cells for medical treatment of various diseases without any controversial issues.